Posted on 08/01/2005 5:58:57 PM PDT by Flavius
MOSCOW: Russia demanded a formal apology from Poland on Monday over the mugging of several children of Russian diplomats at the weekend, blaming Polish politicians for stirring anti-Russian sentiment. "The Russian side expects an official apology," the foreign ministry said after summoning Polands ambassador to Moscow, Stefan Meller. Following Sundays mugging in Warsaw of four teenagers, three of them from Russian embassy families, Moscow also demanded the culprits be punished and that security for diplomatic staff be guaranteed, a ministry statement said.
Moscow says that 15 young attackers shouted anti-Russian slogans while heavily beating the teenagers and stealing their money and mobile phones. Two of the victims lost teeth, according to the Russian foreign ministry. Meller told Echo Moscow radio that "as an ambassador and a Pole I can say I am very sad and that I ask forgiveness from the children."
He added that if a similar attack were to take place in Moscow against Polish children Russians would be saddened "but there would be no feeling that you are guilty." This was an attack by "skinheads against children, not Poles against Russians."
President Vladimir Putin said in televised comments that the incident was "an unfriendly act that can only be described as a crime." He ordered foreign ministry officials to "make contact with the Polish authorities to know what they are doing to react."
The foreign ministry statement said the attack "can not be seen as a simple accident. There is a clear link with the anti-Russian mood growing recently in Poland, including as a result of unfriendly statements by Polish politicians." "Responsibility for the current situation in bilateral relations lies with the Polish authorities."
Relations between Moscow and Warsaw have become tense in recent months due to disputes over the interpretation of the Soviet Unions role in Eastern Europe at the end of World War II, as well as over Polands support for Ukraines opposition in last years "orange revolution."
"Moscow says that 15 young attackers shouted anti-Russian slogans while heavily beating the teenagers and stealing their money and mobile phones. Two of the victims lost teeth"
Come on now, boys will be boys, it's just good clean fun.
I agree smells to high heaven.
And it smells like low-grade diesel fuel, the kind that T-90's run on.....
....Polish invaders at the border ...
hey, worked for the krauts!
Uh, did I miss the Russian apology to Poland for the 40 years of communist oppression and brutality?
Well if Polish childred have been brought up hating Russians it is unfortunate, but hardly surprising. There are consequences to overrunning nations and enslaving them for generations, and that includes prejudice. Have the Russians even returned the land they stole after WW2 when they redrew borders? I don't think so.
One feels for the kids, in any case.
I don't seem to remember Russia ever apologizing for this.
I would like to know what the Polish reaction is. If it actually happened, then the Polish ought to do something about it.
1)Poland essentially increased its territory after the end of WWII. 2) Poland doesn't have common border with Russia (except little enclave to the north, former German area). So, what do you mean?
I am sure you did. If it was uttered at all it was whispered. The Russians and the Japanese have a difficult time facing their brutal past.
"did I miss the Russian apology to Poland for the 40 years of communist oppression and brutality?"
Are you in your mind??? We saved Poland from fascists and finally gave this country some German territories! And polish army fighted together with Russians. Tell me Why American army was stopped near Paris while people were fighting on the streets??? Because Americans were waiting for when fascists kill Parisians and they can go to Paris. Because most of fighters were communists!
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