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Dear Heavenly Father, we praise You and glorify You tonight, for You are Ruler over all the earth. We praise You because You are Holy, and You are righteous, and no good thing can come to us apart from You.

And we praise You tonight for Your mercy upon our land once again in giving us President Bush to lead us for another term. We are on our knees in thanksgiving and praise that You heard and answered our prayers, and that Your servant, George W. Bush is leading this nation back to righeousness and truth, through his example and his governance.

We ask You to be with him, bless him and comfort him, and to grant him the wisdom and discernment which he seeks from You. We ask that You would provide the strength that is needed for the enormous tasks with which You have entrusted him.

We thank You for his character, and for his compassion. We thank You that he loves others, and desires that all the peoples of the world would live in freedom and peace. We ask that he might continue to grow towards purity in heart, that he would see You as he walks with You day by day. We pray for protection for him and for his family, not only physical, but spiritual and emotional, as he is so clearly being persecuted for his righteous stands.

We pray especially tonight for our troops in Fallujah and throughout Iraq that You might shield them from the enemy, and protect them from all harm. We pray that their victory might be swift, and that the city might be under control in the coming hours. We pray that all those who are serving far away from home might be comforted by Your Holy Spirit, and that they might feel Your presence among them. Father, we have heard of many miracles of protection that have come from the battlefield, and we ask that You might intervene in a miraculous way, and save the lives of our brave soldiers and Marines.

We continue to pray for this nation, and those who lead it, that they might lead in wisdom that comes from You, and not in themselves. We ask a special guidance as the President seeks to replace Don Evans and John Ashcroft, that You would lead him to the right people to fill those roles. We ask that You would grant forgiveness for the sins of this nation, and that we might be washed clean with the forgiveness that only comes through Your Son, Jesus Christ, who died as a ransom for our sins. We ask that in the coming four years, that our President might have opportunities to lead us back to being a culture that values life, and moves far away from the belief that "choice" includes the slaughter of the unborn. We ask that this nation might be a beacon of light and freedom throughout the world, and that You would use us as You would see fit to spread the Gospel in lands where darkness reigns. Thank You that You hear and answer prayers! In the Name of Jesus, who is the Christ, we pray, AMEN!

1 posted on 11/09/2004 6:12:43 PM PST by ohioWfan
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To: Krodg; Zechariah11; LuvyaDubya; Paul_B; Howlin; alpha-8-25-02; BlessedAmerican; texasflower; ...

Please come and pray with us for our President, our troops, and our nation!

2 posted on 11/09/2004 6:14:40 PM PST by ohioWfan (Praise the LORD! PRAISE THE LORD!!!)
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To: ohioWfan


3 posted on 11/09/2004 6:14:41 PM PST by MEG33 ( Congratulations President Bush!..Thank you God. Four More Years!)
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To: ohioWfan

Amen! What a beautiful prayer! GOD Bless you and GOD BLESS OUR COUNTRY!

4 posted on 11/09/2004 6:20:04 PM PST by Bush gal in LA (Armed with what? SPITBALLS? Zell Miller)
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To: ohioWfan

Our most Gracious and Kind Heavenly Father, we thank You, Dear Lord, for the many blessings of this day. I join my sisters and brothers in Christ as we gather together to pray for President Bush and our country.

We pray for the safety of our leaders. We pray, Dear Lord, that you would give President Bush the wisdom to lead our great country in the right direction. We pray for his family and thank You for their support of him.

We pray, Dear Lord, for the war we are fighting now. Please be with the many brave men and women as they fight to defend our great country.

We ask these blessings in Your Son’s Precious Name, Amen.

10 posted on 11/09/2004 6:39:54 PM PST by Texagirl4W (Father, bless the person reading this in whatever it is that You know they are needing this day!)
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To: ohioWfan

"For to a person who is good in His sight He has given wisdom and knowledge and joy..." Ecc:226a

Sovereign Lord God, I glorify You this night, my heart overflowing with love and praise to You, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Please, Lord God, continue to bless President Bush with courage and faith in the coming days, as assaults from the enemy come from all sides. Give him wisdom and knowledge and joy as he strives to lead this country in a righteous and honorable way.

And for our troops in Iraq, Heavenly Father, please continue to go ahead of them and behind them, be their strong right arm. Destroy the wickedness of the terrorists who murder and defile wherever they are. Thou wilt recompense them, O Lord, according to the work of their hands. Thou wilt give them hardness of heart, Thy curse will be on them, Thou wilt pursue them in anger and destroy them, from under the heavens of the Lord! (Lam. 3:64-66)

16 posted on 11/09/2004 6:57:08 PM PST by fleabitgray
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To: ohioWfan
Holy Father,

One week ago tonight, You performed an amazing act in this nation---one we must never forget. O Father, never let us take Your love and grace for granted; neither let us fail to present grateful hearts to You each day. We feast upon the bountiful blessings You give us and we rejoice that You are the God who answers prayer. We know, Lord, that we cannot repay You for the grace and mercy You have shown toward this nation, but we ask You to help us live lives of obedience to You, that we may bless You. In the Precious Name of Jesus Christ we pray, Amen.

19 posted on 11/09/2004 7:26:01 PM PST by Faith
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To: ohioWfan

Amen and Amen!

21 posted on 11/09/2004 7:45:06 PM PST by reaganaut (Abortion - 1 Dead, 1 Wounded)
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To: ohioWfan

Lord, we have much to be thankful for. You have been gracious, kind, and faithful to us time and again.

Looking at pictures of the president now and four years ago shows the amazing amount he has aged. He is a man who takes his responsibilities seriously, and those responsibilities are great. We ask Your protection and nurture for him and all around him, especially his family.

The war rages, and its cost is great. Please give our troops great success and great protection. Comfort all who have paid the price of freedom.

Bring America back to You, Lord, one heart at a time. Restore families, churches, and communities. Defeat the enemy, who rages against You. For it is not us who they rage against, it is You.

Give us wisdom to live for Your glory, no give no offense, and to be effective of Your purposes.

We remember the hostages, and Your persecuted throughout the world. Marana tha, Lord Jesus.

22 posted on 11/09/2004 7:50:06 PM PST by Paul_B
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To: ohioWfan

One of my co-worker's stepson is in Fallujah...Praying for all the troops for safety, success, and a swift victory!!!

24 posted on 11/09/2004 9:12:11 PM PST by FlashBack (Faith will not make our path easy, but it will give us strength for the Journey.)
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To: ohioWfan

Father we come to you in the Name of Jesus. Father there is a wolf in sheeps clothing who wants to be Chairman of the Judiciary Commitee his name is Arlen Specter. Father we pray that you uproot his plans and cast them out. He is for abortion and will protest any conservative Judges that our President would like to appoint. Lord we put this in your hands and believe that He who has begun a good work will complete it. In Jesus Name we pray Amen.

If any of you would like to call or fax concerning this matter please see below, this is an action alert from Focus on the Family.

**CitizenLink Action Alert**
GOP Leadership Needs to Hear from You on Sen. Specter

Are you concerned about the possibility of pro-abortion
U.S. Sen. Arlen Specter assuming the chairmanship of the
all-important Senate Judiciary Committee? There's still
more you can do to help get a more qualified candidate
installed -- even if you've already contacted your own
senators about the matter.

The Senate's Republican leadership and the Republicans on
the Judiciary Committee -- who have the authority to
prevent Specter's promotion -- must be made aware of how
strongly pro-family Americans oppose his ascendancy.
That's why we're urging you to take a few minutes today
and/or Wednesday -- no matter what state you live in -- to
call and e-mail each of the key lawmakers below.

Please tell them that Sen. Specter's pro-abortion views
make him a poor choice to oversee the process of getting
President Bush's judicial nominees approved. And urge them
to oppose his ascendancy to the chairman's chair.

Sen. Majority Leader Bill Frist, R-Tenn.
D.C. Office: (202) 224-3344
Main District Office: (615) 352-9411
Fax: (202) 228-1264
E-mail form:

Senate Majority Whip Mitch McConnell, R-Ky.
D.C. Office: (202) 224-2541
Main District Office: (502) 582-6304
Fax: (202) 224-2499
E-mail form:

Senate Republican Conference Chair Rick Santorum, R-Pa.
D.C. Office: (202) 224-6324
Main District Office: (412) 562-0533
Fax: (202) 228-0604
E-mail form:

Judiciary Committee Members

Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah
D.C. Office: (202) 224-5251
Main District Office: (801) 524-4380
Fax: (202) 224-6331
E-mail form:

Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa
D.C. Office: (202) 224-3744
Main District Office: (515) 284-4890
Fax: (202) 224-6020
E-mail form:

Sen. Jon Kyl, R-Ariz.
D.C. Office: (202) 224-4521
Main District Office: (602) 840-1891
Fax: (202) 224-2207
E-mail form:

Sen. Mike DeWine, R-Ohio
D.C. Office: (202) 224-2315
Main District Office: (614) 469-5186
Fax: (202) 224-6519
E-mail form:

Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala.
D.C. Office: (202) 224-4124
Main District Office: (334) 244-7017
Fax: (202) 224-3149
E-mail form:

Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C.
D.C. Office: (202) 224-5972
Main District Office: (864) 250-1417
Fax: (202) 224-3808
E-mail form:

Sen. Larry Craig, R-Ind.
D.C. Office: (202) 224-2752
Main District Office: (208) 342-7985
Fax: (202) 228-1067

Sen. Saxby Chambliss, R-Ga.
D.C. Office: (202) 224-3521
Main District Office: (770) 763-9090
Fax: (202) 224-0103
E-mail form:

Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas
D.C. Office: (202) 224-2934
Main District Office: (512) 469-6034
Fax: (202) 228-2856
E-mail form:


Gary Schneeberger

Pete Winn
Associate Editor

Trish Amason
Assistant Editor

Wendy Cloyd
Editorial Coordinator

Peter Brandt
Senior Director, Issues Response

Tom Minnery
Vice President, Government & Public Policy

Don Hodel
President and CEO, Focus on the Family

Dr. James C. Dobson
Founder and Chairman, Focus on the Family

25 posted on 11/09/2004 10:04:17 PM PST by Coloradoforbush
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To: ohioWfan; All; Faith; kayak; alpha-8-25-02; Paul_B; Zechariah11; LadyX; Spotsy; Hiskid
Our Mighty King,

We bow before You tonight, Sovereign Father, Worshipping before the Presence of Your Glory and Majesty, lifting our hands in Praise and Thanksgiving to our Living One Who died for us. Your Tender Mercies are Surrounding us, lifting us to Heavenly Heights of Praise and Adoration, as Your Loving Arms hold us close, Your Eternal Love Overflowing within us. Glory to You, Everlasting God, our Savior, our Life and our Hope!

We Thank You from Reverent hearts, Sweet Father, for returning our brother-President to our arms for four more Blessed years, all by Your Sovereign, unmerited Grace alone. We did not deserve it, my King, because we are a wicked and thankless nation, but Your children dwelling within the USA are on our faces before You in Humility, Praising our Most Merciful Master, and Cherishing Your Sovereign Favor to us all.

Our brother-President is precious to us, my King, so we lift him up to You now, begging Your Divine Protection to rest over him unceasingly, rendering him Invincible in the Glory and Might of the Sovereign God of Eternity. May he feel our Love go out to him daily, Dearest Father, lifting him far above the Hatred the unregenerate world continually hurls and spews his way. Vindicate him, my Lord-King, on that coming Day when the secrets of men are made known by Jesus Christ, and he is Revealed to be one of Your true servants, to the consternation of those who should have loved him, but hated him for hatred's sake alone. Severely chastize his enemies, God of Justice, both now, and on the Day of Judgement, unless they repent of their godlessness and cruelties. Comfort our brother's wounded heart, Sweet King, on those days when his adversaries words cut his righteous soul like a knife, Your Loving Spirit wiping all his tears away.

Guard our Military men and women, Mighty God, as they bring Righteous Justice to the satanic stronghold of Fallujah, filling their enemies with the Fear of the Lord, and depriving them of their reason, courage and strength. Grant the Awesome Power of the Lord God of Hosts to the Military of the United States of America, and go before them, O Mighty Warrior, leading them in Triumph to Victory upon Victory, in the Name of the True God, our Great King Jesus Christ.

Bless Your servants Don Evans and John Ashcroft for their Righteous service to our country, O God, and Vindicate our beloved brother Ashcroft in Eternity for all the slanders, lies and venomous hatred that came his way solely for his Testimony of our God and Savior Jesus Christ. Grant our President and his advisors the Mind of Christ as they select replacements for these fine men, and Empower them from on High for the tasks they will be appointed to perform for our America.

Please Bestow Heavenly Blessings upon every child of Christ who comes here to pray, Father Jehovah, and especially Annoint Your beloved servants OhioWfan, Faith, Kayak, and Alpha with every Spiritual Resource needed to fulfill the Ministries You have Entrusted to them, by Your Grace. May Your Blessed Spirit Flow like a River through them, splashing over onto every soul You send into their path, to the Glory and Praise of our Great God, Jesus Christ. We Love You, Precious Master, and Glorify and Exalt You Now and Forever, amen.

26 posted on 11/10/2004 1:11:51 AM PST by Kitty Mittens
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To: ohioWfan

Amen ohioWfan.

28 posted on 11/10/2004 4:40:58 AM PST by bella1 ((red county, blue state))
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To: ohioWfan

Amen! Please protect our troops from harm and evil. I pray for peace and freedom for Iraq.Amen!

29 posted on 11/10/2004 5:56:55 AM PST by AmericanMade1776 ( ((the VOTERS HAVE SPOKEN...4 more years !)))
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To: ohioWfan

Amen to all

Father, we pray that anything hidden be brought to the Light. If there are enemies in our President's camp, shine Your glorious light on them. Give boldness and courage and conviction to those in authority once the light reveals the enemies. We bind the hands of the powers and principalities who are coming against our president. I agree with my prayer partners here that no weapon formed against our President, his family or his administration and their families will prosper. They are hidden in the secret place of the Most High whose power no foe can withstand. Thank you so much Father, for your glorious protection.

40 posted on 11/10/2004 2:46:16 PM PST by Hiskid
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To: ohioWfan

I agree with you in prayer.

I added your About Page to my favorites list for the great pictures. I'll look at it often for inspiration. God Bless the Bush family and our American Heroes.

Thank you very much.

41 posted on 11/10/2004 3:24:14 PM PST by A knight without armor
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