Posted on 03/09/2005 6:42:00 PM PST by Huntress
At least once a year, I like to put on a ski mask, and walk into a local bank holding a pistol. Tellers who have assisted me for years often scream and don't appear to be interested in helping me. And now the Bush administration is making everything worse. They don't appear to want to give everyone everything for no reason, unlike compassionate Democrats. Barf
Good one, abt. About as scientific as this nitwit reporter, with the major difference that you actually know what you are talking about. For a group that, by any count, makes up less than one-tenth of one percent of the population, the press spends an awful lot of time talking about homeless people.
Make that atf. Sheesh, can't do initials anymore.
Wow..that really helped me understand.
Uh, duh. Understand what?
Hey Reporter about you get a REAL job.Like actually working with homeless mentally ill people..You probably wouldn't last 3 hours! Or maybe just do what a lot of us "nicely dressed" people our butts off so that we can donate to charities, our houses of worship to help the unfortuante.
Maybe I'm on the cell phone working so I can PAY TAXES to take care of homeless people who harrass me on the street and just don't feel like working.
Exactly what I was thinking when I read the article. The author entirely missed the point.
The point being having money is better then being broke.
WOW.....what a concept....whoda thunk???!!!!
Did ya catch the part near the end of the aticle about the woman our reporter thought was so marvelous who was in the library READING A BOOK about being wonderful and compassionate? Duh!
What a load of crap.
Probably because he was leeering at her.
"Duiguid?" "Doo-Good?" Too droll...
I make up for his liberal "compassion", I don't have a compasonate bone in my body, I work for and pay for everything that i've ever had and the so called poor can do the same.
As far as i'm concerned, the day I can't take care of myself 100% I don't have any right taking up space on this planet.
Hey, thanks for the link. Gave me a chance to brush up on the "Most Wanted" list. Looks like I still haven't made it.
Shabby-looking smelly homeless person leers directly at a woman walking alone in the city, and she has the gall to walk away. What kind of monster is she??
OK, exactly what is unexpected about acquiring wealth from hard work, avoiding drugs, not having kids you can't afford, getting an education, making wise spending decisions, etc. On the other hand, if you fail in these endeavors, is it unexpected that you will live in poverty. A much better name would be "the more irresponsible." Allow me to give credit to Neil Boortz for these observations. They are dead on target.
Oh, please. I'm not a troll. I've been around here close to a year. Go look at my other posts on this forum.
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