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What did we (in America) learn from September 11, 2001 and the deaths of 3,000 people? I am tempted to admit: Absolutely Nothing !!!

Among the many unlearned lessons of the Day-Which-Will-Live-In-Infamy-II, the necessity to control our borders, the need for a patriotic renewal and the importance of combating multiculturalism -- the most significant is the NATURE of Islam. You will note that I do not say militant Islam, or radical Islam, or Islamic extremism or any other such weasel words – but just Islam. Period, end of argument !!!

Every one of the hijackers who flew airliners into the World Trade Center and Pentagon were professing and practicing Muslims, as is Osama bin Laden. The Al Qaeda terrorist network, is based in Muslim countries and supported financially by the so called pious Muslim leadership of Saudi Arabia !!!

The overwhelming majority of Muslim religious authorities who have spoken out on the subject, including those at the main mosque in Mecca and Egypt’s prestigious Al Azar University, either endorse or rationalize acts of terrorism. On a day when Americans were incinerated or buried under tons of rubble, Muslims from Nigeria to Indonesia, celebrated wildly in the streets !!!

Sept. 11 was just one more chapter in a 1400-year jihad. Every day, the World Trade Center massacre is reenacted on a smaller scale somewhere in the world. Jewish women and children are burned alive in a bus in Israel. A missionary is beheaded in the Philippines, gunmen shoot up a church in Pakistan, deliberately firing into the prostrate bodies of women who were trying to shield their children !!!

Ancient monasteries and convents were destroyed in Kosovo. Women are sentenced to death for adultery in Nigeria, Hindus are murdered in the Kashmir. In Denmark, the Muslim community there has put a $30,000 bounty on the heads of Jews and those who support Israel. Nuns are beheaded in Baghdad, Christians in Sudan are forced into slavery, hundreds of parents and children are murdered in a Russian school, and in Britain, Islam openly states it is going to take over not only the UK, but the entire world -- and the beat goes on... and on... and on !!!

Genocide in the Sudan, ethnic cleansing in the Balkans, religious persecution in Saudi Arabia, calls for another holocaust in mosques from Mecca to Gaza, the imposition of Islamic law in Nigeria, forced conversions in Indonesia, synagogues burned in France, Jews attacked across Europe – these are everyday events, as the Third World and much of the First slowly turns Islamic green. Eeeeyuch !!!

Sadly our leaders, from President Bush on down, insist on peddling the absolute absurdity that "Islam Is A Religion Of Peace" – a creed of kindness and benevolence tragically and inexplicably corrupted by a few misguided fanatics. Bovine Feces, George W. (pull your stupid head out of your ass) !!!

Why is the leadership of the West so reluctant to confront manifest reality? The reason lies partly with our absurd foreign policy. We have declared certain Muslim nations to be our loyal allies – including Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Jordan. Good grief... we surely would NOT want to "offeeeeeennnnnd" these dear and loving friends by saying something unflattering about their bloody, butcher-based, dark ages, moon god murder cult !!!

Americans are naturally benevolent. Most of us are taught from childhood that religion is good (and it does not matter which religion). As long as little Johnny believes in God and goodness, it’s inconsequential whether he lights candles, wears a skull cap to services or prays in the direction of Mecca. Yes, that's what most Americans are taught !!!

However... this works with every religion except Islam !!!

Consider the following: Of the three major western religions one was started by a lawgiver who helped to free slaves; one by a man of peace; the last one by a man who loved war and having sex with children. Mohammed not only led men into battle, he enjoyed marrying girls as young as six years old (yes, it's in the Koran) !!!

The essence of Mohammed's message is sick and thoroughly disgusting. A holy war where you slaughter your enemies, while at the same time encouraging followers to have sex with the children they capture (as he did) "for the glory of Allah." He even advised his followers to negotiate false peace treaties in order to lull their enemies, before they suddenly beheaded them !!!

For almost 1,400 years, that has been the reality of Islam. Within a century after the death of Mohammed, Islam spread throughout the Middle East and across North Africa. It overran the Iberian peninsula and was finally stopped in southern France. It spread eastward as far as the southern Philippines. It was not propagated by fresh-faced young men knocking on doors and announcing: “Hello. I’m from your local mosque. Have you considered the Koran?” It was and is spread by force – conversion by the sword or death -- and this murder cult method is still in practice today !!!

Some will respond that all religions go through periods of violence, usually in their infancy. Christianity had its crusades and Inquisition, its forced conversions and expulsions. The evil committed in the name of Christ happened centuries ago. But the evil committed in the name of the murder cult prophet is going on right now, even as you read these words !!!

Of 22 present conflicts in the Third World, 20 involve Muslims versus someone else. Coincidence? In his brilliant book, "Clash of Cultures and the Remaking of World Order," Samuel Huntington speaks of Islam’s "bloody borders" therein !!!

There is no Methodist Jihad, no Jewish Hasidic holy warriors, no Buddhist monk wanting to have 72 firm breasted virgins and 12 beautiful young boys waiting for him in Buddhist paradise after a suicide bombing, no Hindu Holy men plotting to blow up people and property, no Southern Baptist beheaders, and no Mormon elders preaching the annihilation of members of other faiths !!!

Islam is a religion of war and warriors – the perfect vessel for fanatics, the violence-prone, the envious and the haters of all stripes. This is the main reason why Islam is making so many converts among the formerly peaceable denizens of our prison system !!!

Still... much of the West is addicted to a fairy-tale version of Islam. Christian and Jewish clergy fall all over themselves to have interfaith services with imams. Representatives of Muslim groups are invited to the White House. The president signs a Ramadan declaration. In California, public schools ask children to role-play at being Muslims. Our universities take CAREFULLY SELECTED verses from the Koran and present them as the essence of the faith. All that’s needed is a Muslim character on “Sesame Street.” Look – it’s the Jihad Monster !!!

This perspective engenders a fatally false sense of security. Imagine, in 1940, Winston Churchill taking to the airwaves to announce “Nazism is an ideology of peace which, regrettably, has been perverted by a few fanatics like Hitler and Goebbels. But most storm troopers and SS men are fine fellows – your friends and neighbors.” Yeah... sure !!!

For the first thousand years of its history – from the death of Mohammad to the 17th. century decline of the Ottoman empire, Islam was an expansionist force. For the next 300 years, as the West rose to preeminence, Islam receded. For the past four decades – fueled by Arab oil wealth, a surplus population in the Middle East, the waning of the West and the rise of more virulent strains of the faith (Shiism, Wahhabism, Sunni fundamentalism) – Islam is expanding once more !!!

Due to Muslim immigration and aggressive proselytizing, Islam is being exported to the West. Muslim populations are burgeoning throughout Western Europe. (In southern France, there are more mosques than churches.) In Judeo-Christian America, Islam is the fastest growing religion. It is also spreading down the coast of West Africa, through the Balkans (after Serbia, Macedonia is the next target) and up from Mindanao in the Philippines !!!

Wherever it comes, Islam brings its delightful customs – child marriages, female circumcisions, rabid hatred toward Christians, Hindus, Jews, Buddhists and every other non-muslim, terrorism and support for terrorism and a virulent intolerance of other faiths as it invades the local population !!!

We currently see this happening... right now... today,,, in Hamtramk, Michigan... where the ignorant city councel has purposely given Muslims permission to pollute the entire city with high-powered loud speaker screechings from the top of their mosques, from morning to night, six times a day, seven days a week, as they scream Muslim chants to glorify their pagan moon god Allah, and his child molesting, head chopping prophet, Mohammud (may he rot in hell). And the ACLU backs them 100%, threatening to sue anyone who dares to complain !!!

Yes, yes... the ACLU... the American Civil Liberties Union... but in reality it's the Arabic Communist Lucifer Union, championing their "cleave unto" plan of action against Judeo-Christian America. And then they further defend it by saying... "Hey, it's no different then when you disgustingly filthy, pig fat polluted, less than human Infidels ring your damned evil church bells on Sunday morning." !!!

So am I suggesting we declare war on over 1 million billion Muslims? The question is moot – Islam has declared war on the rest of the human race. When one side knows it’s at war and the other thinks peace and brotherhood prevail, guess who wins???

Ultimately, it is not about Jews in Israel, or Orthodox Serbs in Kosovo, or Hindus in Kashmir, Buddhists in Thailand, or Maronite Catholics in Lebanon, Taoists in China, or Christians in Sudan, Nigeria and Russia... but ALL OF US. As Ben Franklin would have it – Either we will "hang" together, or surely we shall all "hang" separately (now swap "be decapitated" for "hang" to properly update Mr. Franklin) !!!

So, CHARLITE... have you loved a filthy, scum-sucking, Islamofascist Muzzle-em murderer today? Why not? What? You refuse to convert to Islam and follow the insanely murderous teachings of the Koran?

Sheeesh... obviously you are just another sub-human Infidel who's name will be on the list for bloody decapitation by a friendly and p-i-e-c-e-f-u-l Islamofascist Muzzle-em murderer... and you won't get 72 virgins when you enter Islamic Hell either !!!

13 posted on 11/26/2004 10:49:35 PM PST by GeekDejure ( LOL = Liberals Obey Lucifer !!!)
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To: GeekDejure

***This perspective engenders a fatally false sense of security. Imagine, in 1940, Winston Churchill taking to the airwaves to announce “Nazism is an ideology of peace ***

The present conflict with Islam is far larger in scope than the conflict with Nazism could have ever been. Islam is a 1500 year old religion with over 1 billion adherents.

Should the western leaders take to the air with the message that we are at war with Islam (which we are) we would accelerate the timetable and intensity of this conflict past our current ability and our national will to fight.

This would give the enemy a significant advantage. Bin Laden understands this and this is why he is trying to inflame the "Muslim street". It is in our best strategic interest to keep the majority of the Muslim world cool as long as possible.

The fact the Islam is the enemy will come out soon enough.

19 posted on 11/26/2004 11:03:23 PM PST by PetroniusMaximus
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To: GeekDejure
BRAVO!!! I could not have said it better myself...from your mouth (or typing fingers!) to God's ears and to all of mankind's as well.

There was a time I believed that perhaps Islam was truly a peaceful religion that some bad people were using and abusing, but then I started to research it. The more I read, the more I became aware that there is nothing peaceful about Islam. Are there Muslim's who are peace loving people? No doubt...but the tenets of the religion are nothing of the sort.

170 posted on 11/27/2004 9:36:00 PM PST by blinachka
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To: GeekDejure

If you watched Fox's special on the rest of the world hates America last night, your hair probably turned white. I fell asleep to the knowledge that Muslim/Aljazeera/Jihad nutjob tv etc. propaganda outlets are pumping out lying filth 24/7 to Arab masses. We seem to have two choices. Kill them all or show them there's a way to live...if they're smart enough to take it. That's what Iraq's all about, of course. This country should have a full and honest discussion about what we face if Iraq doesn't work. Leftist elitists should be made to acknowledge publicly where their real loyalties lie. They're either with us or against us. Simple as that.

186 posted on 11/28/2004 4:24:59 AM PST by hershey
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To: GeekDejure; Arjun; sukhoi-30mki; CarrotAndStick

Don't forget that we have two islamicc pit vipers as 'allies' -- Pakistan and Saudi A

192 posted on 11/28/2004 5:10:13 AM PST by Cronos (W2K4)
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To: GeekDejure
I compare the Islamo fascists to a tree bearing bad fruit. It has a Biblical message to it: "Likewise every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire (Mathew 7:17-19. Islam has so far shown itself incapable of eliminating the pestilence that has caused its tree to bear blighted fruit. They do need to eliminate the pestilence that is causing the Islamic tree to bear blighted fruit. They need to do it now or the world will begin chopping and burning the trees like we do with maple blight. They don't have much time either. The world is not patient with these primitives who bear the blighted fruit.
240 posted on 11/29/2004 2:01:50 AM PST by jonrick46
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