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Nazis aren't hip: Unfortunately, Commies still are
Union Leader ^ | 1/19/05

Posted on 01/18/2005 10:55:28 PM PST by kattracks

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1 posted on 01/18/2005 10:55:28 PM PST by kattracks
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To: kattracks

In Seattle, there is an "avante garde" neighborhood named Freemont. After the fall of the USSR, locals bought a scrap statue of Lenin and placed it at a main intersection in the district.

Every one is wicked off at Harry for wearing a symbol representing 6 million dead. Yet it is thought "quaint" that Seattle has a statue of Stalin - who killed over 20 Million of his own people.

Go figure.

2 posted on 01/18/2005 11:00:35 PM PST by llevrok (Don't blame me. I voted for Pedro!)
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To: kattracks
Yet even as desperate innocents are jailed or murdered at the hands of Communist thugs, the Western world's cultural elite consider it cute to dress as murderous "revolutionaries," adopt their terminology and icons, and even make romantic movies about them

Don't ya just love how the bleeding heart liberals stand up for human right?? ... / sarcasm >

3 posted on 01/18/2005 11:03:06 PM PST by Mo1 (Does the distinguished Sen from VT wish to act as our treaty rep. for negotiations with Al Queda?)
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To: llevrok

Makes me sick..and they are still at work.

4 posted on 01/18/2005 11:03:24 PM PST by MEG33 (GOD BLESS OUR ARMED FORCES)
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To: MEG33
On her 2003 album "American Life," Madonna appears dressed as a Communist revolutionary a la Che Guevara

Bectha many of her followers don't have a clue of who la Che Guevara is

5 posted on 01/18/2005 11:06:00 PM PST by Mo1 (Does the distinguished Sen from VT wish to act as our treaty rep. for negotiations with Al Queda?)
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To: llevrok

Err.. First you say they have a statue of Lenin, then you change it to Stalin. Which statue do they have?

6 posted on 01/18/2005 11:06:09 PM PST by Cronos (Never forget 9/11)
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To: llevrok
In Florida there's a huge, scale model ceramic walk through which depicts and celebrates the agrarian utopia inflicted upon the Chinese people by the communist regime. It was paid for by the Chinese government.

And let's not forget that Islamists are incompatable with any but the most totalitarian political ideology. Their theocratic governments allow no freedom, not even freedom of thought. They believe in hate and murder because that's what they're told to believe...and pious Muslims are expected to blindly believe whatever they're told to believe or die horribly.

Yet all the elites of all industrialized nations are enamored of these blood encrusted animals and will hear NOTHING against them, especially the truth.

7 posted on 01/18/2005 11:10:43 PM PST by cake_crumb (Leftist Credo: "One Wing to Rule Them all and to the Dark Side Bind Them")
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To: Cronos
Absent Ulyanov, Dzhugashvili would never have assumed any sort of power. They are equally culpable in the enforced Ukranian 'famine', along with numerous others especially including Dzerzhinsky, and in the later purges conducted against their own citizens in 1935, 1937, and 1938, EVEN THOUGH Ulyanov had died a decade earlier.

I believe, but am willing to be proven wrong, that the statue these cretins in Washington state have erected is that of Ulyanov (who, btw, was a very well-off Chuvash boyar's son -- not unlike a large number of middle-class yuppie faux-revolutionaries of the 1960s in many ways).

8 posted on 01/18/2005 11:15:42 PM PST by SAJ
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To: cake_crumb
Cake -- The ersatz ''elites'' to which you refer wouldn't know ''the truth'' if it walked up and kicked them in the crotch.

FReegards to you!

9 posted on 01/18/2005 11:17:56 PM PST by SAJ
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To: Mo1

On November 3rd I wore a Bush/Cheney 04 tee shirt to school. Keep in mind this was about 3 hours after it was official that Bush won, and the loony liberal college I go to was rather sullen. Some idiot asked me how I could support a murderer, I pointed to his Che pin on his backpack and asked him the same thing.

10 posted on 01/18/2005 11:18:45 PM PST by johncua02
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To: kattracks

11 posted on 01/18/2005 11:19:31 PM PST by TFFKAMM
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To: Cronos

Statue of Lenin, bringer of the Red Death, Seattle, WA

12 posted on 01/18/2005 11:21:07 PM PST by cake_crumb (Leftist Credo: "One Wing to Rule Them all and to the Dark Side Bind Them")
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To: Mo1

It is the same with Che Guevara. I knew Che Guevara. He was an assassin, unscrupulous to the core. Many died at his hands, and many more died on his orders. His legend is pure fiction, masterfully crafted by his fellow Communists and the nostalgic Left. Add to their numbers every misguided liberal, a gullible multitude resembling the deluded masses who believed the cowardly lies of the Communists about the Katyn massacre.

[I interject to say that, when I was in college and graduate school, to finger the Soviets for Katyn was to start a furor.]

Che adulators and fans miss the logical conclusion. Had the object of their adoration and his ideology triumphed, their victory would have unleashed the Communist system worldwide, resulting in the bitterest fruits: total loss of personal freedom, execution by firing squad for dissent, concentration camps, an end to religious expression, and to a free press. Stalin's Russia replicated across a global stage.

That is the legacy Che Guevara intended for us — including for those who adulate him."

Great article about the left and their accusations against the right not caring about anyone but themselves.
The left studiously avoids discussing victims of communism.

13 posted on 01/18/2005 11:22:44 PM PST by MEG33 (GOD BLESS OUR ARMED FORCES)
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To: johncua02
, and the loony liberal college I go to was rather sullen. Some idiot asked me how I could support a murderer, I pointed to his Che pin on his backpack and asked him the same thing.

I'm telling ya .. I betcha many don't know who he is and what he did

I read he was so out there .. that even Fidel thought he was nuts

14 posted on 01/18/2005 11:24:44 PM PST by Mo1 (Does the distinguished Sen from VT wish to act as our treaty rep. for negotiations with Al Queda?)
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To: kattracks

This also illustrates the total hypocrisy of the 'tolerant' crowd. To be considered 'tolerant', one has to be 'intolerant' of NAZI's. I am proud to say that I am not only intolerant of the 'fatherland', but I am also intolerant of the 'motherland'.

15 posted on 01/18/2005 11:25:49 PM PST by justa-hairyape
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"The ersatz 'elites' to which you refer wouldn't know 'the truth' if it walked up and kicked them in the crotch."

They sure as heck wouldn't. Besides, leftist men don't have testicles and leftist women wear old fashioned codpieces to protect THEIR "family jewels" (thus the pants suits with LOOOOOOOOOONG suit jackets - to hide the bulge)

16 posted on 01/18/2005 11:29:54 PM PST by cake_crumb (Leftist Credo: "One Wing to Rule Them all and to the Dark Side Bind Them")
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To: kattracks; nuconvert; cyborg; llevrok; Mo1; MEG33; cake_crumb; Cronos; SAJ; Poohbah; johncua02; ...
Communism has been turning neo-chic for quite some time now. A few months ago I was on a date with this girl, and everything was perfect, until we drifted into politics. That was when she went into this spiel of how communism is ‘perfect’ and all that jazz. And no matter how much I tried to use logic to show her how communism was a maelstrom of decay she wouldn’t budge. Needless to say that was the beginning of the end. LOL.

BTW: She did not even understand what the heck communism was ….she just thought it was cool for ‘all people to be equal.’ It is one thing to support something that you understand, and it is another to say something is 'nice' without being able to even describe what it is. But she was pretty.

Anyways, they are marketing communism to the young as well. I’ve seen several teens with CCCP t-shirts, and one of the best selling graphic novels (basically a comic book as thick as a book) was titled ‘Superman: Red Son.’ Superman is re-imagined as a Soviet superhero, where he takes over from Stalin and helps destroy America. It is quite well written, but it makes communism appear quite appealing.

Here are some gifs from the graphic novel:

Oh, and here is an excerpt on why Mark Millan (the writer behind the idea of Superman:Red Son) decided to take that route.

Like the Bush administration, Superman absolutely believes he's doing the right thing when he steamrollers over all these weaker states and enforces a global ideology on the human population. However, we as the reader get nervous at the blurred lines between his utopia and the totalitarian state we see in the book, and which we seem to be heading for in real life as the US constitution is torn up before our eyes. Superman: Red Son is a parable about Bush's America and I think that's why it hit big when it was launched last summer at the height of the anti-war movement.

17 posted on 01/18/2005 11:30:26 PM PST by spetznaz (Nuclear tipped ICBMs: The Ultimate Phallic Symbol.)
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To: cake_crumb

Remind me (not that I'll need it!) never to get on your wrong side!


18 posted on 01/18/2005 11:31:33 PM PST by SAJ
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To: johncua02
"Some idiot asked me how I could support a murderer, I pointed to his Che pin on his backpack and asked him the same thing."

Being an Elite means never saying your sorry...and also sacrificing all higher brain function for The Cause

19 posted on 01/18/2005 11:31:43 PM PST by cake_crumb (Leftist Credo: "One Wing to Rule Them all and to the Dark Side Bind Them")
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To: spetznaz

Frightening.. The ignorance about communism is appalling.

20 posted on 01/18/2005 11:32:33 PM PST by MEG33 (GOD BLESS OUR ARMED FORCES)
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