Posted on 10/05/2004 12:48:13 PM PDT by knighthawk
(PRWEB) October 5, 2004 -- Here is the latest news about the medical condition of some of the children in Beslan.
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Godzhiev, Kazbek Age: 10 Brain contusion, temporal and pariental bone fracture. Mechanical ventilation. Condition on 9/7/04: coma changed to deep semicoma, fragmented consciosness appeared. Hypodynemics: steady. 9/8/04: started to react to mother by increased heart rate. Crisis therapy.
Tsoraeva, Alina Age: 10 Injury of cervical spine. Perforating wound of underjaw. Shell fragment wound of shin upper third. State: steady, grave. Consulted by maxillofacial surgeons today.
Ushakova, Viktoriya Age: 12 Open fractures of shin bones, dextral pleuropneumonia (mild case), foreign bodies in chest cavity and chest. Shell in one eye. State: satisfactory. Dynamics: improved. With the mother and father in hospital.
Zhukaeva, Madina Age: 8 Degloving injury of the right shin, bleeding anemia, depressed case, fractures, under the second surgery the third and fourth toes are excised, accomodated in the crisis therapy department.
Tsalikov, Soslan Age: 15 Mine explosion wound, shell fragment wound of right shin, left hip, injury of lien, liver, stomach, hemopneumothorax on the right side.
Bekuzarov, Dzambulat Age: 7 Burn desease of 40%, thermal burns of front side of corpus, limbs, epilepsy. State: steady, moderately severe. Lightly improved dynamics.
Tetov, Azamat Age: 10 Multiple gunshot penetrating wounds of abdominal area with injury of twisted intestine. Eardrum rupture. State on 9/7/04: surgery, ileostomy applied. Unable to eat.
Mukagov, Azamat Age: 2 Abdominal gunshot penetration wound. Liver wound. Peritonitis. 9/4/2004 the patient was operated. Colostomy and ileostomy were applied. Started to eat. State: improves. With the mother and father at hospital.
Biboeva, Madina Soslanovna Age: 7 Burn disease 45%. Was operated on 9/7/04 (7 %) - deep closed craniocerebral injury; Necretomy. Was transferred from intensive care block to the 6th department of surgery. Steady state, relatively satisfactory.
Esiev, Alan Borisovich Age: 11 Burn disease 45%. Deep burns (20%). State: severe. Crisis therapy. In artificial respiration.
Kochiev, Alan Age: 12 Burn diseas 70%. (6-8%) are deep. Closed craniocerebral injury. The patient was operated (6-8% necrectomy). Recovered from anaesthesia. Gives response.
Mkrtychan, Mikhail Age: 9 Shell fragment wound of right orbit. Right eye penetrating wound. Hemophthalmia. Right shin bone and palm fracture. Crisis therapy.
Khybaeva, Ilona Age: 8 Penetrating scleral wound of the right eye. Hemophthalmia. Detached retina.
Budaeva, Dzerassa Age: 10 Mine explosion wound. Burn disease of 38%.Pneumothorax. Shin bone fracture. During surgery shin bone fragment is removed.
Tigieva, Alana Age: 10 Complex injury, shell fragment body wounds.Thermal burn.
Bokoev, Stanislav Age: 14 Gunshot wound of neck. Front side with trachea injury. Gunshot fragment wound of lateral breast. Kartagener's syndrom (complete visceral inversion, bronchopulmonary pathology, sinuitis).
Kadalaeva, Anna Age: 10 Shell fragment wound of left orbit. Rupture of left eyeball. Mother reported missing.
Oziev, Vladimir Age: 8 Mine explosion wound. Shell fragment wounds of face, arms and legs. Foreign bodies in the left eye-pit, upper third of left hip and lower third of left chin. His mother and 9 year old brother are reported missing.
Guldaeva, Amina Age: 11 Mine explosion wound. Shell fragment perforating wound of cervical spine. C-5 spine fracture. Contusion cervical spine cord with radicular syndrom.
Khadartseva, Amina Age: 8 Perforating gunshot wound of left shoulder.
Karaeva, Zhanna Age: 13 Gunshot wound of right knee joint.
Guldaev, Georgy Age: 6 Shell fragment wound in the back region.
Plyev, Zaur Age: 10 Mine explosion injury with avulsed wounds of left arm and radial neurve injury.
Dziova, Zarina Age: 12 Radial neurve neuritis due to gunshot wound.
Khugaeva, Albina Age: 11 Gunshot wounds to both legs.
Vataeva, Agunda Age: 13 Gunshot wounds to right knee joint.
Salkazanov, Ruslan Age: 6 Opened fracture of knee joint medial condyle.
Avsanova, Bella Age: 16 Mine explosion injury, shell fragment open penetrating wound, multiple foreign bodies in pariental lobe. State after excision trepanation: emergency, conscious. His sister Valentina and her husband arrive tomorrow.
Kozyrev, Zaur Age: 10 Penetrating wound of rib cage. The Crisis therapy department.
Bikashvili, David Age: 8 Computerized thomography. Gunshot wound of right shoulder girdle with penetrating into pleural cavity. Hemothorax at the right side. Moral state: extremely unsatisfactory.
Esieva, Milana Age: 7 Computerized thomography. Shell fragment penetrating wound of abdominal cavity, liver wound. The state is improving.
Gochashvili, Svetlana Age: 42 Splenectomy, gunshot wound of rib cage, crisis therapy.
Fraeva, Amina Age: 7 3rd degree burns of 16%.
Dzandarova, Madina Age: 16 Mine explosion wound. Barotrauma. Severe brain contusion with with dominating injury of right hemisphere. Partial crushing in frontotemporal lobes. Intradural hemotoma in right frontotemporal region. Cephaledema.
Valiev, David Age: 15 Mine explosion wound, shell fragment blunt penetrating wound of skull and brain. Foreign body in the left frontal lobe. Shell fragment wound of rib cage right half.
Kachmazova, Alina Age: 8 Penetrating wound of eye cornea with prolapse of eye. Surgery: left eye is excised.
Murtazova, Diana Age: 14 Mine explosion wounds. Shell fragment wounds in the region of fifth cervical vertebra and spinal cord with abnormal neurility of spinal cord. Surgery aimed to improve spinal cord neurility is performed on 9/6/2004. Tetraparesis. The state on 9/7/2004: she breathes without apparatus, conscious. Hemodynamics is steady.
Chipirov, Azamat Age: 10 Shell fragment wound of right temporal region. Brain contusion with crushing of right parietotemporal region.
Sheikhov, Abdul Age: 7 Severe burns.
Ramonov, Irbek Age: 8 Fragmentation wound of front upper third of splinter bone. Isteomyelitis suspect.
Archegova, Linda Age: 6 Thermal burns.
Kalmanov, Murat Batrazovich Age: 16 Right hand wound. The palm is broken. Îsteomyelitis. Frags in the temporal region; two frags in the shoulder. Ear gunshot wound."
Tsagoeva, Valeria Age: 4 Mine explosion wound. Shell fragment wound the left shoulder joint and posterior surface of thoracic cage. Extraneous body in the right shoulder-joint and posterior surface of thoracic cage.
Igorevna Bkuzarova, Kristina Age: 10 Mine wound with complications, penetrating gunshot wound of the chest.
Eduardovna Guseinova, Viktoria Age: 16 Fragment wound of skull.
Elbrusovna Esieva, Diana Age: 6 Lacerated fragment wound.
Olegovich Kastuev, Alan Age: 9 Mine injury, penetrating bullet wound of chest.
Taimurazovich Kozyirev, Zaur Age: 10 Mine injury, penetrating bullet wound.
Kazbekovich Kusaev, Fidar Age: 4 Mine injury, penetrating fragment wound.
Ruslanovich Kusov, Alan Age: 11 Mine injury, penetrating fragment chest wound.
Andronnikov Farniev, Georgyi Age: 10 Mine injury, fragment wounds, contusion.
Dzandarov, Ruslan Age: 13 Mine explosion wound, penetrating shell fragment wound of camera cordis. Fracture of the left fourth rib. Traumatic pneumonia.
Vazagova, Helena Age: 10 Mine explosion wound of abdominal cavity with small gut injury. Opened fracture of right hand. Brain contusion. Acoustic trauma.
Bugulova, Zarina Age: 14 Mine explosion wound. Penetrating shell fragment wounf of right breast case. Shell fragment wound of right shoulder. Hemothorax. Acoustic trauma. Put in a thoracal department.
Mamsurova, Zamira Age: 14 Mine explosion wound. Multiple wounds of soft tissues. Pneumothorax on the right side, contused left lung, left hip fracture, lower jaw fracture, third-degree shock.
Mamsurov, Zelim Age: 11 Mine explosion wound. Gunshot wound of brachial and pubic areas, wing of ilium. First degree shock.
Aslanovich Farniev, Elbrus Age: 7 Mine injury, bullet wound.
Arturovna Hamitsaeva, Elina Age: 10 Mine injury, chest wound.
Ktsoeva Viktoriya Age: 14 Blunt gunshot wound of skull and brain. Preparation to surgery. State is satisfactory. Transferred to the neurosurgery department.
Kusaev, Alan Age 14 Mine explosion injury at the left side. Hemothorax at the left side. Shell fragment wounds of head and rib cage. Put in crisis therapy.
Balikoev, Robert Age: 7 Computerized thomography. Shell fragment penetrating wound of right rib cage. Gunshot wound of shoulder. Hemothorax at the right side. Put in thoracic department.
Dudiev, Kazbek Age: 10 Computerized thomography. Shell fragment wound of left nephritic region. Shell fragment penetrating wound of rib cage. Hemothorax at the right side. Urology Department.
Dzugaev, Aslanbek Age: 14 Computerized thomography. Gunshot penetrating wound of rib case right side. Hemothorax at the right side, second degree shock.
Fadeeva, Alevtina Age: 12 Computerized thomography. Gunshot wound of lumbar region. State is improving.
Dzebisov, Zaur Age: 12 Pulmonary cyst in left lung. Sinistral pneumothorax.
Guseynova, Victoria Age: 16 Computerized thomography. Shell fragment open penetrating wound of skull left parietofrontal region. After excision.
Can't vouch for them though.
It breaks my heart to read this. Those people are animals!
Thank you for update...prayers for them and their families...
Islamic terrorist bastards!
Oh, dear God.
What monsters the Islamofascist's are.
These innocents have been violently harmed physically, emotionally, and mentally. Having survived indescribable horrors, they long to return home to their family and loved ones where they can regain at least some semblance of security. We ask first for Your miracles of healing to descend upon each one, through the power of our Great Physician, Jesus Christ. We pray that the Holy Spirit would move in the hearts of Your people to pray for these helpless souls and to send aid. And we ask also, Father, for justice to be wrought to the purveyors of such unspeakable inhumanity. May Your vengeance be far greater than anything we can imagine as we pray for Your powerful hand to move in this situation. In the Name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
Can some creative freepers help with this? I am at work and I'm not sure how to check the legitimacy of help collectors like this. But I would sure like to help.
Just please, please, don't even suggest that the UN is involved!
bump for publicity
This is so disturbing. I could only read the first few.
The embassy of the Russian Federation suggested this group as a means of directing aid to the survivors. I went to their site a few hours after the attack and made a donation. From everything I have been able to find out regarding this group, they are legit and only withhold an "administration %" from corporate donors who authorize it, none from private donors. Virtually everything donated goes to the victims. I hope that helps set your mind at ease.
And on and on... thirty-eight still unaccounted for :-(Relatives search for missing hostages. Photos and descriptions
Ilona Maksimova Sabeyeva. Born 15 Feb 1989. Last seen on 3 Sep when a soldier carried her from the school. Anyone who knows Ilona's whereabouts please call in Beslan 3-44-94.
Kristina Dzhabayeva Goloyeva, 2 years old. Anyone who knows the whereabouts of Kristina, please call in Beslan 3-61-98, in Vladikavkaz - 42-52-15.
Zlata Sergeyevna Aziyeva, born 1970. Her husbad saw her on video clips as Zlata was carried from the school on a stretcher during the freeing of the hostages. Zlata has a pronounced collarbone on the right side, a result of birth trauma, and an appendectomy scar. Telephones: in Beslan 3-50-94, 5-66-19, in Estonia 8-10-372-55669711 & 8-10-372-3599731. E-mail: &
Alina Aslanovna Tokova. 9 years. Anyone knowing her whereabouts is asked to call in Beslan 3-04-25.
Alana Alanovna Lolayeva. 10 years. All who know Alana's whereabouts are asked to call Vladikavkaz 42-81-47 & 44-02-36.
Related stories:
To Beslan, to her son's grave
A Dead City
This site was created by the teachers and parents who themselves or their children were taken hostages during the terrorist attack on the 1st of September, 2004 in the town of Beslan, Republic of North Ossetia - Alania, Russia. On this web-site we will be posting information about the victims of this terrorist attack. Unfortunately, the list of their names and contact information is not complete, but we will be updating our site daily. We will also try to tell you as much as possible about each person who suffered from this terrible tragedy. There are a lot of people who suffered from this terrorist attack and who have very low income, so even a little help is extremely important for them and their families. There are several ways of sending donations to the people who suffered from the terrorist attack:
Our children, sisters and brothers became the innocent victims of the terrorist act of terror in Beslan. No one wanted to die. The soldiers of the FSB Special Forces carried their duty to the end; in contrast to us they knew that they went into the school to die. Each killed means several saved lives. If it were not for their courage, heroism and professionalism, many more could be dead. We understand this and we will remember forever. We will ask the Beslan city government to name of one of the streets to immortalize their feat. We do not know their names, but we know that in they were survived by mothers, children, and wives. It hurt us that their children, fathers and sons perished on the Osetia earth, protecting our children. We grieve together with you, let it be that victims children will never meet such sorrow in the further life. Let it be that the children will have joy of life, which their fathers will not. Peace and happiness to you. The account details to help the families of the killed and injured soldiers: INN 5001018507 KPP 500101001 OFK for Balashikhinskiy region of the Moscow district Minfin RF (INN 7702232171 KPP 500102001 l/s 06189527210, v/ch 35690) Balashikhinskoye OSB 8038 Balashikha city Bank: Savings Bank of Russia in Moscow r/account: 40503810940041002815 k/account: 30101810400000000225 BIK 044525225 Place the code '5030120 p. 16' on the payment. Everyone who would like to help the victims of the terrorist attack and is looking for further information is welcome to contact Elena Kasimova-Ganieva (vice-principal of school #1 and the head of Teachers' Committee) with any questions. Our contact details are: |
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