DNA tests?
Hummm? I recall someone saying that a pair of thong panties was found in that area as well.
Thong panties=DNA!
I also heard rumors that cigarette butts were found by the "empty grave," so they may be linking that scene up with the perps.
The more I think about it, duct tape could contain a treasure trove of DNA evidence. Someone on this thread mentioned that if the tape were torn with teeth, it would contain saliva (might have been you that said that). But actually anywhere the adhesive side of the tape comes into contact with skin, it would pick up traces of oil, hair, and flakes of dead skin.
Are you talking about the area where the duct tape was found? If so, as TexKat reminded me last night, the DNA samples were asked for on Thursday. The duct tape was found on Sunday. The suspects would not voluntarily provide the DNA samples so it took a court order to obtain them. That's why it wasn't done until yesterday.
The only way the DNA samples would be needed to compare to the duct tape/hair samples would be if someone knew ahead of time that the duct tape was out there.
I think the cigarette butts near the "gravesite" makes more sense, but don't know if that is the case.