What opportunities for serious mischief they hand the "voter." The concentration is on getting as many ballots to unregistered voters as possible so they can spread the franchise to undeserving others.
Suggestion: Everyone should take one of those cheap throwaway cameras with them to the polls and actually take or pretend to take pictures of the commies standing around with demonrat signs. Then inform them you're turning their picture over to your State Attorney General. Should be great fun! Get em all lathered up.
Broward, Miami-Dade, and Palm Beach County... Democrat strongholds in Florida. The potential for multiple absentee ballots in just these areas? Sure sounds like a coincidence to me! /sarc
Okay I think I have the crime here!
(After 10 minutes of investigating)
"Volunteers began helping Snipes' office package the ballots Wednesday evening. All should be mailed out by Friday morning at the latest but must be returned by the end of business Tuesday."
Democrats steal the ballots that are to be sent out. They fill them out for Kerry and mail them in. Read the paragraph above. Mailed out by Friday and returned by Tuesday???? Mail time is how many days? Mail Friday, they may or may not even get them by Tuesday. Then they have to mail them back???? I predict a lot of double voting and a lot of people not bothering to send them in, but hey, their ballot was filled out already by ??? so there is no suspicion there! Can the crime be this easy? Kerry will win before they can investigate!
Oh one more quote of importance here!
"Charles Lichtman, lead Florida attorney for Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry, met with Snipes and Lieberman on Wednesday afternoon and asked them to defer finding out what went wrong and concentrate on getting ballots to voters."
Rats ate 'em!
And the election officials in Broward will spare no effort to find the true culprit.
But not to people outside the country. Even FedEx can't overnight to Baghdad. Miiltary voters disenfranchised .......and are the Democrats upset? Is John Kerry mad? .....Nope. It's exactly what they wanted.