Posted on 10/09/2004 1:17:25 PM PDT by wrbones
this is what we should attack the rest of the year
Congressman Billybob
The Demoncrat party is a weapon of mass destruction!
I used to do that with this data, and people just think I'm crazy. Now, I just give 'em the raw data, tell 'em everything's connected.
They can read it and draw their own conclusions.
If freedom isn't worth the friggin' time for people to read some of this, then I wasted my time when I served this nation.
Nobody has to read it. They're free not to.
Don't worry, Billy Bob, this doesn't have to be "interesting" it is a virtual treasure trove.
Democrats run from the truth like a tweaker runs from soap and water. There's enough chunk in your post to suffocate any of them that aren't beyond hope. (If there are any of those left.)
No, I want to bring it back. Another Harry Truman I could live with. But I do want to destroy the Demonrat Party.
WHEN we destroy the democrat party, we will turn it into 6 other parties. Union thugs, gays, Blacks, bad-looking women, college professors, and old stupid white folks.
The current Democratic Party bears no resemblance to the party of Harry Truman except in name only. People like Zell Miller are the last of that breed of Democrat.
iwould say exposure is good for the soul
The dems have been doing this to themselves for the past 20 or so years. Do I want to see the demise of the democrats, no. I'd like to see them return to their American roots and join the rest of us in moving the world forward.
bump for future wading through
Thanks for your effort and also for your service to our country Sgt.
So...use the info like we got a brain in our heads!
I am well aware of the divisions among us. That's born from the government entitlement, "gimme bread and circuses every day," mentality.
Freedom entails responsibility. We have given up our freedom when we turn our responsibilty over to the government, and act like little kids who cry when 'Daddy" doesn't give them what they want...when they want it...the way that they want it.
WE are no longer a nation of adults, but are become a nation of little children who throw fits, break things, and call each other bad names when we don't get what we want. WE play house in a grown-up world. When someone doesn't do what we want them to, we go and start another little playing house...and lording it over still others. Free men do not lord it over others.
It's time to take our freedom back. It's time to walk like men and women of freedom upon the face of the earth. Men and women who know that freedom entails great personal responsibilty, both for ourselves, and for the freedoms of others.
If it must needs be done, it's time to take our political parties back.
It's time to take our nation back. Peacefully, if at all possible. That means we have to think first, and then act.
Like responsible adults.
That is not possible. It won't happen as you like. The hand reached out of a grave that is 30 years old and is pulling them down. They have an anti-American at the top of their ticket. He is there for a reason.
No. But I wouldn't mind destroying the Democrat Party. :)
Sorry, Pet peeve.
You would do better to group these things by category (which you already have mostly) and post them separately with a brief description of what each link is.
You did a lot of work here. It would be a shame if something was lost in the masses of data.
It's Democrat, not Democratic Party.
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