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Christian stripped of workplace signs: State agency sued after officials remove Bible verses ^ | Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Posted on 08/23/2004 10:44:30 PM PDT by JohnHuang2

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1 posted on 08/23/2004 10:44:30 PM PDT by JohnHuang2
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To: JohnHuang2

And where is the outcry from those so-called "champions of free speech," the ACLU? The silence is deafening.

2 posted on 08/23/2004 10:48:00 PM PDT by SpyGuy
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To: JohnHuang2
An interesting case. The right of private employers to restrict employee speech is well-grounded in case law (Hudgens v. NLRB, 424 U.S. 507 among others) but the fact that this fellow works for the state bureaucracy makes the issue much less clear. My guess is that his First Amendment right to express his religious views in his workplace will be upheld under the Due Process clause of the Fourteenth.
3 posted on 08/23/2004 10:51:00 PM PDT by B-Chan (Catholic. Monarchist. Texan. Any questions?)
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To: JohnHuang2
ACLU probably just got a heads up.

though they probably are in for a loss if they actually jump in.

4 posted on 08/23/2004 10:51:23 PM PDT by AmericanCheeseFood (Zing!)
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To: JohnHuang2
[T]he California Department of Social Services, took down from the walls of his cubicle a bumper sticker that reads "Marriage: One Man One Woman," a small sign that says "Jesus Spoken Here"

Of course, if Mr. Lawrence had posted signs advocating homosexual marriage or "Praise be to Allah," then he would have likely been promoted by the California Brownshirts.

5 posted on 08/23/2004 10:51:30 PM PDT by SpyGuy
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To: JohnHuang2

I'm confused. Nobody's told me to remove my Kerry Akbar sign.

6 posted on 08/23/2004 10:56:51 PM PDT by TheLawyerFormerlyKnownAsAl
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To: JohnHuang2

Look at the bright side: he's got an opportunity to go out in the real world, find a real job and do something productive with his life, instead of being a government parasite.

7 posted on 08/23/2004 10:59:36 PM PDT by Hank Rearden (Never allow anyone who could only get a government job attempt to tell you how to run your life.)
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To: JohnHuang2

Seriously, your California is one really screwed up state, although Minnesota is no more than a couple of steps behind. And the Eighth Circuit is almost as bad as the Ninth, it just doesn't get the publicity.

8 posted on 08/23/2004 11:00:38 PM PDT by TheLawyerFormerlyKnownAsAl
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To: B-Chan; SpyGuy; JohnHuang2
"removed items from his cubicle they consider "political, religious or social" in nature.

I work in FEDERAL facility and as long as it doesn't interfere with others and is in you cubicle, you are protected. They even have prayer sessions. I don't have access to info, but on the bulletins board they state case laws. I sure where I'm at they have fought this one and under Federal or FAA guidelines are to show that the government is tolerant to workplace prayer and religious items in personal areas.

9 posted on 08/23/2004 11:03:28 PM PDT by endthematrix ("We've come a long way from John Kerry reporting for duty to Miguel reporting for booty!")
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To: SpyGuy


10 posted on 08/23/2004 11:05:00 PM PDT by JohnHuang2
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To: JohnHuang2

The constitution specifically protects our right to religious freedom.

Unfortunately, most Americans are under the false impression that the constitution actually says there should be a separation of church and state. It, of course, says nothing of the kind.

11 posted on 08/23/2004 11:10:31 PM PDT by Private_Sector_Does_It_Better (The UN did such a great job with the Oil for Food program, let's let them run the whole country!)
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To: JohnHuang2
This article has been posted to DoctorZin’s New News Blog!

12 posted on 08/23/2004 11:52:27 PM PDT by DoctorZIn (Until they are Free, "We shall all be Iranians!")
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To: JohnHuang2

The one thing missing from the article is whether this employee is in a "meet the public" sort of job. If he is, I would think the employer would have more discretion in restricting what he pins up on his board, due to the employer's interest in how the office is perceived by the public. If he only interacts with other employees, the employer would have less discretion.

13 posted on 08/23/2004 11:56:26 PM PDT by Brandon
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To: Hank Rearden
"Look at the bright side: he's got an opportunity to go out in the real world, find a real job and do something productive with his life, instead of being a government parasite."

The man served 21 years in the military, he's not exactly a 'government parasite' imho. If these intrusive government agencies have to exist, it's good to know that at least some of their employees are trying to do the right thing.

14 posted on 08/24/2004 12:15:34 AM PDT by TheCrusader ("the frenzy of the Mohammedans has devastated the churches of God" Pope Urban II (c 1097 a.d.))
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To: Hank Rearden

Did you fail to read this part of the article"Lawrence, a disability evaluation analyst who is also a 21-year military veteran, ".Sounds to me like he has been in the real world.

15 posted on 08/24/2004 12:25:24 AM PDT by eastforker (Maybe you understand what you think I said, but I am not sure what I said is what I meant_John Kerry)
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To: Brandon
"The one thing missing from the article is whether this employee is in a "meet the public" sort of job."

This whole thing has become preposterous. Why would the "public" be offended or harmed by this employee's personal beliefs? And even if somebody does feel 'offended' by the little Biblical verses on his cubicle wall, why would anyone else give a rat's tail about the "poor victim's" alleged hurt feelings?

Should we allow our Constitutional rights to privacy and religious freedom to be overthrown by the liberals' pretentious sensitivities? Has everybody been brainwashed by the illogical and self-destructive sensitivity training the government has been saturating us with over the last 30 years? I just can't believe that we've sold God down the river like this, all in the name of fearing a reference to Christ might cause some non-Christian to "feel bad".

16 posted on 08/24/2004 12:37:59 AM PDT by TheCrusader ("the frenzy of the Mohammedans has devastated the churches of God" Pope Urban II (c 1097 a.d.))
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To: TheCrusader
This whole thing has become preposterous. Why would the "public" be offended or harmed by this employee's personal beliefs?

It depends on the beliefs, doesn't it? I can think of lots of beliefs that crank me off. I don't want to hear about them in a place of business.

And even if somebody does feel 'offended' by the little Biblical verses on his cubicle wall, why would anyone else give a rat's tail about the "poor victim's" alleged hurt feelings?

Because it's an office. The person across the desk from you is somebody you're supposed to be serving in some way.

Should we allow our Constitutional rights to privacy and religious freedom to be overthrown by the liberals' pretentious sensitivities?

There are offices in the company I work for where you aren't allowed personal mementos of any kind on your desk. No picture of the kids, nothing. Those are creepy offices, I admit, but well within the rights of an employer. When you are at work, your rights are largely what your employer says they are (well, in a real world job, not a government job). Don't like it? They always need a hand at Mickey D's.

Would stand up equally for someone's right to post Koranic verses about beheading infidels? Or pro-abortion propaganda? Think that would be good for business?

17 posted on 08/24/2004 2:15:19 AM PDT by prion (Yes, as a matter of fact, I AM the spelling police)
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To: prion
Would stand up equally for someone's right to post Koranic verses about beheading infidels? Or pro-abortion propaganda? Think that would be good for business?

Point well taken. However, if a gay guy had a poster "celebrating" gay pride week or month or moment, etc., would that have been an issue with these supervisors? Could you imagin him/her/it being asked to take the poster down? How 'bout if a Muslim had his prayer mat in his cubicle? I know for a FACT (because I was a government contractor in State of California offices) that just about any left-wing cause from environmentalism to minority rights to gay rights, to pro-Gray Davis posters could be openly displayed in most state employee's offices, BECAUSE I SAW THEM DISPLAYED OPENLY THERE!

Why is it that social conservatives must be very, very careful to avoid any possible offense to any possible person, while the political and social left (including many "moderate Republicans") are generally "in your face" about their beliefs and causes.

I'm sorry, but your argument greatly favors those in the political left who would, and do, act in their official capacity to silence any dissent to leftist policies. If you were the supervisor in that situation, you might have run a very sterile environment, avoiding such problems. But in the real world, this guy has been singled out for retribution because of his personal and religious beliefs, and they're da*n well going to make certain he's silent and invisable, or better yet, out of public service altogether. That's what this situation is all about - not the guys signs in his cubicle; they're just the pretense.

This is how you arrive at a 90%+ plurality of leftist running the "mainstream media", why few non-leftist voices are found in major universities, and why most government employees run in lock step with the leftist politics. If I ran a major business where 90%+ of my employees were WASP, I could soon expect a law suit by a radical leftist organization, joined by the government, because of "latent racist" hiring policies. However, a government agency can employ over 90% Democrats, Government Universities can employ over 90% leftist professors, no media professional or actor can MENTION he's a conservative, and yet no one dare ask how in the world such a skewing of the labor pool occurs.

I won't impune your motives. I assume you're sincere in simply wanting a just, fair, level playing field. But the VAST majority of people don't get upset at someone who has a sticker that is pro-(traditional)-family or pro-traditional-Christianity. The only folks who get uptight about that are radical athiests .... and radical leftist who use their office to punish those who they see as "evil doers", i.e. anyone who doesn't think "correctly" like they do.

I hope this guys wins, and takes the California treasury to his bank. (After all, most of the leftist organizations are state funded, why shouldn't he get his "fair share".)


18 posted on 08/24/2004 3:36:27 AM PDT by Steel and Fire and Stone (SFS)
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To: JohnHuang2
Inscribed in marble on the Jefferson Memorial in Washington D.C. are his own words:

“No men shall - - - suffer on account of his religious opinions or belief, but all men shall be free to profess and by argument to maintain, their opinion in matters of religion. I know but one code of morality for men whether acting singly or collectively”

19 posted on 08/24/2004 5:34:37 AM PDT by DirtyHarryY2K (G W B 2004! Friends Don't Let Friends Vote For DemocRATS)
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To: eastforker; TheCrusader
I did see the 21 year military record. So how'd he end up still on the government payroll? Time to get out and produce things, not hand out taxpayer money.
20 posted on 08/24/2004 8:00:23 AM PDT by Hank Rearden (Never allow anyone who could only get a government job attempt to tell you how to run your life.)
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