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It Must Be Hard to Be a Liberal Right Now (Vanity)
01/31/05 | Gypssy

Posted on 01/31/2005 8:41:03 AM PST by Gypssy

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1 posted on 01/31/2005 8:41:03 AM PST by Gypssy
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Comment #2 Removed by Moderator

To: Gypssy

3 posted on 01/31/2005 8:45:50 AM PST by Fenris6 (3 Purple Hearts in 4 months w/o missing a day of work? He's either John Rambo or a Fraud)
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To: Gypssy
Very sad story.

If it helps, I think there is a good chance they will grow out of this. The tide of history has changed. I do not believe that any intelligent person can watch freedom and democracy and peace spread around the planet without wondering "Why does my side always lose? Why does life get better in those parts of the world where my side loses? Could my side be wrong?"

4 posted on 01/31/2005 8:48:37 AM PST by ClearCase_guy (The fourth estate is a fifth column.)
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To: Gypssy

Yes, they have turned wounded pride and the shame of being wrong into a way of life. It must be difficult indeed.

However, I am not at all pleased by it. It is very disturbing to see so many people who know they have been wrong stubbornly re-create reality in their heads, regularly, to fit their desired version of events.

5 posted on 01/31/2005 8:51:24 AM PST by thoughtomator (How do you say Berkeley California in Aramaic?)
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To: Gypssy
They know it is historical, they know they should be celebrating something historical, but their bitterness over George W Bush winning his second term cannot allow them to see clearly. I am not as frustrated with them as I once was but actually feel sorry for them now.

Well said. I think many of us here can attest to the loss of friends and family for the Great Sin of supporting Bush. Sounds like you're doing a good job keeping it together. Hold the fort, in a few years he'll come to you with a grin and say "I can't believe I acted like such a Moonbat back then, sorry Mom".

6 posted on 01/31/2005 8:52:04 AM PST by Fenris6 (3 Purple Hearts in 4 months w/o missing a day of work? He's either John Rambo or a Fraud)
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To: Gypssy

In the desert I saw a creature, naked, bestial,

And, squatting, he held his heart in his hands

And ate of it. '

'Is it good, friend?'' I asked.

''It is bitter-bitter,'' he answered.

''But I like it because it is bitter,

and because it is my heart.''

This is what it is like to be a liberal today.

7 posted on 01/31/2005 8:52:54 AM PST by speed_addiction (Ninja's last words, "Hey guys. Watch me just flip out on that big dude over there!")
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To: Baynative
And for those whacky leftists who claim this election was a put-up job by the Americans, I have one question: Then which slate won the Iraqi election?

If their conspiratorial nonsense had even an ounce of truth to it, the left would be able to tell us which slate the Americans wanted to win and rigged it so they would.

8 posted on 01/31/2005 9:00:32 AM PST by anniegetyourgun
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To: Gypssy

He should root for the Eagles!!!!!!!...and so should you.

9 posted on 01/31/2005 9:00:45 AM PST by jpf
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To: speed_addiction
Attributed to Stephen Crane.

There is hope. Like many of us (conservatives), we did not always think this way. it is amazing how a paycheck, a mortgage and a baby can entirely change one's perspective.
10 posted on 01/31/2005 9:05:10 AM PST by Damifino (The true measure of a man is found in what he would do if he knew no one would ever find out.)
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Comment #11 Removed by Moderator

To: Gypssy

Don't lose hope for them, they're young. But be aware, people don't change without pain. So when you see them in pain, point out where they're wrong. It's your duty as their mother. You have more influence than you know.

12 posted on 01/31/2005 9:15:20 AM PST by badbass
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To: Gypssy
He is not sure which he should be for. We can’t discuss McNabb unless he brings up the drug addict Rush Limbaugh.

Next time you have that conversation, my suggestion would be to say, "Rush Limbaugh never pointed his finger at me and say, 'I did not have an addictive relatiosnhip with those pills'".

13 posted on 01/31/2005 9:17:31 AM PST by Dane ( anyone who believes hillary would do something to stop illegal immigration is believing gibberis)
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To: Gypssy

The liberals are waking up to find themselves, yet again, on the wrong side of history. Maybe this will be what's needed for many of them to realize they've been fighting for the wrong side?

14 posted on 01/31/2005 9:19:00 AM PST by InTheRight
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To: ClearCase_guy
Very telling. Libs are so blinded that they missed the seminal event of the 20th century, the fall of the Berlin Wall and the end of communism; and now, even though we are only 5 years into the 21st century, we may already be at the watershed with the battle of Iraq, and we've won there too---and they still can't see it.

As a historian, this makes me sick. But these people are the FEDERALISTS of the 21st century---out of power, and rapidly disintegrating into oblivion. I honestly won't be surprised if within 10 years there is no longer a Democratic Party as we know it. It's getting that close. Now, that's not all good, because we need competition in our system to keep each side straight.

15 posted on 01/31/2005 9:19:21 AM PST by LS (CNN is the Amtrak of news (there is no c in Amtrak and no truth in MSM news))
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To: Gypssy
He has convinced her that liberals love unborn babies too that is why they abort so many of them.

Either that remark is intentionally sarcastic, or it completely doesn't add up.

16 posted on 01/31/2005 9:20:02 AM PST by shekkian
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To: LS
I agree that we should have two parties. Here's my hope:

1) Democrats push further Left and become irrelevant.
2) Libertarians grow in influence.
3) Republicans maintain dominance.

This would give us two choices:

1) A party that likes small government very much, and is a little too socially liberal
2) A party which doesn't like small government as much as it ought to, but is socially conservative.

17 posted on 01/31/2005 9:25:32 AM PST by ClearCase_guy (The fourth estate is a fifth column.)
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To: Gypssy
First, let me say they are very young…just out of college. Secondly, both are above average intelligence in fact very high IQs. But in the game of life, they would ride the short bus.

Don't worry about them yet. There's still time. When I was 22, I used to go to Jackson Browne concerts and even wore a No-Nukes T-shirt. I used to think Jimmy Carter was a good president. I even donated to some save-the-whales foundation.

But I'm OK now.

18 posted on 01/31/2005 9:25:38 AM PST by SamAdams76 (iPod Shuffle Is A Gateway Drug)
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To: Gypssy
First, let me say they are very young…just out of college. Secondly, both are above average intelligence in fact very high IQs. But in the game of life, they would ride the short bus.

Don't worry about them yet. There's still time. When I was 22, I used to go to Jackson Browne concerts and even wore a No-Nukes T-shirt. I used to think Jimmy Carter was a good president. I even donated to some save-the-whales foundation.

But I'm OK now.

19 posted on 01/31/2005 9:25:39 AM PST by SamAdams76 (iPod Shuffle Is A Gateway Drug)
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To: Gypssy

The Elian Gonzalez betrayal was the perfect example of the difference between the Rat Party and we Republicans. Our outrage for sending an orphan boy whose mother literally gave her life for her son to breath freely was forced back to a brutal dictator by the Rats. The Dems threw everything at this boy including breaking the law and an American family’s door down at gunpoint to throw this helpless boy back to slavery. Conversely President George W Bush has risked everything while being called every name in the book to bring Freedom to 25 million enslaved human beings. One 10 year old boy sent back to Castro’s prison island vs 25 million saved from Saddamn’s torture is Democrat vs Republican.

The Dems say they are for Freedom from all dictators however their actions defy their words. Not one time in the past half billion freed slaves have they been on the right side of history. How difficult is it to wish Freedom for an enslaved people??? The truth is that they say they are for freedom, but they are only against dictators who are friends of America, while supporting every dictator that hates America. This is what happens to you when you believe any means justifies your ends.

America and especially the Military has made one of the greatest accomplishment in history. They have freed a people who was tortured and brutalized under a madman to be given their freedom with no expectations. These people would be shot for marking ballots the way they did. The soldiers who freed these people and gave their lives for this cause did it for the most noble of causes. They went in to protect our Country and World from the greatest terrorist dictator on the face of the planet and to free the people while attempting to establish Democracy. They met and exceeded all of their goals. These soldiers are heroes for all times and deserve our deepest respect and congratulations. Their families must be busting with pride.

Any political party in a democracy that cannot accept the joy and value of millions of people voting freely for the first time in their lives has lost it’s perspective. The joy and happiness on the Iraqis’ faces should be evident enough, but the Rats have to turn it into an attack on Bush’s policy. How difficult would it be for this Party to say they may have been wrong about the election and the freeing of 25 million people was a great thing for our Troops whom, they “support.” The very least they could have done was to acknowledge that the terrorists are evil and our Troops are the Freedom Fighters.

The truth is that the CommucRats do not want freedom for other countries or even this Great Country. Their ideal utopian model is fashioned after Communist China, Cuba and Russia even though they knew they were evil, the ends justified the means. Like China they see it as a great equalizer if everyone is dirt poor as long as the Inner Circle (them) is taken care of. If you take a look at the clinton Inner Circle you could see the formation of their form of gummit. They wanted to eliminate private healthcare while raising taxes to redistribute income and sending the middle class to poverty. Meanwhile, the Inner Circle that survived all became multi-millionaires.

This Party does not want Freedom for anyone. They opposed the bringing down of the Wall, the Vote in Nicaragua, the Protection of Elian, the Overthrow of Saddamn and have been completely exposed by the vote in Iraq. What people have they ever stood up for who are oppressed?? This is a Party that is an establishment devoid of any values or ideas other than the blind obsession of power.

George W Bush and we Republicans were right about the people of Iraq also yearning to breath freely. We are the Party of optimism and willing to take on challenges bigger than ourselves. While the Dems continue to wallow in the quagmire of failed ideologies and broken programs, we are working to make the Greatest Country in the World even better. If a Political Party does not want Freedom for the oppressed of the World it does not want Freedom for America?

While we ride with the Angels in the Whirlwind they are mired in the tar pits of Vietnam. Thanks to the Rats, Elian Gonzales is a slave again under the murderous dictator Castro while under GW fifty million former brutalized and raped slaves are voting their own futures and feeling the cool breeze of freedom. Perhaps one day we will see the statue of Saddamn replaced by Lady Liberty holding her Flame High for all the World to Dream.

Pray for W and Our Freedom Fighting Soldiers

20 posted on 01/31/2005 9:29:15 AM PST by bray (Iraq Freed Politically and Pray it will be Freed Spiritually)
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