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MA: Records show poor concrete in Big Dig
AP on Yahoo ^
| 8/11/05
| AP - Boston
Posted on 08/11/2005 9:24:52 AM PDT by NormsRevenge
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To: concrete is my business
the $30 is their take-home pay. Your costs will be far higher. You pay 2 different pensions, an annuity, health & welfare, It works out to about $80 per hour, and union rules say y
ou have to have 3 times as many people as necessary. Finishers will not place concrete. form carpenters will not place or finish concrete. I'm not sure, but i'll bet you have to pay another guy to use the edging & grooving tools.
On pump trucks, if it's pumping grout, you need one operator. if any aggregate is in the mix you need 2 operators.
posted on
08/11/2005 1:19:14 PM PDT
Fierce Allegiance
(This ain't your granddaddy's America)
To: Fierce Allegiance
Yeah I know about benefits. And finishers do not do carpentry here either. Also, we usually would not finish concrete we do not place, as poorly placed concrete is a b****! We subcontract to place and finish and for us the key to a good concrete job is in the placing. The price goes way up for those who want to help place.
Also NYC deals with a lot of peoples lives.One apartment building can hold thousands of people.I think the city has codes never found elsewhere and they milk the codes for all they can.
To: NormsRevenge
What a surprise from the State of corruption.
posted on
08/11/2005 2:07:49 PM PDT
To: Slump Tester
Gotta be those 4 and 5" pours.
posted on
08/11/2005 2:08:05 PM PDT
("Run Hillary Run" bumper stickers. Liberals place on rear bumper, conservatives put on front bumper)
To: Darkwolf377
OMG I forgot all about the Rose Kennedy Park, another total waste of time and money!!! Any Kennedy is a role model dontchaknow! Let's review, uncle teddy "splash" hiccup, joe and the illegal fireworks, michael and the babysitter, bobby's kids with drugs and alcohol, I'm shocked - shocked I tell ya that any Kennedy would be involved with drugs and alcohol! And the traffic is STILL backed up! The beat goes on.....
posted on
08/11/2005 3:27:42 PM PDT
(What do you like best about your life?)
To: rockabyebaby
Don't forget the guy Joe Kennedy, Sr. ruined by hiring an actress to pretend the guy raped her...she later came clean and showed up dead, AFTER the case went to trial. Not to mention what a fine role model Rose was, letting Joe bring his girlfriends to dinner while she sat mute about it.
The Kennedy's are scum who wave the bloody shirt whenever someone dares treat them as if the law applied to them.
posted on
08/11/2005 3:31:23 PM PDT
("The dumber people think you are, the more surprised they'll be when you kill them."-Wm. Clayton)
To: Darkwolf377
Big Joe, what a buffoon! What would we do without the Kennedys!! They have entertained us for years! Big Joe, little Joe, Big Bobby, little Bobby, it's endless!
posted on
08/11/2005 3:37:55 PM PDT
(What do you like best about your life?)
To: rockabyebaby
The Kennedys are the gift that keeps on giving. Like syphilis.
posted on
08/11/2005 3:41:01 PM PDT
("The dumber people think you are, the more surprised they'll be when you kill them."-Wm. Clayton)
To: NormsRevenge
There has always been corruption on highway projects in MA. All one has to do is drive in district 4 (north shore, Lawrence area to the NH border) and experience the condition of the roads. Rt.s 495, 95, and 93 in these areas have the worst road surfaces in the USA and it is because of out of spec material and improper application which must have been signed off by some engineering tech. inspector.
The double decker bridge over the Merrimack has been under reconstruction for about a generation and surfaces that have been repaired have been repaired again in the process. It is a disaster that has caused several deaths and countless accidents.
Since rt. 93 up to NH was designed using the same specs and built at the same time it can be used as a comparison tool to determine the different level of corruption in the original construction and subsequent maintenance. Since the volume of traffic is essentially the same over the first five miles of NH coming from MA it is also a fair comparison. NH is smooth and crowned, not rolling and sunken, it doesn't flood in rain, the expansion joints are sound and the surface is mostly free from exfoliating asphaltic concrete. In MA it is a mess. It has been this way since 1960 when it opened. Years ago a report was issued that the prime contractor skimped on the aggregate used in building up the base. If I remember, the base was to be several courses of aggregate about 50 inches thick but borings revealed that about half the amount was graded in and the rest was bank run material. I guess that is why they get frost heaves on an interstate highway and NH does not.
To: rockabyebaby
LMAO!!! These buffoons should have left it the way it was, things were much smoother then
You must be joking. The Big Dig may have been a colossal expense, but it's made traffic a million times better in most ways. It smoothed my commute from metrowest to just north of the city when before I never dreamed of taking the Central Artery. And if you can't follow signs at the airport, that's not Massachusetts' problem.
To: Darkwolf377
Lmao!!! Oh man, that was funny!!! AND TRUE!!
posted on
08/11/2005 4:23:16 PM PDT
(What do you like best about your life?)
To: HostileTerritory
Apparently you have not been to the airport since this fiasco big dig has been incorported, there was a time when the signs were backwards, state troopers were giving tickets to people left right and center because the SIGNS WERE BACKWARDS, this caused a major uproar, not MA fault you say? Try again.
posted on
08/11/2005 4:39:36 PM PDT
(What do you like best about your life?)
To: rockabyebaby
Yeah, that was stupid, but now the signs are facing the right way and we still have a much better road system at Logan with great access from the Pike.
To: NormsRevenge
They shoulda just rebuilt the frickin' freeways! Jeez...
To: Darkwolf377
I drove through yesterday at 2PM and the traffic was at an almost dead stop. It's amazing that after all this work, the damned thing is the same size as it used to be.I'm sorry to hear that. Public works projects are supposed to be improvements. So, if I'm ever in the area, is it good enough to bypass boston on I-95, or should I go way out and take I-495?
To: Rebelbase; NormsRevenge
"...nor was any concrete delivered to the site which failed to meet the strength specifications called for by the state," said attorney R. Robert Popeo." so how long did it sit in the hot sun, and how much water did they add before it was placed?
posted on
08/11/2005 6:30:18 PM PDT
Slump Tester
( What if I'm pregnant Teddy? Errr-ahh Calm down Mary Jo, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it)
To: Tolerance Sucks Rocks
I don't drive it enough to know which is better but I'll keep using I-95 to get a better idea of how it's working out.
posted on
08/11/2005 6:54:03 PM PDT
("The dumber people think you are, the more surprised they'll be when you kill them."-Wm. Clayton)
To: NormsRevenge
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