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The Islamic States of America? ^
| 9/23/04
| Daniel Pipes
Posted on 09/23/2004 2:51:20 AM PDT by kattracks
click here to read article
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posted on
09/23/2004 2:51:20 AM PDT
To: kattracks
Very scary article. They work our system while we sleep. Wake up America, the enemy is within.
posted on
09/23/2004 2:59:49 AM PDT
(O.K., I'll say it......National Democrats ARE UNPATRIOTIC!!)
To: kattracks
IIRC the Tribune article heading was titled, "Struggle for the soul of Islam." Be sure to read the
editors take.
posted on
09/23/2004 3:02:33 AM PDT
(Where is that number for FReeper addiction?)
To: nuconvert; AdmSmith; Valin; risk; McGavin999; zarf; DB; FBD; sionnsar; freedom44; maro
posted on
09/23/2004 3:08:02 AM PDT
F14 Pilot
(Democracy is a process not a product)
To: kattracks; Calpernia; StillProud2BeFree; Velveeta; Revel; jerseygirl; Alabama MOM; SevenofNine; ...
This you will want to read.....
posted on
09/23/2004 3:48:38 AM PDT
(On this day your Prayers are needed!!!!!!!)
To: kattracks
Islam, were it a smaller group, would be equated with Heaven's Gate and the Moonies as what it really is - a cult.
And it should be treated as such. A dangerous cult deserving of as much attention as the Thugees in British India.
posted on
09/23/2004 4:07:28 AM PDT
(Fear the government which fears your guns. God, guts, and guns made America great.)
To: kattracks
Unfortunately, Pipes is wrong when he says Islam has been hijacked by fundamental Muslims. To the contrary, what we are seeing is the true face of Islam.
Pipes accused Muslims of the OKC bombing because of the MO's similarity to the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center. After the outcry from American Muslims, he backpeddled and apologized, even though there was ample evidence that Muslims had carried out the OKC bombing.
As Ann Coulter has said, "All Muslims are not terrorists, but all the terrorists have been Muslims."
posted on
09/23/2004 4:11:56 AM PDT
To: Elkiejg
Very scary article. They work our system while we sleep. Wake up America, the enemy is within. I have faith in The People. The difference between us and Europe is that we are armed.
A time will come when, if the Governement does not aggressively address the problem, the People will. It will take some extreme provocation, such as a CBW attack with high casualties, a fission device in a city, etc..etc., but that will be the toggle.
There would be no one left to administer Sharia law.
I am not neccesarily ADVOCATING this, I am simply making observations about human nature. The example of the Holocaust comes to mind, where millions were killed for (comparatively) trivial reasons: Talking differently, having a different culture, etc. NOT trying to impose Talmudic Law on Gemany, but merely living there.
Recent reports of a city in Sweden that is taken over show that this threat is orders of magnitude greater than anything that provoked the Holocaust or the pogroms.
So the only possible response is going to be worse than's just the way people are, when provoked beyond reason.
posted on
09/23/2004 4:28:06 AM PDT
(Thereza-Heinz-DiazDeBovar-Greenberg-Wang-"O"'Kerry: PROOF that even the Rich can marry a failure.)
To: kattracks
Would the establishment of the shariah as U.S. law be a
de facto revocation of The Emancipation Proclamation?
Just wondering...
posted on
09/23/2004 4:47:03 AM PDT
Savage Beast
(The internet is the newspaper of record.)
To: kattracks
I'd be in favor of banning the practice of Islam in America. Simply tell the people that they've got sixty days to find another religion, or another country.
To: nw_arizona_granny
Bears repeating:
"The hardest thing for Westerners to understand is not that a war with militant Islam is underway but that the nature of the enemys ultimate goal. That goal is to apply the Islamic law (the Sharia) globally. In U.S. terms, it intends to replace the Constitution with the Quran."
posted on
09/23/2004 5:07:19 AM PDT
To: kattracks
For anyone who believes that Islam is a "religion of peace" or that we can negotiate with the "moderate elements" within the Islamic cult, this paragraph needs to be repeated over and over.
The hardest thing for Westerners to understand is not that a war with militant Islam is underway but that the nature of the enemys ultimate goal. That goal is to apply the Islamic law (the Sharia) globally. In U.S. terms, it intends to replace the Constitution with the Quran.
posted on
09/23/2004 5:12:22 AM PDT
(God answers all prayers. Sometimes the answer is ,"No".)
To: Velveeta
And this can be achieved in one generation with the abolishment of the Electoral College.
Muslims are reproducing faster than any other group in our country.
posted on
09/23/2004 5:16:37 AM PDT
(Watch for a CBS employee in a trench coat going by DeepWord.....)
To: kattracks
posted on
09/23/2004 5:18:42 AM PDT
To: kattracks
"Thou shalt have NO OTHER gods before Me."
posted on
09/23/2004 5:20:18 AM PDT
(.......Land of the Free,because of the Brave.)
To: kattracks
Most people here sneer at banning the headscarf. Banning it with all government employees and all public schools would be absolutely a huge step in getting a handle on these vile people.
posted on
09/23/2004 5:21:50 AM PDT
(There will be no world peace until all thuggocracies are gone from the earth.)
To: mabelkitty
posted on
09/23/2004 5:21:58 AM PDT
To: kattracks
Over the last 40 years, small groups of devout Muslim men have gathered in homes in U.S. cities to pray, memorize the Koran and discuss events of the day. But they also addressed their ultimate goal, one so controversial that it is a key reason they have operated in secrecy: to create Muslim states overseas and, they hope, someday in America as well.
I think the map can be used here. This map is two years old, and more Mosque's have sprung up across the U.S. since.
posted on
09/23/2004 5:21:58 AM PDT
To: kattracks
That includes preserving the Muslim identity, particularly among youths. It includes reading materials that say Muslims have a duty to help form Islamic governments worldwide and should be prepared to take up arms to do so.
it is deeply hostile to the United States and must be treated as one vital component of the enemys assault force.
We no longer have our heads buried in the sand, but they have gotten a head start.
posted on
09/23/2004 5:25:00 AM PDT
To: Velveeta
And it has begun full force in the US. I have said since 9-11, that Muslims are now using our own laws against us. Look at how many lawsuits have been filed since 9-11 citing freedom of religion to wear a head covering on a drivers license, to wear full muslim garb appropriate to women during college athletic events, to allow muslim school children to have days off for their religion, to allow call to prayer loud speakers in cities...
The list goes on and on. And they will continue to use the first amendment for their benefit- to the detriment of all of us.
posted on
09/23/2004 5:30:28 AM PDT
(Results matter.)
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