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Locked on 08/12/2005 1:40:20 PM PDT by Lead Moderator, reason:
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Posted on 08/11/2005 2:42:52 PM PDT by basil
Edited on 08/12/2005 1:39:23 PM PDT by Lead Moderator. [history]
Any one contacted the Protest Warriors out of Austin? If not, you might want to let them know about this rally.
Good grief! Do you think we might now get more than the 6 people attending that the DUmmies were predicting?
I would not pay attention to a bunch of bed wetters!
Good Luck, Basil! I hope all goes well.
I personally can guarantee at least that number in my party. (BTW, the car is full.)
Kudos from a New York Bush supporter!
I will be there in spirit, of course..have you contacted the Protest Warriors? I believe their headquarters is located in Texas.
She's got the money behind her now to have her show up at Support the Troops Rallys and put a negative spin on them all.
There is a field with a lake that is owned by the city. We have been assigned the north end of that field--(closest to the Fina station)
We will be at the intersection of East 4th and Chisolm Trail.
Remember, the law enforcement in Crawford will be very busy, and probably over-extended. Let's make this a very orderly Freep, if at all possible.
If someone can post a map to this location, I would appreciate it.
Ignore the little red thumbtack. On this map you can see Chisolm Tr. and 4th.
In any event, if you make it to that intersection, you'll be able to see us.
My boyfriend heard about the rally on Mike Gallagers radio show. Mike & friends are leaving this afternoon to head down there. My boyfriend thinks the rally is tonight. Can anyone tell me if the time has changed or if it's still going to happen on Saturday? We plan on coming!
It's still on for tomorrow at noon.
Bellstar, look through this thread for details.
I e-mailed that he better talk to the authorities, but got no reply.
I updated your thread with the info from post 149 and 150.
Thanks for the info... I wasn't sure what MG was up to and why he was going tonight instead of tomorrow. I'm going to try to convince him to go tomorrow. I've already started making signs.
Understand that Doctor Raoul of the Takoma Park Demmings is to be present. You're going to have some fun for sure with the Doctor of Freep present.
basil you take care now.
You keep at 'em! (BIG THUMBS UP)
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