1 posted on
09/09/2004 11:44:01 AM PDT by
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To: Peach
And what about the discrepancy in the signatures?
To: Peach
Hmm ... is it slander or libel if defamation of character is performed on TV ?
3 posted on
09/09/2004 11:45:02 AM PDT by
(Truth, Justice and the Texan Way)
To: Peach
Thanks to all the work done by Freepers last night!
4 posted on
09/09/2004 11:45:13 AM PDT by
To: Peach
Drudge is breaking this now!
5 posted on
09/09/2004 11:45:18 AM PDT by
To: Peach; Howlin; All
Lookie here --MSM picking this up??
6 posted on
09/09/2004 11:45:40 AM PDT by
(Does Rice show up on X-Rays??)
To: Peach
Dumb question, who gave the reports to CBS
7 posted on
09/09/2004 11:45:53 AM PDT by
To: Peach
the same guy who did it killed Kennedy and lives in area 51
To: Peach
The real shame here is that it took less than 12 hours for Freepers and others to come up with this evidence.
Lak of motivatiion, maybe?
10 posted on
09/09/2004 11:46:48 AM PDT by
Izzy Dunne
(Hello, I'm a TAGLINE virus. Please help me spread by copying me into YOUR tag line.)
To: Peach
Drudge says:
'60 Minutes' Documents on Bush Might Be Fake /// 32-year-old documents produced Wednesday by CBSNEWS 60 MINS on Bush's guard service may have been forged using a current word processing program // typed using a proportional font, not common at that time, and they used a superscript font feature found in today's Microsoft Word program, Internet reports claim... Developing...
11 posted on
09/09/2004 11:46:53 AM PDT by
I'm ALL Right!
(Spitballs: The official weapon of the DemocRATic party.)
To: Peach
The real shame here is that it took less than 12 hours for Freepers and others to come up with this evidence.
Lack of motivation, maybe?
12 posted on
09/09/2004 11:47:06 AM PDT by
Izzy Dunne
(Hello, I'm a TAGLINE virus. Please help me spread by copying me into YOUR tag line.)
To: Peach
Now if this can just get into the mainstream press.
This would be good fodder for some senior Bush staff to talk about how desperate the libs are to even go so far as to use "obviously forged documents" to attack and slander the President.
13 posted on
09/09/2004 11:47:31 AM PDT by
(People are entitled to their opinion - no matter how wrong it is.)
To: Peach
Kerry just keeps getting muddier. Obviously he's not fit to be president.
To: Peach
Gee, how could this have passed the scrutiny of an experienced and objective reporter like Dan Rather?

To: Peach
24 posted on
09/09/2004 11:49:00 AM PDT by
(It's sad that the news media treats Michael Jackson better than our military.)
To: Peach
This is good. By casting doubts on this story we will only negate the Kerry's camp's dirty tricks and make them look worse. Anything that they try after this can be deemed suspect. It's all about perception and if they are seen as reaching for the lowest slime possible, it makes Bush look good.
To: Peach
Well, Drudge is reporting it now. So everyone in the media is looking at it. We should know one way or another in a few hours.
28 posted on
09/09/2004 11:49:41 AM PDT by
To: Peach
Gentlemen and Ladies, the cat is now out of the bag, and she's a live one!
31 posted on
09/09/2004 11:50:21 AM PDT by
Right Wing Professor
(www.swiftvets.com: where the truth lives on, after 35 years of Kerry lies.)
To: Peach
But HOW do we get the word out about the fraud beyond the world of the Internet?
32 posted on
09/09/2004 11:50:25 AM PDT by
To: Peach
I was thinking why would I take four years to dig this up? I guess fiction requires more time to write.
35 posted on
09/09/2004 11:50:45 AM PDT by
(¡Qué viva la revolución de Reagan!)
To: Peach

If these documents can be thoroughly discredited, what can we do to make sure CBS' credibility takes what's coming to it? Full page newspaper ad?
39 posted on
09/09/2004 11:51:51 AM PDT by
(If there are two Americas, John Edwards isn't qualified to lead either of them.©)
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