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Posted on 08/11/2005 6:23:20 AM PDT by basil
Edited on 08/12/2005 1:22:28 PM PDT by Lead Moderator. [history]
And I question the effort to bring more cameras to her three tent city. It's mostly just a lukewarm story on the internet and cable news, where most people already know what side of the divide their on. I'd prefer to just leave it there than to bump it up to the networks, where the undecided get their opinions from.
Again, I could be wrong. If people feel that this is the right thing to do, than they should proceed. Just airing my thoughts on it.
The cameras are already there. That's why Ms. Sheehan chose this location, because of all the bored, ticked off White House reporters camped out there. Might as well use those cameras for some good, because they're not going to simply ignore this shameful woman.
LOL. I could be a bit sheltered since I only watch FOX news. Haven't seen anything for several hours about her there. As I said, I hate to give the media more grist for their mill. On the other hand I hate to see her anti-Semitic hate spewed all over her son's memory. I honor his sacrifice. Maybe that would be the best approach to this. Honor her son with signs and not protest her views. Believe me, as a mother, I know that would get to her more than anything.
Like I said - your post gave me pause..
I was a pre-teen/early-teen during VietNam - I can clearly remember all the coverage "against" the war - and I really do not think there was a lot of support for our troops.
I understand your concern that this could turn into a PR nightmare and making a martyr of "the mother" - but at some point we have to make OUR voices heard. As you've pointed out "freeping" has become mainstream .. (at least with freeper's huh?). I think we learned something from the "hippies" of the past. A few years ago when Free Republic did their first "March for Justice" or whatever the name was my parents .. in their 70's attended. I remember my son (who was much younger then) exclaiming that they were "turning into hippies".. they pointed out that no they just wanted people to know that we have to stand for what is right. Well seeing more and more "protesters" against the war is making it apparent that we need to stand up for the support of our troops.. I don't want them coming home to the mess that the kids from VietNam did..
Thanks Coop.
You rock!
DUmmies, julialnyc
It's late here. I corrected my spelling.
The MSM will attempt to portray the rally that way. But it will fail.
This is asymetric warfare at it's most extreem. We fight using our military. And the terrorists fight using our media and irrational lefties. We lost a similar asymetric war in Vietnam. It's as important for us to oppose this publicly as it is important for our military to risk their lives.
The term "support the troops" isn't just some feel good thing. If we fail to do it, very publicly, then we will loose this war. It's that simple.
It wasn't about protesting her, it was about honoring our troops and supporting President Bush.
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It's not just feel-good for the troops. This is asymetric warfare.
I want to make this point again.
We lost in Vietnam because of the success of the asymetric war fought by the communists. All those protests were not some accident. Read David Horrowitz on the subject. Someone, somewhere, laundered the money that supported the left to protest the war enough that we "lost" it.
Today we have at least one name, Soros. I don't doubt for a minute that he's the money launderer for international entities that are fighting us in the same manner as Vietnam.
This lady is a useful idiot for our real enemies. Where is her support comming from for this protest, and the support for the people and publicists around her?
Freeping this lady is as important as sending soldiers to Fallujah. If we don't overwelm these folks, then we lose, and those who've died will have done so for nothing. Like the 58,000 dead in Vietnam.
Although I'm upset about the MINO I think we can be positive and support our troops. The more I think about it if we have a rally that doesn't even mention Cindy that would gig the left even more!
YES .... NO mention of her!!!!! It is ALL about our troops and our President!!!!!
Look forward to the After Action Report.
Those people are giving aid and comfort.
Time for Texans to satand tall.
People need to get over there no matter how few.
The Support the Troops Rally be be a success and DU can go back to Karl Rove.
Gad....look at their avatars. Sami al-Arian, a pentagram...real bunch of "average everyday folks" there. /sarc
Yes, they are fruitcakes!
" This lady is a useful idiot for our real enemies. Where is her support comming from for this protest, and the support for the people and publicists around her? "
Has Al Jazerra lauded Sadr Cindy , yet ? Has she been mentioned in a tape from Osama ? I fully expect both to happen at some point.
I wonder how she would react to a positive, respectful rally honoring her son's service and sacrifice ?
Someone has to do it .
From everything I have read about SPC Casey Sheehan, was a great kid who served honorably.
He deserves to be remembered for that .
His mother drags his memory down with her, when she behaves like a deranged homeless person camping at the side of the road, covered in mud, hurling obscenities at his Commander in Chief.
At best she is a whacko - at worst the paid useful idiot of moveon etc.
It's best to let the feds handle this. From what I gather, there's secret service and police searching tents all around the place, including health officials. Maybe the left has really gone nuts and threatened the president. They're real bozos down there.
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