Posted on 03/16/2005 1:25:24 PM PST by ConservativeMan55
He's talked about his "skeletons." many times. In fact, I think he wrote a whole book about his past. So technically, they're not skeletons if they're out of the closet. He had substance abuse problems. So has 50% of our elected officials. He's overcome it. Should that stop him from running for office?
The Virgin Islands-born FRASIER star says the much-criticised president has all of the makings of a good leader because of the way he presents himself.
He says of Bush, "I have met him several times. He's very comfortable in his own skin, and he looks you straight in the eye. These are things that are important to me in a president. I think he's doing a great job."
And Grammer is so impressed with Bush's efforts in leading the United States, he's even offered to help out.
He adds, "I once asked him if there was anything I could do to help him out. He said, 'No, no. Maybe we could go fishing one day.' You know what? Fishing sounds great to me."
I believe drugs is one.
Just don't give him keys to a Viper, :*)
My dream is that both Kelsey Grammer and Pat Sajak run for office in California.
He went into rehab and he is cured of his problems now.
Sajak is a great man, but honestly I did not care for his talk show on Fox.
Doesn't matter in CA.
And his wife has fake breasts!
He's a republican, but he is not conservative, he further left then Arnold.
Based on what evidence, Sonny?
Grammar has been conservative for quite some time, if I'm not mistaken, and his views have not always been appreciated by his leftist Hollyweird brethren. If he wants to serve America in an elected office, he ought to find himself a congressional district somewhere with a 'Rat incumbent waiting to be picked off. In a perfect universe, I'd LOVE to see him knock off Nancy 'The Plastic Mask' Pelosi, but that is probably too much to hope for.
On the other hand, he could always look into running for Governor of California, if Arnold decides that one term as Governor is enough. I suspect that Grammar's conservative credentials would trump Arnold's, at any rate.
Despite his newfound fame, Grammer's personal life was far from orderly; he was arrested in 1988 for drunk driving and possession of cocaine, and two years later divorced his first wife and spent a month in jail for failing to show up at arraignments and community service requirements. Cheers ended in 1993, and although Grammer's character was tabbed as the center of a spin-off, his private turmoil continued; he made allegations of assault against his second wife, whose failed suicide attempt in the wake of divorce threats resulted in the death of their unborn child. Tabloid fascination with Grammer's private life reached a crescendo during the mid-'90s; a taste for motorcycles that contrasted sharply with his stuffy character, an aborted marriage engagement, a scandal involving an underage babysitter (for which police could not find adequate supporting evidence), and a possibly alcohol-related one-car accident provided plenty of fodder. Following the latter incident, in 1996 Grammer checked himself into the Betty Ford Clinic. Flipping his sports car seemed to be the catalyst Grammer needed to get his life in order; in 1997, he found a stable relationship in his marriage to model Camille Donatacci, and in 1998, he won his third Best Actor Emmy.
Who would have thunk it.
fake brestisissis?
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