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| Friday, August 12, 2005
| Kristinn
Posted on 08/12/2005 1:00:46 PM PDT by kristinn
Edited on 08/12/2005 1:18:05 PM PDT by Admin Moderator.
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To: MizSterious
Yup. . you are right. . .his life must be awfully boring and unproductive if he acts so silly and childish. . .pitching a snit, smarmy and deliberately poking people just to get a rise out of them, on a thread he says he cares not a wit about.
What sad person he must be. . .doing what he can to get any attention. . .positive, negative attention, doesn't matter to a neglected I'm-not-the-center-of-the-universe child.
To: WhiteGuy
I just get the impression that a whole bunch of folks here are just a little obsessed. Yes, it's called the mainstream media. This protest hitchhiker is on the news every night and every media outlet is spreading her seditious lies. I'm not going to just lay down and let her get away with it.
posted on
08/12/2005 4:20:23 PM PDT
("A litany of complaints is not a plan." -- G.W. Bush, regarding Sen. Kerry's lack of vision)
To: spycatcher
She doesn't seem too upset here...
To: WhiteGuy
"You'd have to prove that one."
Google is your friend.
posted on
08/12/2005 4:21:02 PM PDT
(This is the Final Crusade. There are only 2 sides. Pick one.)
To: rang1995
To: pbrown
If it was Cindy that said she was unaware of her son joining. . .well. . .given her credibility right now, I'd doubt that statement.
To: conservativebabe
It's the photos along with the interview she gave where she commented favorably on the President and his compassion.
Together they essentially prove she was lying when she says she was in shocked and the President was a cad. If he treated her that badly, in shock or not, she would never had stood there and have her hand held by the President.
No way.
To: kristinn
I increased the size of the thumbnail by %1000000 then disgronified the image. You'll be suprised to see what I found when I looked at Cindy's dress.

posted on
08/12/2005 4:27:44 PM PDT
(The Media turn each tactical victory for insurgents into a strategic victory for terrorists.)
To: Gunrunner2
I thought moveon people hated this country and our military. They can't hold a candle to that creature.
posted on
08/12/2005 4:30:19 PM PDT
processing please hold
(Islam and Christianity do not mix ----9-11 taught us that)
To: conservativebabe
To: pbrown
Yeah. . .stunning revelation, isn't it.
To: Gunrunner2
Got it, AND be kissed on the cheek to boot.
To: saveliberty
Now that is a good question. What if he was not in good standing with her and now she is carrying on to punish someone else for the loss of her son -- twice.
Or WORSE, she is intentionally using her son's military service to intentionally disrespect it. She may have already considered him "dead" to her because he dared to go into the military so her using him like this does not affect her.
She is using her dead son like some sort of costume for her freakshow.
There are no pictures of them together because she started her own war with her own son.
To: CheneyChick
LOL me too...that term's pulled fom the Freeper archives...
posted on
08/12/2005 4:35:37 PM PDT
Rennes Templar
("The future ain't what it used to be".........Yogi Berra)
She is pissing on his grave and telling us it is her tears.
To: MNJohnnie
She's a willing tool of the left...bought and paid for. She is on the dime of their groups and gets media coverage through them.
posted on
08/12/2005 4:39:20 PM PDT
(I wish those on the Left would just do us all a favor and take themselves out of their misery.)
To: rang1995
I've tried wayback as well with these:*/**/*
I get no matches; it could be as you say that all user's webpages are blocked by robot exclusions
The wayback say they've got a lag of 6 to 12 month from the time the site is crawled and it's available, so it could still come, who knows...
posted on
08/12/2005 4:39:22 PM PDT
To: Excuse_My_Bellicosity
It's gotta be cached someplace.
To: MNJohnnie
"I have lost 1,846 brothers and sisters."
Lets pray it doesn't reach 2000. God knows who will come out of the woodwork.
posted on
08/12/2005 4:40:26 PM PDT
Rennes Templar
("The future ain't what it used to be".........Yogi Berra)
To: kristinn
Another terrific Freeper exclusive!
posted on
08/12/2005 4:45:14 PM PDT
(Carnac: A siren, a baby and a liberal. Answer: Name three things that whine.)
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