Bush maintains the lead because of the new strategy -- it's working!
Thank God.
If they keep up on the "Kerry is too liberal for America" tack, they'll be able to shut down the dems' criticisms on Iraq, the economy, war on terror, etc.
The irony is the dems said the domestic issues were Kerry's strong suit, but I think the opposite. With the Iraq no-WMD/no-AQ connections, Halliburton and the "dropped the ball on terrorists" angles, Kerry was starting to look strong. Now, we swing attention away from these problems and toward the hot-button issues -- abortion, stem cell, gay marriage -- and VOILA! Bush wins again.
Another master stroke from KR.
It'll be tight, but our boy has this one locked up, in my mind.
I agree with you.
I also wish that President Bush would make a strong point of remarking upon Kerry's 20 year voting record against weapons systems,his vote every single time to freeze our nuclear program,and his vote against the Gulf War.