1 posted on
09/18/2004 8:06:45 PM PDT by
To: SJackson; Yehuda; Nachum; Paved Paradise; Thinkin' Gal; Bobby777; adam_az; Alouette; IFly4Him; ...
2 posted on
09/18/2004 8:06:57 PM PDT by
("So perish all Thine enemies, O the Lord" - Judges 5:31)
To: 1bigdictator; 1st-P-In-The-Pod; 2sheep; 7.62 x 51mm; A Jovial Cad; a_witness; adam_az; af_vet_rr; ..
Israel withdraws from Gaza; Palestinians attacks increase. I ask all FReepers to pray for the safety of my son in the IDF, who is on duty in the Jordan Valley.
FRmail me to be added or removed from this Judaic/pro-Israel ping list.

WARNING: This is a high volume ping list
3 posted on
09/18/2004 8:14:41 PM PDT by
(Professionals built the Titanic...amateurs built the Ark)
To: yonif
civil war....good job Yasser....
4 posted on
09/18/2004 8:16:51 PM PDT by
(Unelect All NJ Politicians....)
To: yonif
Do you know if the US has sold the IDF any of these?:

6 posted on
09/18/2004 8:35:19 PM PDT by
(Do you trust a government that cannot trust you with guns?)
To: yonif
never, EVER trust an arab...
8 posted on
09/18/2004 10:40:41 PM PDT by
snuffy smiff
(Jean Fraud Kerry-the Botox BoatWarrior,"oh no, aground again and huge riceberg approaching")
To: yonif
So much for "peace" deals...
9 posted on
09/19/2004 12:18:56 AM PDT by
American in Israel
(A wise man's heart directs him to the right, but the foolish mans heart directs him toward the left.)
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