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To: KentTrappedInLiberalSeattle
How does this poor, simple creature even manage to find food unaided...? :)
2 posted on
09/30/2004 9:56:22 AM PDT by
(I feel more and more like a revolted Charlton Heston, witnessing ape society for the very first time)
To: KentTrappedInLiberalSeattle
She has a voice maybe but DOES SHE HAVE A BRAIN??? NOOOOOOOOO!
4 posted on
09/30/2004 9:57:44 AM PDT by
(Democrats = the hamster is dead but the wheel is still spinning)
To: KentTrappedInLiberalSeattle
I mean, we could lose the right to our bodies. We could lo--if you think that rape should be legal, then don't vote. And if you don't think murdering a baby (what the Leftists call "abortion") should be legal, then DO vote!
5 posted on
09/30/2004 9:57:47 AM PDT by
Prime Choice
(It is dangerous to be right when wicked is called 'good.')
To: KentTrappedInLiberalSeattle
But she drives a hybrid.....
Rush is on this now.
6 posted on
09/30/2004 9:58:01 AM PDT by
(cum puella incedit minore medio corpore sub quo manifestus globus, inflammare animos)
To: KentTrappedInLiberalSeattle
Rush is now quoting her.....LOL.....
7 posted on
09/30/2004 9:58:03 AM PDT by
(Main Stream Media == PRAVDA)
To: KentTrappedInLiberalSeattle
It's a very rare event when a Hollywood starlet says something that proves that she's even stupider than I originally thought.
Kudos to you, Miss Diaz!
8 posted on
09/30/2004 9:58:04 AM PDT by
(God bless our brave soldiers and their Commander in Chief)
To: KentTrappedInLiberalSeattle
I think Dr. Phil needs to have a serious talk with Oprah so she can have a serious talk with her guests.
They are off the charts ignorant.
To: KentTrappedInLiberalSeattle
I think she's confused the Islamic world with the U.S.
To: KentTrappedInLiberalSeattle
11 posted on
09/30/2004 9:59:04 AM PDT by
Laura Earl
(No man is an island, but some are peninsulas.)
To: KentTrappedInLiberalSeattle
Ms. DIAZ: It's your voice. It's your voice, that's your right.There's voices in muh head!
12 posted on
09/30/2004 9:59:21 AM PDT by
(Surrender Monkeys now come in Orange)
To: KentTrappedInLiberalSeattle
Beauty and brains aren't always exclusive - but you wouldn't know from listening to Diaz.
Some people should be seen and not heard.
13 posted on
09/30/2004 9:59:30 AM PDT by
(After 517, the abolition of man is complete)
To: KentTrappedInLiberalSeattle
And i'm sure she spoke out against Clinton the accused rapist?
To: KentTrappedInLiberalSeattle
Cameron Ditz, Cameron Dunce, Cameron Dolt, Cameron Dope, Cameron Doofus, Cameron Dingbat...the list is endless.
15 posted on
09/30/2004 9:59:41 AM PDT by
("A government that is big enough to give you all you want is big enough to take it all away.")
To: KentTrappedInLiberalSeattle
I was just reading this on Drudge...Hollywierds never cease to amaze when they reveal their IQ`s do they? How low can they go on the scale. Killing a baby is Ok, every women should be able to do it like ordering a pizza, but please leave those terrorists and psychotic tyrants alone.
16 posted on
09/30/2004 9:59:55 AM PDT by
( What`s the difference between Windows XP and John Kerry? Windows XP works once in a while.)
To: KentTrappedInLiberalSeattle
She might be in mourning since she was recently dumped by Justin Timberlake.
She knows not what she speaks of.
17 posted on
09/30/2004 9:59:58 AM PDT by
(cum puella incedit minore medio corpore sub quo manifestus globus, inflammare animos)
To: KentTrappedInLiberalSeattle
For the love of God. I'm guessing Patricia Heaton didn't get an invite to Oprah's Left-fest?
18 posted on
09/30/2004 10:00:02 AM PDT by
("...upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.")
To: KentTrappedInLiberalSeattle
cut her some slack. Look what the moron uses for hair gel!
To: KentTrappedInLiberalSeattle
Let me guess. Ms. Diaz voted for Clinton who has a history of sexual assaults.
21 posted on
09/30/2004 10:00:30 AM PDT by
(Get with the program, Troops don't need body armor against spitballs)
To: KentTrappedInLiberalSeattle
If You Think Rape Should Be Legal, Then Don't Vote! Since, after all, Clinton is no longer running for any office.
22 posted on
09/30/2004 10:00:43 AM PDT by
(I put sentences together suspiciously well for a righty blogger.)
To: KentTrappedInLiberalSeattle
She's and her ilk are complete morons. Can anyone explain to me what the hey she is talking about?
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