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Microsoft video game "a damning condemnation of the Bush Administration"
Republican Radio ^
| November 8, 2004
| Republican Radio™
Posted on 11/08/2004 2:01:36 PM PST by Republican Radio™
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To: Republican Radio™
Well, in this particular case, you are waaaaay off the mark. Halo 2 has nothing - nothing to do with anything related to politics. It's a game. Period.
However, I'm betting that you are one of those types who is against video games in general, and are now finding some new tact for trying to get rid of them, right?
(I mean, hey, you get to reach to idiotic conclusions, so why can't we?)
posted on
11/08/2004 4:13:05 PM PST
Chad Fairbanks
("I get my own ammo, I have to pull the trigger myself, I have to wound myself. It's pretty amazing")
To: Chad Fairbanks

Here comes Chad with an aggressive move straight up the middle.
posted on
11/08/2004 4:21:09 PM PST
(We want hard, tough, seasoned leaders who will methodically destroy the people who would kill us.)
To: CyberCowboy777
posted on
11/08/2004 4:23:00 PM PST
Chad Fairbanks
("I get my own ammo, I have to pull the trigger myself, I have to wound myself. It's pretty amazing")
To: CyberCowboy777
Hey! Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
A Freeper clan!
Now that could be some serious fun...
To: Republican Radio™
Halo, a huge ring-like world manufactured and abandoned millennia ago by a powerful race. Unfortunately, Halo is still inhabited and activating its immense power will bring forth... Conceptually, this sounds like a ripoff of Larry Niven's "Ringworld" with added gratuitous violence (shoot up the BEM's). That's "bug eyed monsters" for all you non sci fi fans. The author of this game is a plagiarist as well as a raving lefty.
PS But then, all art is derivative.
posted on
11/08/2004 4:33:10 PM PST
(I live in my own little world, but I like it 'cuz they know me here.)
To: papertyger
I am not on XBox live yet..... does it support clans?
posted on
11/08/2004 4:33:15 PM PST
(We want hard, tough, seasoned leaders who will methodically destroy the people who would kill us.)
To: papertyger
posted on
11/08/2004 4:33:36 PM PST
To: CyberCowboy777
I'm not live yet either. I still have to see if I can get the thing to work through my airport router. I'm willing to spend a bill or two, but that's it.
I believe I've read the xbox will support clans, but I'm not sure where I saw it.
To: 11Bush
Oh...we have GOT to make this happen! The only thing I can think that would be better than waxing stupid kids and geeks online is to do it with unapologetic Freepers!
Comment #130 Removed by Moderator
To: mailbox1282000
posted on
11/08/2004 4:58:48 PM PST
(4 more yrs,yee ha.)
To: jegoing
You going out tonight to get it?
posted on
11/08/2004 4:59:50 PM PST
(We want hard, tough, seasoned leaders who will methodically destroy the people who would kill us.)
To: Republican Radio™
i believe Mr. Gates is a supporter of the President.
posted on
11/08/2004 5:01:01 PM PST
the invisib1e hand
(if a man lives long enough, he gets to see the same thing over and over.)
To: killjoy
Then you sir need to buy a copy of Battlefield1942 and prepare yourself for an incredible multiplayer online experience.
To: BoBToMatoE
from their
Q. What's orange and looks good on hippies?
A. Fire.
posted on
11/08/2004 5:27:46 PM PST
(Gunga galunga. Gunga, gunga galunga)
To: Diplomat
Then you sir need to buy a copy of Battlefield1942 and prepare yourself for an incredible multiplayer online experience. I have played it before. It is cool. I used to be a big fan of the old Atomic Games stuff like Close Combat. Codename Panzers is the closest I have found to it. I can sit for hours playing the stupid thing. MOH Pacific Assault looks to be quite cool also. Need to check it out.
If you haven't played the Combat Mission series, they are some of the best games out there. They are a modern version of the old board war games. Combat Mission takes over where Advanced Squad Leader left off. Very good for the armchair general type.
posted on
11/08/2004 5:33:04 PM PST
(I'm John Kerry and I'm relieved of duty.)
To: Republican Radio™
Hey guys,
Let me be really clear about this: there is no intentional political message in Halo2, anti-Bush or otherwise.
While I tried to be mindful of folks' sensitivities as I wrote its story, I knew that the game was going to scrutinized by a large, diverse audience, and would, therefore, be interpreted (or mis-interpreted, as the case may be) any number of different ways.
The EW journalist chose to include one of my examples of possible misinterpretation in the article, but not all of them. Most importantly, the journalist left out my closing statement: "Look, you can read anything into the story that you like - call a damning condemnation of the Bush Admnistration's adventure in the Middle-East, for example. But you'd be wrong."
In retrospect, It would have been best to give no example at all, but hindsight is 20-20.
Long story short: while we didn't water-down Halo2's story in an impossible effort to make it inoffensive to everyone, we were nonetheless careful not to do anything that would be patently offensive regardless of someone's perspective (e.g. reward people for injuring or killing the game's female characters, something most folks would agree is offensive, full-stop).
Halo2's story is non-partisan. Any meaning you ascribe to it is yours alone.
And remember, at the end of the day, whatever some journalist says I said really doesn't matter. The proof is in the pudding. Play the game, and I think you'll see it's just that: a fun game with a good story.
Joseph Staten
Director of Cinematics
Bungie Studios
To: bungiefella
Thanks, Joseph Staten Director of Cinematics Bungie Studios --- The devs have spoken. Sorry fellow freepers, but I am in a bit of awe. I am a BIG Bungie fan and have followed them from PiD (we will see how many of you can figure what PiD is). This is incredible for them to visit here and answer this straight up. Gotta wonder how they caught wind of this article and I am _VERY_ glad that they decided to come here and answer the question. Thank you!
To: 11Bush
FRclan, i'm IN.
Dont play with me? a FRclan? Pwnage. We need to hook up when I pick up my copy tomorrow.
To: bungiefella
Thanks for clearing this up, Dude!
posted on
11/08/2004 7:04:00 PM PST
Chad Fairbanks
("I get my own ammo, I have to pull the trigger myself, I have to wound myself. It's pretty amazing")
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