This is pretty critical of Kerry considering the source.
Kerry should immediately counter his elitist image by opening up a fire hydrant in Harlem and playing in the water with a bunch of black children.
It's the photo-op of the century, I tell you.
Charlie don't Windsurf!
Can a person "sneer" on the Internet?
Talk about NYT journalists spewing Democrat talking points... this line is almost word for word from Kerry.
As his plane was flying from Oregon to Idaho on Saturday, Kerry defended his taste in sports, saying, "The guys who do it are all local guys -- plumbers, construction workers."
Kerry's ability to make himself look like a complete Doofus when atempting any athletic activity would embarras anyone with an honest staff or friend into forbidding press coverage.
"Zell Miller, who could himself be accused of being flip-flopper-in-chief,"
This has become a talking point of late. It's absurd, of course, since Zell Miller is actually just sticking to what he's always believed.
I don't think people would be as upset if Kerry just naturally acted like the man of privilege he is, instead of looking like a complete fool pretending to be "one of the commoners."
The SUV thing is to show the hypocrisy of the left. They are the ones who are supposedly saving the environment and the common man should be forced into driving a tin can which gets 50 miles to the gallon while they continue to drive whatever the heck they want.
Sour Grapes. NY Slimes can't understand why sKerry can't come across as a regular guy like the Pres. Gee, hard to understand, huh?
Thanks to the FReeps here and everywhere for making it a pleasure to come here to read and post. It is GREAT to see ALL FREEPS get the National and International respect and exposure that Free Republic is getting now, and will continue to get in the future. I am grateful.
The thing the Times misses is that Kerry has been looking stupid for a long time. It's not that he looked particularly goofy windsurfing this week; he looked just as dopey snowboarding six months ago. But Kerry was ahead in the polls then, and he's behind now, so all of a sudden, the Times realizes that Kerry is capable of looking dopey in these pictures.
Georgia Senator Zell Miller: "I noticed that John Kerry was out windsurfing the other day. I still don't understand why this man still goes around in those skin tight spandex things. How many people in the United States windsurf or wear those silly little bicycle shorts?"
Here's another quote from Zell on Kerry -- this was from January, mind you:
(2) Now to "Cussing Kerry." Like Alice, this campaign gets "curiouser and curiouser." What will those former Gore consultants try next? The electric blue spandex surfing bodysuit didn't work. The jeans and Harley Davidson didn't work. Chet Atkins turned in his grave at the senator's guitar picking. And now comes the F-word in Rolling Stone. My mouth ain't no prayer book, but John Kerry could have asked his pal Tom Harkin of Iowa how cussing went over with voters in 1992. Like a lead balloon. It's as if Mr. Kerry will do anything to appear the "coolest" in the Our Gang crowd. What's next? John Kerry wearing a baseball cap sideways?
I think it's more that because the Democrats have spent years trying to portray themselves as the party of the common man (calling themselves "The People's Party"), and the Greenies (who hate the SUVs,) - that make the yachts, the mansions, the SUVs noticable because of their hypocracy. The rich Republican stereotype is something the Democrats have perpetuated, so according to them, it would not be unusual for a Republican to be at a Yacht Club.
The Democrats have painted themselves into a corner with this image. Bush can clear brush on his ranch and WOW, he's more like us than we thought. Kerry goes windsurfing at one of his many vacation homes, with his family's yacht, jet, SUVs at his disposal - hmmm, not so much like me.
I note that they're still pushing the "first George Bush bewildered at the grocery scanner" lie. It was totally false, made up by a reporter who wasn't even at the event.
Kate starts off lamenting the mocking of Kerry for wanting to spend "a summer afternoon windsurfing" as if he's toiling endlessly and was only seeking a few brief moments' respite from the perpetual grind. The fact is he's constantly goofing off.
From there her analysis and comparisons get just plain idiotic.
I will tell you why he comes across being a dork - it is becase he is a dork. He wears "gear" to do everthing. If he just wore old worn out clothing to go biking or windsurfing, or whatever, he would come across as ok, but he wears stuff that no normal person would be caught dead in unless you were riding in the tour de france and getting paid a zillion in endorsements. Funny how GW goes jogging in old shorts and a t-shirt just like regular folks. I mean loose cotton clothing is comfortable and all you are going to do is sweat in it. There are very few people in this world I want to see in Spandex, and they are all about 18-22 and female.
Real Surfing
I liked the Leno quip that even FnKerry's hobbies depended on which way the wind blows.