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Pajamahadeen Rule... rise of the New Media
various FR links | 09-17-04 | The Heavy Equipment Guy

Posted on 09/17/2004 2:09:06 PM PDT by backhoe

click here to read article

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DUmmie FUnnies 06-14-06 (DUmmies SLAM Patrick Fitzgerald)
Could a 15-Year-Old With a Laptop Be the New Campaign Media Guru?

301 posted on 06/14/2006 4:47:09 AM PDT by backhoe
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Liberals Urged to Take On "Right-Wing Nuts" on Talk Radio
 Truthout is "Standing Down on the Rove Matter"

302 posted on 06/15/2006 4:30:26 PM PDT by backhoe (Just an Old Keyboard Cowboy, Ridin' the Trakball into the Dawn of Information)
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We Got Stats

I was reading Dean Barnett’s excellent account of the political boat anchor known as the left-wing blogosphere, and this section got my attention:

The blogosphere’s growth has flat-lined, and in many cases shrunk. Last October, the Daily Kos had approximately 23 million visitors. By last month, the number had sunk to 16 million. The decline was gradual and sustained. Kos’s virtual progressive ranks, at least, are not growing.

The same trend is in evidence nearly everywhere else in the blogosphere, too. The second most influential left-wing website, Atrios, now averages fewer visitors than it did eight months ago and there is no data indicating the readership of conservative blogs is growing, either.

Well, I continue to quixotically resist the label of “conservative blog,” but I’ve been noticing a gradual but steady increase in LGF visitors for a while now.

UPDATE at 6/18/06 8:12:19 pm:

LGF reader cba, obviously more fluent in Excel than I, emailed this helpful bar graph:

Take note, conservatives: No American need ever fear the liberal establishment again. It's all over but the sobbing.

Back when there were only three TV stations and no Internet, talk radio or Fox News, it used to be so easy for the MSM to destroy reputations — Joe McCarthy, Barry Goldwater, Richard Nixon, Robert Bork, Dan Quayle, Oliver North, Clarence Thomas, Pat Buchanan, Newt Gingrich, Paula Jones and Linda Tripp, to name a few of the MSM's prey.

Liberals aren't having so much fun now that the rabbit has the gun.

Screw the lava lamp if you want to see what people are searching for to LGF, just go to the Search Request page.

What's FCYA? I know CYA, but FCYA isn't in the Acronym Finder.

#11 Luigi  6/18/2006 07:03PM PDT

Why would you read Kos or Atrios? You can get the same information from the MSM in general -- the papers, the evening news, etc. In fact, you can learn about the leftwing blogosphere from the MSM.

LGF spreads by word of mouth. We are the resistance, the underground. The word is spreading.

Sounds like a personal problem

The Washington Post's Sunday Outlook section is beginning to resemble a feminist message board. Two weeks ago, it published a ridiculous piece by someone calling herself Dana L, who blamed President Bush for the fact that she had an abortion. And this week, a retired philosophy professor named Linda Hirshman drones on endlessly about herself and the criticism she received for arguing that women who quit their jobs to stay home with their children are letting themselves (and Hirshman's cause) down.

We all have problems, but isn't this kind of stuff best left to one's support group -- or one's psychiatrist?

Posted by Paul at 08:19 PM | Permalink

A Correspondent To Thank  ( permalink: 03:05 PM  )

I have received many e-mails and comments on my back injury and recuperation from CQ readers, giving me their personal stories and advice based on their own experiences, and I have found all of it tremendously helpful. I have been grateful for all of the correspondence, but I would like to acknowledge one correspondent whose personal story and outreach to me touched me very deeply, especially considering his experiences with his own difficulties.

I wrote last week about the excruciating pain that the disc rupture caused and the painkillers that doctors prescribed to ease the situation. Some of you wrote to caution me about Vicodin and Percocet and their addictive qualities. One person in particular wrote to me about his own addiction, and in particular gave me solid advice on physiological conditions that would indicate an addictive response from my body. Given the very public nature of his addiction, his note had one hell of a lot of impact on the decisions I have made this week.

That man is Rush Limbaugh.

I know that some people think that conservatives all take orders from Rush, but we're really not that lucky. I have corresponded with Rush' staff on a couple of occasions where they wanted to quote my blog -- they are extremely scrupulous about asking permission -- but other than that, I have never written directly to Rush nor him to me. He read my post and wanted to make sure that I took precautions with pain medication in order to avoid the problems that he faced in very public (and very overblown) fashion.

It takes a special kind of person to reach out in those circumstances to a man unknown to him just to help protect that man from a danger he might not see. That correspondence informed my decisions in the hospital to hold down my pain medication and to transfer to Ibuprofen as soon as possible. I've been fortunate; my pain since the surgery has allowed me to rely on the over-the-counter analgesic instead of the Vicodin and Percocet. Had I never heard from Rush, I might not have had the discipline to make that decision.

All conservative writers and radio hosts, even those who do radio as a hobby and political writing as an avocation, owe a professional debt to Rush for his pioneering efforts in creating and expanding the market for conservative communications. I owe a very personal debt to Rush -- and I thank him for his thoughtful and timely personal advice.

Posted by Captain Ed at 03:05 PM | Comments (15)

ANN ALTHOUSE: "Did you watch Congressman John Murtha on 'Meet the Press' today?"

Military blogger Matthew Heidt at BlackFive did, and wasn't impressed by Murtha's holding out Clinton's treatment of Somalia as an example of successful wartime leadership.

UPDATE: Jeff Goldstein: "I'm afraid I don't speak Murtha."

Plus this: "Murtha is channeling Grandpa Simpson more every day."

There seems to be a sudden surge of enthusiasm for Murtha challenger Diana Irey.

Kos Blogger: "I Served During the First Gulf War"

Free Republic Tenth Anniversary Plans (Vanity)
I would like to see a list of the Top 100 threads in FR history.

Here ya go!

It does need a bit of updating.

Free Republic Hall of Fame Threads

303 posted on 06/19/2006 4:26:52 AM PDT by backhoe (-30-)
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Kos: Gettin' Paid "Blogola"?

– Ace

Like payola involved paying DJ's to play records, "blogola" would involve paying bloggers secretly to shill for politicians.

Or "Kosola," some are calling it, because it chiefly seems to involve Kos. And his sorta-partner, Jerome Armstrong of (Which is reassuring, because no one's offered me dick.)

If you don't know, Kos and Armstrong are occasional partners and co-authors of a book about "people-powered politics." Kos does the Daily Kos; Armstrong does Or used to do MyDD, until he admitted the conflict of interest and just became a full-time political consultant.

So he doesn't really have a blog presence anymore, though he understands the usefulness of such a presence. If only there were so way he could take money directly from politicians and yet provide them with a big blogosphere forum...

But such a thing surely isn't possible, given that he no longer has a blog, right?

Welllllll... who knows.

Kos is now very high on Mark Warner of Virginia, who just so happened to throw a lavish party at the YearlyKos, and just so happens to have Armstrong on his payroll.

Now, Kos is a very partisan lefty, so it's curious what he's doing cozying up to a pro-war centrist Democrat-in-name-only (as Kossites would have it) like Warner.

Could there be something shady going on here? Wouldn't be the first time for Armstrong. Armstrong took money from a basically worthless company to post "impartial" endorsements of its stock on a market message board.

Now Dan Riehl finds that now-governor Corzine of New Jersey opened a "diary" on Daily Kos as Corzine was simultaneously paying money to Armstrong's "political consulting" company.


Let's say, hypothetically, you wanted to work both inside and "outside" the political system. One person couldn't do both; working for someone, taking money from a politician, makes you obviously biased.

But I wonder... I wonder... would there be some way that, I don't know, two people, say, could both be paid by politicians and also get lots of advertising income for a supposedly independent media outlet?

I know, it's crazy. There's no possible way something like that could work.

Posted by Ace at 11:11 PM | Comments (35)
The Democrats' Drive-by Politics for 2006

One thing I hate about blogs is this odd type of reasoning that people have the right to be anonymous. You don’t. People hide behind the ‘you don’t know who I am therefore I can act like a prick with impunity’. This has a coarsening effect on conversations. It’s one of the reasons I blog using my name – It keeps me a bit more honest and forces me to watch what I say.

Others apparently don’t follow the same path.

Sorry kiddo. You’re never as anonymous as you think.

As we say in the ‘ol south, “That’ll learn ya”

 Comment by Rusty on a Protein Wisdom thread about Mad Murtha's latest:

Proof positive that nobody is behind the wheel of the democratic clown car. Damn that’s some funny stuff. November is going to be a riot. All those goofy democlowns jumping out of the little car. propeller hats turning, big red noses going beep-beep-beep.

And the best part? They’re absolutely serious. It just keeps getting better and better.

304 posted on 06/20/2006 3:28:00 AM PDT by backhoe (-30-)
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Hands off of our 2nd amendment, you blue-helmeted bullies.

Alan Gotlieb reports: Susan Jones has more.

It's a Murtha-o-Rama over at Hot Air. Grampa Simpson makes an appearance.


FDR Debunked

Another iconic Democrat. More over at  Rabbi Brody;

Professor Raul Hilberg, the famed holocaust scholar and researcher that wrote The Destruction of European Jews, describes at length how Hitler wanted to sell Europe's Jews to President Franklin D. Roosevelt, but the latter wanted no part of our people. FDR and the State Department gave Hitler carte blanche to destroy our people - they locked the gates of the USA to many that could have fled. Later, FDRHarry_bingham had tons of opportunities to bomb Aushwitz, but he never did.

In light of the State Department's covert antisemitic climate, Harry Bingham was a tremendous hero. Against his superiors' will, he arranged 2,500 visas for Jewish refugees fleeing the death camps, including artist Marc Chagall. For over 50 years, the State Department resisted any attempt to honor him. Now, a posthumous award for "constructive dissent" is being given to him, in the form of a 39-cent stamp in Harry's honor. America, you can do much better than a postage stamp.

In his lifetime, Harry was disgraced and demoted. Now, he's recognized as a hero, but the recognition is too little and too late. Hat tip Grasiela

And no I won't shut tup. Until I'm dead.

305 posted on 06/20/2006 1:28:24 PM PDT by backhoe (-30-)
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Read it all. There's much we don't know.

Net Neutrality is anything but Neutral

After reading Andy Kessler's take on net neutrality in the fresh Weekly Standard,  it is painfully clear that the American people are getting the shaft, from both sides.

Hate to break the news, but your "fast" DSL Internet access is no longer considered high speed. In parts of the world, cell phones are faster. Have you wondered why Internet video doesn't fill your computer monitor and look like a DVD, but instead is pixelated dreck in a tiny one or two inch square? Well, Comcast is dragging its heels, too. With better video over the Internet, who would want E!, let alone the Style Network? Because of this Fred and Wilma thinking, the United States is 16th in the world in broadband use (behind Liechtenstein!) with East Timor catching up fast. The French may burn Citroëns, but they get 10 megabits for 10 euros--50 times your "fast" Internet access for half the price. That's just not right.

Betcha didn't know that. But Kessler doesn't think the net neutrality act is the answer. That would be like taking the slow boat to China (no pun intended.)

We'll  never get 10 megabits to our homes, let alone the multiples of that speed that are possible and affordable today if these telco Goliaths keep covering up their crown jewels. As Dean Wormer might put it: Fat, drunk (on profits), and stupid is no way to go through life, son. But the answer is not regulations imposing net neutrality. You can already smell the mandates and the loopholes once Congress gets involved.

Here's an idea: Start screaming like a madman and using four letter words--like K-E-L-O. And fancier words like "eminent domain." I know, I know. This sounds wrong. These are privately owned wires hanging on poles. But so what? The government-mandated owners have been neglecting them for years--we are left with slums in need of redevelopment. Horse-drawn trolleys ruled cities, too, but had to be destroyed to make way for progress. How do we rip the telco's trolley tracks out and enable something modern and real competition?

Forget the argument that telcos need to be guaranteed a return on investment or they won't upgrade our bandwidth. No one guarantees Intel a return before they spend billions in R&D on their next Pentium chip to beat their competitors at AMD. No one guarantees Cisco a return on their investment before they deploy their next router to beat Juniper. In real, competitive markets, the market provides access to capital.

Without even being paid by the hour, I read through the Supreme Court's Kelo v. City of New London eminent domain rulings. Surely there exists some clever Silicon Valley counsel to twist the wording of the precedent. The telcos may want to treat the Internet like a shopping mall that they own, but the premises are looking awfully sketchy. So start with this line: "Economic underdevelopment and stagnation are also threats to the public sufficient to make their removal cognizable as a public purpose."

Sure, property rights are important, but that doesn't mean we can't shake a cattle prod at our stagnant monopolists and say "update or get out of the way." The mantra should be "megabits to phones and gigabits to homes." We'll only get there via competition. Regulations--even regulations that look friendly to the Googles and Yahoos and hostile to the telcos--will just freeze us where we are today.

IN THE LONG RUN, technology doesn't sleep. You can't keep competitive King Kong in chains. But why wait a decade while lobbyists run interference? If Congress does nothing, we will probably end up paying more for a fast network optimized for Internet phone calls and video and shopping. But this may not be the only possible outcome. Maybe the incumbent network providers--the Verizons, Comcasts, AT&Ts--can be made to compete; threatening to seize their stagnating networks via eminent domain is just one creative idea to get them to do this. A truly competitive, non-neutral network could work, but only if we know its real economic value. If telcos or cable charge too much, someone should be in a position to steal the customer. Maybe then we'd see useful services and a better Internet. Sounds like capitalism.

What new things? It's not just more bandwidth and better Internet video--how about no more phone numbers, just a name and the service finds you? How about subscribing to a channel and being able to watch it when and where you want, on your TV, iPod, or laptop? How about a baby monitor you can view through your cell phone? Something worth paying for. And that's just the easy stuff.

We don't even know what new things are possible. Bandwidth is like putty in the hands of entrepreneurs--new regulations are cement. We don't want a town square or a dilapidated mall--we want a vibrant metropolis. Net neutrality is already the boring old status quo. But don't give in to the cable/telco status quo either. Far better to have competition, as long as it's real, than let Congress shape the coming communications chaos and creativity.

Read it all. There's much we don't know.

The Net Neutrality Debate

I admit I’m conflicted on the “net neutrality” debate and having a hard time deciding which side to back. I’m in favor of internet innovation and capitalism, but feel slightly queasy about trusting cable/telco companies not to abuse the power of a “tiered services” internet.

Here are two pretty good summations of the debate:

1) The pro-neutrality argument, at The New Republic: The Bush administration prepares to wreck the Internet. (Yes, inflammatory headline, but well written piece.)

2) The editors of The National Review give the anti-neutrality arguments: Unplug New Regs. (Shouldn’t that headline be “Loony Left Mau Maus the Internet?”)   link: 74 comments --for those interested in diving deeper into these murky waters, Jaron Lanier's Digital Maoism is highly recommended.


Anti-Semitism bubbles up at the left's most popular blog. Well, it's never far from the surface.

(As a bonus - the elitist distain of the academic left for the "common working man" is also caught with its pants down.)

Posted by Kate at 11:25 PM | Comments (8)
Daily Kos: "We've Lost the Moral High Ground"

Here’s rising Democratic star Markos Moulitsas “Screw Them” Zuniga on the torture, mutilation, and murder of two US soldiers: Daily Kos: Midday open threadlink: 210 comments

306 posted on 06/21/2006 3:08:13 AM PDT by backhoe (-30-)
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Daily Kos Directs Followers to Keep Their Mouths Shut

The talk of the blogosphere is the Ko$ola Kontroversy, in which Markos Moulitsas and his partner Jerome Armstrong are alleged to be running a pay-for-play scheme: hire Armstrong as a consultant and get the support of Kos.

Uh, well, it’s the talk of the right-leaning blogosphere, that is. Because Markos directed his fellow moonbat bloggers to keep quiet about it, on a private mailing list. TNR’s Jason Zengele has the email from Mr. “Screw Them:” The Blogosphere’s Smoke-Filled Back Room. (Hat tip: Allahpundit.)  And now that their private mailing list isn’t so private any more, this bunch of schemers is starting another more exclusive list.   link: 46 comments  Ann Althouse: "I wonder who's the leaker among the elite bloggers."


307 posted on 06/21/2006 4:31:57 PM PDT by backhoe
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To: backhoe

Interesting find.

308 posted on 06/21/2006 4:34:59 PM PDT by Jet Jaguar
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To: Jet Jaguar

Thanks for looking. It appears the "culture of corruption" is alive & well at Kos...

309 posted on 06/21/2006 4:37:32 PM PDT by backhoe
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#145 Jewels (AKA Julian)  6/22/2006 01:26AM PDT

to screw with a leftists mind

read this...then compare it to the typical tripe spouted by leftists. Then read off the points which are identical. then show them the party platform

watch their heads explode


310 posted on 06/22/2006 3:15:22 AM PDT by backhoe
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#178 Killgore Trout  6/22/2006 09:08AM PDT

here's a nice roundup of Kos' woes...
lots of links and a pretty coherent view of the situation.

Kos: Betrayed by the New Republic

Stand back! He’s gonna sue! Daily Kos: TNR’s defection to the Right is now complete.  Well, from Charles' article here, Kos is definitely asking his minions to keep quiet about it.

UPDATE at 6/22/06 8:20:27 am:

I can’t help noticing how much Moulitsas’ conspiracy-oriented mindset echoes the anti-rational paranoia of radical Islam. When the New Republic actually criticizes him, and reveals some of the secret Kos Nutroots Knowledge, the only explanation possible is that they’re apostates under the spell of a massive organized conspiracy. link: 232 comments
Kos: Je suis la gauche [Jonah Goldberg]
#40 Occasional Reader  6/22/2006 07:59AM PDT

in the face of a unified conservative noise machine

I just love this meme.

When leftists all get together to dance to Kos' tune, that's grass-roots activism.

When conservatives express personal opinions through the blogosphere, that's an orchestrated right-wing noise machine, owned and operated by Karl Rove.

#95 Killgore Trout  6/22/2006 08:22AM PDT

This is getting very interesting....
Ko$ola update: Union dues

$162,000 buys a lot of “pro-labor bias,” dunnit? Dan Riehl explains it all to you. Donkey Cons adds background on SEIU and addresses the left’s predictable non-defense that this is a right-wing hit job on Kos.
#110 Peacekeeper  6/22/2006 08:27AM PDT

Here from January 2005

Teachout named two prominent bloggers in particular: Jerome Armstrong of and Markos Moulitsas Zuniga of Daily Kos. "On Dean's campaign, we paid Markos and Jerome Armstrong as consultants, largely in order to ensure that they said positive things about Dean...the initial reason for our outreach was explicitly to buy their airtime.
#115 Peacekeeper  6/22/2006 08:31AM PDT

Same story

Moulitsas' crime isn't taking money from Howard Dean. He, too, can get away with a suspended sentence for insufficiently disclosing his role in the Dean campaign once he was off the payroll. The hanging offense is that Moulitsas took money from other, undisclosed, political clients. And while he may have disclosed—in 2003—that he wouldn't disclose them, that's not good enough.

"And did you ever notice how leftists HATE to be quoted in context? It drives them nuts."
PANDAGON: " I’ll tell anyone who’ll listen that there are just simply no consequences to getting on kos’s bad side. There really aren’t. And certainly not through the liberal blogads network, of which pandagon is still a member. Maybe he’d like to have the power to force people to get in line.
UPDATE: John Hawkins has a big roundup, with emphasis on the blogads angle, and Atrios is claiming a double standard:

Instapundit: All You Need To Know On "Kosola"

The big buzz in the political blogosphere, especially on the left side of it, are allegations that Kos and other heavy hitters in that medium are involved in a "pay for play" scheme. Kos has denied it, and I don't know what's true or not. But if you want all the latest, check out Glenn's link-filled analysis.

311 posted on 06/22/2006 12:00:48 PM PDT by backhoe (-30-)
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Still More Kosmerta

– Ace

TNR's The Plank continues blow-torching Kos. Here, Zengerle notes the backstory on Kos' "Speak No Evil Of Me" email. Basically, a lot of other bloggers were asking for guidance, saying that the story could not be kept under wraps, etc. They were worried that their readers would start asking about it, and they didn't think they could keep it secret.

It was in this context that Kos helpfully suggested everyone just drink a tall glass of shut-the-fuck-up juice.

Various people noted Kos' seeming assumption that "What's good for me is good for the Democratic Party." He seems to now identify himself as liberalism's last, best hope, and any attack on, or even questioning of, him is, ipso facto, an assault on progressivism. 02:07 PM | Comments (13)

Don Kos Orders Hit On TNR For Breaking Code of Kosmerta

– Ace

Good stuff:LGF has a great point. Kos is basically alleging the MSM is all in cahoots together -- TNR teaming up with NRO! -- to keep Kos down.

Good run-down at Hot Air, with a funny photoshop.

Protein Wisdom observes:

This whole "Townhouse" deal-- it's soooooo... liberal. So groupthink. As far as I know, there's nothing at all like that on the right. And if someone asked me to join something like that, I'd think they were a little soft.

Liberals are joiners.

Posted by Ace at 01:19 PM | Comments (33)

312 posted on 06/22/2006 1:57:01 PM PDT by backhoe (-30-)
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How to Talk to a Troll if you Must

Troll: An individual who interjects into blog conversations simply to cause a stir or insult the regular patrons of the blog. Trolls can be motivated by evangelical zeal for a cause opposite to that of the blog owner(s). Trolls will generally dominate a thread and park themselves on a blog, even though they don’t share most of the expressed opinions of the blog. Trolls may initially be polite, but their pathologic determination to dominate a thread and seek attention, very easily degenerates into insult. Their behavior often generates insults from a blog’s regulars.

Imagine a person at a party, walking over to a group having a conversation about topic A. The person then injects themselves into the conversation and dominates it… even though they don’t know the other people in the group. The person refuses to give up trying to convince the other people that they are wrong and he may even resort to insults. In real life, things would get ugly in a hurry, but since internet trolls are protected by cyberspace, they do not feel compelled to follow common rules of decency.

Not a Troll: A person with a contrary opinion to that of a blog owner, who genuinely wants to be involved in debate, but who does not dominate the thread, and shows respect to the blog owner and regulars. This person is not hell-bent on winning the debate and knows when to quit.

How to Talk to a Troll:

1. If you do not appreciate their presence, then ignore them. Responding to a troll is like feeding a bear… and they always tell you… don’t feed the bears. Ignoring trolls is always the best way to starve them.

2. If you want to debate a troll, be warned. There will never be an end to the debate as trolls always change the topic or interject multiple loosely connected “facts” into the debate. This serves to send the debate into a variety of directions, most of which do not have a possible conclusion. Trolls, even when they find common ground with you, will take a divergent route until they find another reason to scrap… and on it goes, and goes, and goes. They are on the thread to fight… and they will, no matter what.

3. Insulting the troll, if it is not your blog, results in general degeneration of the thread. Don’t do it.

4. Blog owners may choose, at their discretion, to bloc trolls… each blog is the owner’s baby, and bloggers do not have to put up with trolls of any kind. Trolls are guests, just like everyone else… but, they are the type of party guest mentioned above.

cross posted @ cjunk

Posted by Cjunk at 12:23 AM | Comments (8)
Daily Kos: The Townhouse Affair

At TNR’s The Plank, Jason Zengerle has another update to the Ko$ola Kontroversy, with much more about the leftist blogosphere’s coordinating committee, the private email list called “Townhouse.”

I’ve noticed on many occasions that all the lefty blogs will suddenly go into lockstep, echoing the same talking points, whenever a breaking event happens. Now I know why. There’s no doubt that this list is also used to coordinate attacks when they decide to go after blogs like LGF or any of their other favorite targets.

But it’s highly revealing that the very thing the moonbat blogosphere always accuses the “right” of doing—secretly following orders from a central machine—is exactly what they’re doing themselves!

If there’s an equivalent list on the “right,” no one has ever invited me. But that’s OK; I wouldn’t join anyway.

UPDATE at 6/22/06 2:13:17 pm:

Ace is on the money here:

Notice no one on the right tried to enforce a code of silence with regard to Ben “The Nech” Domenech. Charges were made that right bloggers felt they had to acknowlege and weigh in on, and so we did. Even the tenor of the earliest posts was along the lines of “I hope this comes to nothing, but it doesn’t look good.” The charges were dealt with honestly, not embargoed.

UPDATE at 6/22/06 2:51:26 pm:

I couldn’t resist.

UPDATE at 6/22/06 3:05:52 pm:

Jeff Goldstein ruminates on the nature of progressive totalitarian groupthink, as manifested in Nutroots gathering centers and reality-based communities: Markos “Kos” Moulitsas:  “They can take my life, but they can never take ...

UPDATE at 6/22/06 3:46:13 pm:

While you’re waiting for your popcorn to pop, here’s a good overview of the Ko$ola story by John Hawkins: Kos-ola Payola?

Sweaty Deacon  6/22/2006 02:20PM PDT

Not just Kos and the LLL blogs but, isn't it interesting to see the MSM through the same lens. I am always amazed at the unity of their message down to the exact phrasology.

Rush is the master revealer of this in his montages.

#142 mkm19602000  6/22/2006 03:33PM PDT

In TNW blog I found a link to part of the understory at the Workbench:



"Moulitsas can afford to say crazy shit like that, because Democratic politicians view Daily Kos as an ATM machine and assembly line for grass-roots liberal activists. He charges $1,400 a week for ads and regularly sells 6-8 of them."

#153 Luigi  6/22/2006 03:45PM PDT

The real meaning of Kos's associate's stock dealings in the 90's did not hit me until way after the thread was dead the other day. Today I online and found this

I want people to clearly understand the meaning of the stock activities of Mr. Armstrong, Kos's partner, confident, cowriter and associate. During the 90's when internet stock valuations were out of control, almost nobody was able to accurately understand the values of these stocks. It was pure speculation. People inhabited internet message boards like Raging Bull to exchange information and rumors about the stocks. Raging Bull was really an early blog.

There was, however, a rare sort of fellow -- Mr. Armstrong -- who was a paid agent of some moneyed interest who seemed to do nothing all day but dominate one board or another with seemingly expert or inside info about a stock. Such a person could rather successfully manipulate a stock in the very short term.

For interesting further research may I suggest that you check out the Delphi Technique

The Delphi Technique is based on the Hegelian Principle of achieving Oneness of Mind through a three step process of thesis, antithesis, and synthesis. In thesis and antithesis, all present their opinion or views on a given subject, establishing views and opposing views. In synthesis, opposites are brought together to form the new thesis. All participants are then to accept ownership of the new thesis and support it, changing their own views to align with the new thesis. Through a continual process of evolution, Oneness of Mind will supposedly occur.

PORKBUSTERS UPDATE: Here's more on Dennis Hastert: Reader Pat McNiff emails: "Could this be why Hastert got so exercised when the FBI raided William Jefferson's office?"
Read it all- particularly the disgusting "updates"--

The Post Picks Up Hastert's Real-Estate Deal

The Washington Post picks up on the profit taken by Dennis Hastert and his partners in the Little Rock Trust that came from $207 million in federal highway funding, a traffic corridor championed by Hastert himself and funded through pork-barrel earmarks.

Posted by Captain Ed at 03:43 PM | Comments (9)
If we want to get serious about reforming government, we had better start holding our political leadership to task for their performance with our money. Regardless of the scale of profit, Hastert had no business earmarking federal funds for a project that had this much potential impact on his own business interests. At the minimum, it shows a remarkable level of disregard for the role of Representative.
"The quesiton isn't whether Haster benefitted... the question is why is this project needed at all?"

313 posted on 06/23/2006 2:59:22 AM PDT by backhoe (-30-)
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To: backhoe

Thanks for the links! I was thinking about Dan Rather's getting the boot, and the enormous loss of trust the MSM has suffered. (Not to mention newspaper circulation hitting rock bottom.) They deliberately betrayed public trust -- not content with reporting the news, they decided to slant it. Dewy-eyed journalists straight out of J school who 'want to change the world' mentality.

PBS journalist panels with Mike Wallace types exhorting kids in the audience to 'make a difference', (despite the fact that we're at war), "We're not on anyone's side!" Conveniently, they give themselves carte blanche to slant the news, lie, cheer the enemy, help set up photo ops of IED's so American soldiers get killed on camera, lie and lie and lie in an attempt to despose a sitting president. That's what Rather did. Ask any journalist, Rather's sin is that he got caught.

314 posted on 06/23/2006 3:18:14 AM PDT by hershey
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To: hershey

Thanks for looking.

315 posted on 06/23/2006 3:19:13 AM PDT by backhoe (-30-)
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Huffington Post Blocks Whistleblower

Markos Moulitsas isn’t the only moonbat blogger on the spot tonight, as one of the Huffington Post bloggers charges that the Post’s technology manager was trolling his own site: Huffington Post blogger blocked. (Hat tip: ben_nur.)   link: 344 comments

KOs KOverup Exposure Makes KOs Go BERSERK!!!

The KOs volcano has just EXPLODED over the EXPOSURE by The New Republic's Jason Zengerle that Markos Moulitsas sent out a secret e-mail to fellow "progressives" to help him STONEWALL the Blogola SCANDAL that has engulfed him. Here is the text of the secret Stonewall "Townhouse" e-mail...

#274 Dirk Diggler  6/23/2006 12:49AM PDT

James Lileks on our friend Kos...

Hugh Hewitt: (laughing) That's what it...what did you make of that post today, and what do you make of Kos?

James Lileks: I don't make very much of him at all. I have no idea what he stands for, except for undisciplined, omni-directional rage. There doesn't seem to be any platform there. There doesn't seem to be any desire to do anything except to win. And that's fine. You need people like that on your side, if that's your side. But what I've found about the site so unpalatable is the sort of rhetoric he used. Can't write one or two graphs without slipping into gutter language. And look, I like a nice sailor's oath as much as the next guy. And every once in a while, once or twice a year, I'll judiciously sprinkle the blog with a good curse. But the constant level of it, it's infantile, and it just makes you think that they're motivated more by some chronic, institutional dyspepsia than anything else. It's not a pleasant place to be. It's like sticking your head in a popcorn popper. After a while, the noise is just deafening, and that's all it is.

Quite a stinging rebuke.

#100 zombie  6/22/2006 10:37PM PDT

#84 infopimp
Would you agree I shouldn't openly film the 'interview'? My concern is I don't have the ultra stealth technology of Zombie. Maybe I should just say I'm doing a report for college and "would they mind doing a quick interview?"... throw some softball questions and hit em then your list above.
The key is this: you've got to coordinate your "persona" with your "surreptitiousness level."

The questions you and everyone are suggesting may not be right for what you are trying to do.

To wit:

Option 1:

Film them openly. Ask their permission. If you do this, do NOT ask overtly hostile questions, or questions that indicate you have any knowledge of Islam's darker side. Act innocent. Act friendly. Depending on how the interview goes, you can then ask some cutting "faux-naive" questions that expose them. (Stuff like [after they give you a rosy picture of the Koran], "But doesn't it say in the Koran to kill the unbelievers?") But only do that after you've set them up.

Option 2:

Film them secretly. In this case, yes, you can try some incisive or hostile questioning, to get them to drop the mask and show how nasty and threatening they can really get.

Each option has it serious issues, and will require major preparation.

For Option 1, you will need to concoct an entirely fake identity. A "cover story" so to speak. Maybe even make a few fake business cards, just in case they ask for one. Say, for example, "Hi, I'm Bill Smith from Foothill College, doing a film project about people who work in malls...(etc.)." Then let them think they're manipulating you into talking about Islam. Act innocent and interested in what they have to offer, etc. Further preparation: have a few "faux-naive" questions pre-thought-up, so you won't be caught unprepared.

For Option 2, you will need to get a video camera and set up a hidden camera technique.

 Not easy to do with a video camera. And you must try it out in practice runs ahead of time. And then of course you must be prepared for a public confrontation that may get ugly.

316 posted on 06/23/2006 4:39:42 AM PDT by backhoe (-30-)
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We Got Mail from the Muslim Brotherhood

Today a visitor from Egypt discovered LGF by searching the Egyptian version of Google (yes, there’s an Egyptian Google) for “muslim brotherhood,” which led him to this LGF post: The Truth About the Muslim Brotherhood.

Interestingly, our visitor’s IP address traces to the Egyptian Military Medical Academy in Cairo. Excuse me while I feel slightly creeped out.

01:28 PM PDT | link: 46 comments

317 posted on 06/23/2006 1:50:00 PM PDT by backhoe (-30-)
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To: backhoe

Still a classic...

318 posted on 06/23/2006 1:53:13 PM PDT by GOPJ (Once you see the MSM manipulate opinion, all their efforts seem manipulative-Reformedliberal)
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Still a classic...

Thank you, I appreciate that.

319 posted on 06/23/2006 1:55:33 PM PDT by backhoe (I'd STILL rather hunt with Dick than Ride With Ted...)
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CATEGORY: Blogging, Politics

This article originally appears in The American Thinker

There are many observers of the New Media who believe that blogs or other on-line communities will one day replace the mainstream media as the best way to transmit news and information to the American public. The rationale behind this revolution is that collectively speaking, bloggers are wiser, less prone to error, and when that error is discovered, ruthless in correcting the mistake.

The key, as new media herald Jeff Jarvis preaches, is content.

Frankly, I don’t buy it. And judging by the burgeoning controversy surrounding Markos Moulitsas of Daily Kos, the biggest liberal blogger on the planet, we may in fact be witnessing something of an earthquake that will alter the blogging landscape...More than 50 million Americans get most of their news and information from the internet with 13 million people counting themselves as readers of blogs. What makes politicians salivate about bloggers and blog readers is simple; they are comparatively rich. Surveys show that 43% of this group make over $90,000, with almost 70% enjoying annual incomes in excess of $50,000.With that kind of money to be had for the taking, insiders from both parties have begun to reach out to bloggers in earnest.The controversy centers mostly around Moulitsas’ relationship with his friend, business partner, and recent co-author Jerome Armstrong. As the conservative site RedState has reported, there appears to be a correlation between candidates who hire Armstrong to work on their campaigns and favorable attention paid to those candidates on Daily Kos, a blog that garners more than 500,000 readers a day.The connection between Armstrong’s stock touting and Kos’s candidate pimping is made by RedState:

The New Republic’s Jason Zengerle has uncovered a network of liberal bloggers who keep in touch through an email list known as “Townhouse” and who, according to Zengerle, coordinate their blog activities.This kind of coordination in and of itself is not shocking. What is apparently out of the ordinary is the fact that Moulitsas sits on the board of directors of an blog advertising group known as Advertising Liberally, a group that pays liberal bloggers for ads.

By: Rick Moran at 10:14 am | Permalink | Comments & Trackbacks (6)

320 posted on 06/23/2006 2:50:45 PM PDT by backhoe (I'd STILL rather hunt with Dick than Ride With Ted...)
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