Posted on 04/28/2005 1:50:28 PM PDT by polymuser
How the hell is it that kids are being sent too school to be taught about being gay? Last I understood, the point of sending a child too school is too learn to read, write, math, histroy etc. But of course, what the hell do I know, I'm just a dumb redneck. This is just unfrigginbelievable.
Parker refused to leave the school unless his requests were granted, says a press statement -- and then police were summoned, who informed the father he would be arrested if he did not leave the school. When he did not, school officials had Parker arrested for trespassing.
histroy =history (see I told ya I was a dumb redneck lol)
"I must stop typing in redneckese"........
:) Jeff
It seems that once a person enrolls a child in public school, the child eessentially becomes a ward of the state, especially in the more liberal states. Hand the child over at 5, get him back at 18 and wonder what the hell is wrong with him.
Here's the link to their "Diversity Bookbags" program. Gee, it just sounds like some fun, innocent activities for our beloved little children, doesn't it?
As stupid as teaching a kindergartener about homosexuality is, theres no requirement that state schools teach only lessons that are consistent with anyones beliefs. There are ways to handle this, and if all else fails, get him out.
"Parker refused to leave the school unless his requests were granted, says a press statement -- and then police were summoned, who informed the father he would be arrested if he did not leave the school. When he did not, school officials had Parker arrested for trespassing."
This articles title is misleading. He was arrested for trespassing, not for wanting to change the curriculum.
The Superindendant called the police while leading David Parker to believe that he would sign the agreement which had been faxed from the principals office. The police were waiting for him outside when he did leave the building.
The Superintendent is in violation of Article 71 Section 32A.
The e-mails between all parties are available on's web-site.
The title is misleading because Mass. requires schools allow parents to be able to opt out of sexual education materials.
Teaching homosexuality is sexually explicit material. The father is well within his rights as a father to require the school OBEY THE LAW.
The principle is wrong. ANY discussion of homosexuality to kindigardners IS EXPLICITY SEXUAL MATERIAL.
similar thread here:
...not that I am complaining...the more focus on this the better.
"Here's the link to their "Diversity Bookbags" program. Gee, it just sounds like some fun, innocent activities for our beloved little children, doesn't it?"
Thanks. Here's a link.
Sorry, I didn't see that A8 article or title. I searched the Agape Press title and didn't find a thread, so I posted that.
I wonder if they'll pull the "Diverstiy Bags" site after they get a bunch of visitors.
Its applicability is less than certain. As stupid as teaching kindergarteners to tolerate homosexual coupling is, it probably never touches on sex, just the couples. But I dont know for sure.
Diversity Bookbags: Kindergarten - Materials List and Family Activities.
Who's in a Family by Robert Skutch
Shows the various combinations of individuals that can make up a family, emphasizing the positive aspects of different family structures, including grand-parent headed, single-parent, adopted, gay-headed, and mother-father families. Uses examples from the animal kingdom to illustrate how family groupings can differ.
Isn't great the way they always disguise their teaching of homosexuality as normal by combining it with different family structures, such as single mother, grandparent, adoptive, and MOTHER-FATHER (that's my favorite). It's not normal.
No matter how many laws or how much brainwashing the gays try to do, YOU WILL ALWAYS BE GAY! You will be the butt of jokes, you will be laughed at, you will be called names - because children are not politically correct and they often know the difference between what is naturally right and naturally wrong. Guess which gay is?
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