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To: dervish

It smacks way too much of blaming members of a group for the bad actions of their group long in the past. If we carry this to its (il)logical conclusion, those who blame the Jews of today for killing Christ are correct.

It also means that even if they cease their aggressive activities today we'll keep brining up those of the past, which reduced their incentive to stop being aggressive.

We need a statute of limitations on racial/ethnic/religious blame. I propose the point when nobody in either group remains alive.

9 posted on 04/14/2005 10:02:00 AM PDT by Restorer
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To: Restorer

I suppose if Jews had a history of genocide against Christians continuing to the present day your blame for Christ's death would be appropriate. But even Christ's death was not a genocide or mass murder of another race or religion. You are failing to see the historical continuity of Arab culture, and as the old saw goes -- those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it.

"We need a statute of limitations on racial/ethnic/religious blame. I propose the point when nobody in either group remains alive."

So by the year 2010 or so Stalin's and Nazi crimes should be forgotten? I reject that under the statement above.

Further since those crimes continue today and IMO are part of a pattern that has not been abandoned, it would be foolish to ignore the past which bears striking resemblance to the present.

Islamists themselves look longingly back to the Seventh Century of their glory and domination. They believe their old tools of lying to deceive a trusting humane world (Takiyah) are valid and useful today. They are unwilling to forget the past but we blindly and foolishly should? No.

You sound like an apologist for their crimes. So what about their current actions, do you excuse them too?

10 posted on 04/14/2005 10:20:14 AM PDT by dervish (Let Europe pay for NATO)
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