Posted on 09/10/2004 10:16:17 AM PDT by Hank All-American
Friday, Sept. 10, 2004 12:59 a.m. EDT Caddell: Dan Rather May Have Cost Kerry the Election
Longtime Democratic strategist Pat Caddell said Friday that if documents aired by CBS newsman Dan Rather Wednesday night turn out to be forged as alleged by experts, the presidential race "is over."
"It would be the end of the race," Caddell told Fox News Live. "It would be the end of the race," he repeated.
"[Democratic officials are] so involved in this," the former Carter pollster worried. "They have gotten themselves so involved in this issue, [in] the last 24 hours, that somebody's going to, if they're not authentic, they're going to be blamed for it. It's incredible to me that they've gotten in this." Caddell said he wasn't trying be sensationalize the issue, explaining that instead, "I'm trying to save my party, you know, by telling the truth."
He said that forfeiting the presidential race would be the least of his party's problems if Democrats are tied to any forgery scandal.
"The race is over - and we've got bigger problems than that," he warned.
At least not as long as Hillary Rob'em Clinton has anything to say about it.
This race was already over. The irony is that Denial Dan thought he was helping Kerry and in fact personally nailed the last nail into the Kerry campaign coffin.
celebrate dyslexia
I don't know why he's blaming it on Rather. Rather was just using info supplied by the Dems. Heck, John Edwards just yesterday called on Bush to explain the memos. If they now concede that they are forgeries, why are the Dems still using it?
This is getting WAY too complicated. The 20/20 hindsight conspiracy theories are a little too far-fetched. They give WAY too much credit to brilliance and some feigned conspiracy in the DemonRat party.
Fact is, this is not just going to cost Kerry, this entire fiasco is the undoing of the DemonRat party. Hitlery doesn't have a PRAYER in '08. Even with the likes of Cheney (who I **really** don't care for), the DemonRat party is history.
This isn't just going to cost them the presidency, this is ALSO GOING TO COST SEATS IN THE HOUSE AND SENATE RACES!! You can bet that the supermajority that Republicans are going to gain is going to END almost 40 years of rabid Marxist Socialism, it's going to put 2, possibly 3 TRULY CONSERVATIVE judges as replacements on the bench. With at LEAST one Conservative for a radical lib replacement, and one conservative for a goofy moderate.
And THIS president will also be naming the next Chief Justice (he WILL be retiring).
THERE IS NO WAY THAT THE DNC, HITLERY, OR KLINTOONY HIMSELF ORCHESTRATED THIS DISASTER, it was none other than the hand of God!!! Too many wierd coincidences...
Fact is, the DNC never had a prayer with Kerry. And it is interesting how the rabid Media Wing of the DemonRat party is also coming unglued and going into meltdown!!!
Lieberman was their ONLY hope... And they blew that one!!
I think Dems forged those documents to smear Bush and they didn't think they would get caught. This is dirty tricks on a level that makes Watergate look like the work of a child. Hopefully this will turn on them. They are already destructing.
I have a little secret for you! A loyal and quite clever GOPer is a mod over at the DU and he has been "tombstoning" loyal DUmb-o-rats at a rapid rate lately! Yes indeed, over at the old DU the DUmb-o-Rats have been turning on their own, sincere DUmb-o-rats and they are being "tombstoned" at a rapid rate over trivial missteps! I love it! I hope the disenfranchised, mistreated and angry DUmb-o-rats don't feel very motivated to help their party out in November. After all, that is the whole point.
More like a serious case of "Arkancide"
Goodbye to any pretense of objective journalism at CBS. In fact, CBS should be renamed to DNCBS - Democratic National Committee Bull Sh!t. Dan Blather has not a shred of credibility.
I'm picturing rolls of aluminum spinning like rolls of toilet paper.
I can believe it...but he needs to leave us Freeper newbies at DU alone...then we can assimilate them...
You got that right. He'll be sitting with his lap robe and drool cup in the ol' democrat home for former loser presidential candidates with Carter, Mondale and Dukakis.
It would also serve the purpose of providing the premise/foundation of "innoculation" against anticipated attacks on the next DEM nominee... HRC!
"Kerry showed poor judgment when he hired Lockhart, Begala, Carville and Sasso. The librats ship is sinking"
Hired? LOL they were thrust apon him son.
I actually like Pat Caddell -- he's a straight shooter and doesn't ever spin anything.
Wow. He's about 50 years too late. The democratic party is suffering from terminal cancer and needs to be put to sleep. It can't be salvaged.
In light of the events of the last couple of days, I think that this formerly accurate moniker for CBS needs to be modified. I'm in favor of:
C(an't see) BS
I believe Pat C. has already been blacklisted for calling on Gore to quit the recount in 2000 for the sake of the country.
Paid for by Hillary 2008!
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