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Rush Visits Set Of 24 ("Folks, it was a huge shock ... I had so much fun.") ^
| 4-19-05
| Rush Limbaugh
Posted on 04/19/2005 2:39:42 PM PDT by silent_jonny
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To: OXENinFLA; mystery-ak
posted on
04/19/2005 2:40:20 PM PDT
("We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately." -- Benjamin Franklin)
To: OXENinFLA; mystery-ak
Rush Limbaugh visits the set of "24".
They are all conservatives (he thinks). LOL
posted on
04/19/2005 2:43:17 PM PDT
(The Clintons have pardoned more terrorists than they ever killed or captured.)
To: silent_jonny
Rush is going Hollywood?
I read an article a long time ago (mid-90's) about Jerry Bruckheimer and Don Simpson, and I remember a quote from Don Simpson to the effect that a lot of honchos in Hollywood secretly listened to Rush and found him hilarious and entertaining.
posted on
04/19/2005 2:44:02 PM PDT
To: Darth Reagan
posted on
04/19/2005 2:45:12 PM PDT
(I love it when a plan comes together.)
To: marblehead17
posted on
04/19/2005 2:49:44 PM PDT
To: Peach
Last night's show certainly didn't paint "Amnesty Global" (aka Amnesty International) in a good light.
posted on
04/19/2005 2:51:56 PM PDT
Stellar Dendrite
(a PROUD member of the "Blame the MSM first" crowd!!!!!)
To: silent_jonny
This is a good show I would much rather have the dvd's without the commercials and all blended togeather. :D
posted on
04/19/2005 2:52:33 PM PDT
Echo Talon
To: Echo Talon
It's a great show, I agree :)
posted on
04/19/2005 3:00:46 PM PDT
("We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately." -- Benjamin Franklin)
To: Echo Talon
I am so addicted to seeing the show without commercial interruption on DVD. I've seen all the seasons that way. I rented the first two seasons, but when Season 3 came out, I bought the boxed set on a good deal on ebay, then turned around and sold it again on ebay to recoup some of the cost. That way, it ended up costing less than the rental price. Of course, if your rent a lot of DVD's (I don't) and are a Netflix junkie, you can do better than I do at the rental price.
They typically release the previous season in mid-December, so I plan on getting the boxed set to watch in between Christmas and New Years, when it seems that everything on TV is a rerun. We just settle in with some popcorn and have a "24 marathon."
To: Stellar Dendrite
Yeah, the theme of last night's show was basically that Amnesty's in bed with the terrorists. Loved it.
posted on
04/19/2005 3:07:02 PM PDT
July 4th
(A vacant lot cancelled out my vote for Bush.)
To: RedWhiteBlue
yeah I love 24, can you believe the wussy Vice President last night, damn those civil rights lawyers, just like Jack Bauer to find a way around even those losers.....
To: llama hunter
Yes, but from the previews it looks like they're going to make him pay for it.
To: llama hunter
I saw last night's episode. Jack Bauer found a way around a weak kneed President and an ACLU lawyer. It brought to mind my favorite quote:
"inter arma sint silent leges." Translated, "In time of war, the laws fall silent."
(Denny Crane: "Sometimes you can only look for answers from God and failing that... and Fox News".)
posted on
04/19/2005 3:11:06 PM PDT
(In Memory Of A Dearly Beloved Friend Who Lives On In My Heart Forever)
To: silent_jonny
Last nights episode made it clear they aren't hard core knee-jerk DUer sorts. But I find it hard to believe many actuall conservatives work on the show. I know Keifer is a major lefty.
Still cool they were able to be cool to Rush.
To: MattAMiller
I know Keifer is a major leftyI've never gotten that impression.
posted on
04/19/2005 3:17:00 PM PDT
("We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately." -- Benjamin Franklin)
To: MattAMiller
I know Keifer is a major lefty. So's Alan Dershowitz, but he's all for torture in the "ticking time-bomb" scenario too.
9/11 has shifted the lines, to some extent.
posted on
04/19/2005 3:17:41 PM PDT
(Ignorance should be painful.)
To: silent_jonny
What is with this conservative "obsession" with 24? Rush, Glenn Beck, Jeff Katz all have a thing for it. Now I have a better idea where the conservative fanbase comes from.
My husband and I never misses an episode. We were like Rush, we had missed out on the First season so when FX had a 24 marathon, we watched it all day from noon to midnight. We can't get enough of it now.
posted on
04/19/2005 3:20:45 PM PDT
(America is not free anymore, the judicial oligarchy rules. Want proof? Ask Terri Schindler!!!!!)
To: silent_jonny
Hmmm...does the story about "Joni" mean that Rush and Daryn Kagan are just friends now?
posted on
04/19/2005 3:24:20 PM PDT
L.N. Smithee
(Honestly - would anybody be surprised if it was revealed George Felos is a necrophiliac?)
To: llama hunter
No, I didn't see it. I'm just too impatient with all those cliffhangers. I wait until it comes out on DVD so that I can see it without commercials and I don't have to wait a week in between episodes.
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