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Big Lies For Bush
Boston Globe ^
| 8/22/04
| Editorial
Posted on 08/22/2004 2:31:24 PM PDT by alydar
click here to read article
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Anybody know what Swift Boat Tom Oliphant rode on???? He is despicable.
In 1942, at the age of 19, Bob Dole answered the call to serve his country by joining the Army to fight in World War II. He became a second lieutenant in the Army's 10th Mountain Division, and in the spring of 1945, found himself in the hills of Italy fighting the Nazi Germans. In the middle of heavy shelling, Lieutenant Dole saw his radioman go down. As he crawled out of his foxhole to try and rescue the wounded soldier, he was hit by Nazi machine gun fire. After the battle, medics gave him a shot of morphine and marked his forehead with an "M" written in his own blood. He wasn't expected to survive.
posted on
08/22/2004 2:31:24 PM PDT
To: alydar
posted on
08/22/2004 2:34:13 PM PDT
To: alydar
Man ....are they coming unhinged or what.
posted on
08/22/2004 2:34:50 PM PDT
(If he had shown up for Intelligence Committee hearings he would notice he wasn't vice chairman.")
To: alydar
The two highest achievements of the human mind are the twin concepts of "loyalty" and "duty." Whenever these twin concepts fall into disrepute -- get out of there fast! You may possibly save yourself, but it is too late to save that society. It is doomed.
Robert Heinlein
It is getting closer to that time.
posted on
08/22/2004 2:35:46 PM PDT
(GEORGE WASHINGTON is nothing like a communist tyrant as stated by Kerry.)
To: alydar
I couldn't bear to read Oliphant. I'll take your word for it. He even gives sh*tty lefties a bad name.
posted on
08/22/2004 2:37:05 PM PDT
(History's greatest agent for freedom: The US Armed Forces)
To: alydar
Keep in mind that the Boston Globe is owned by the New York Slimes. They must follow orders from the head Mullahs there. The Globe has been to the left of the mainstream for years before the sale however. And Ollierant has always been a blithering idiot anyway.
posted on
08/22/2004 2:37:17 PM PDT
(Never underestimate the power of the Dark side of the Force....keep the blasters' fully charged.)
To: Dog
His bow tie is obviously waaaaay too tight..
posted on
08/22/2004 2:37:48 PM PDT
(We've looked for WMD in Iraq for LESS time than Hillary looked for the Rose Law firm billing records)
To: alydar
I take it back in claiming that the
Boston Globe is a bird-cage liner. It is worse. It should be carried by Bostonians with very large dogs, like Great Danes, who require to be cleaned up after, under local ordinance.
John / Billybob
posted on
08/22/2004 2:37:52 PM PDT
Congressman Billybob
( Visit. Join. Help. Please.)
To: Dog
These people have lost their damned minds.
posted on
08/22/2004 2:38:54 PM PDT
(Donate to the Swifties, once again serving the nation selflessly)
To: HuntsvilleTxVeteran
Heinlein was a Naval Academy grad. What do you think he would do to the likes of Curry?
At saber point he would urge Curry to "Walk the Plank!"
To: alydar
Based upon the one-liner from the article here, I agree completely. Problem is: Kerry qualifies as a great war hero of the Socialist North Vietnamese. Dole is a war hero of the Americans. Big difference: Kerry was instrumental as an enemy propagandist in a victory of our enemy in the Vietnamese campaign of the Cold War. Dole was a great warrior for his country who almost died ending a reign of horror in Italy.
posted on
08/22/2004 2:41:08 PM PDT
(A President. Kerry would have our enemies partying like it's 1969-- when he began his treason.)
To: Dog
Kerry a bigger hero than Dole? These people are officially delusional.
posted on
08/22/2004 2:42:18 PM PDT
(The Clinton's pardoned more terrorists than they ever captured or killed.)
To: alydar
John Kerry seems to have recovered rather well from whatever wounds he received in Vietnam. Bob Dole, even sixty years after the fact, has only one good arm. Whichever editor wrote this is a dumb SOB.
posted on
08/22/2004 2:43:48 PM PDT
(...if Leader were still alive, he'd pee on the Globe today.)
To: alydar
They are completely unhinged. I won't even comment on the Dole part because it is beyond the pale. Note, however, how the big lie about Cleland has become gospel among the libs. So according to them it was OK for Cleland to tout his pro-union vote to union groups, but the Repubs couldn't make an issue of his vote without it "questioning his patriotism". Very similar to the way only pro-Kerry vetereans are allowed to talk about Kerry in Vietnam.
To: alydar
"Although his tour in Vietnam was short, on at least two occasions he acted decisively and with great daring in combat, saving at least one man's life and earning both a Silver Star and a Bronze Star. That's not our account or Kerry's; it is drawn from eyewitnesses and the military citations themselves."Is it not true that the citations merelt parrot the officer after action reports? Other than Kerry & Rassmann who authored such a report that day?
posted on
08/22/2004 2:44:14 PM PDT
To: alydar
Kerry isn't good enough to clean Bob Dole's shoes, when it comes to service to this country. Keep it up, libs. Pretty soon you'll have the whole country hating not only liberals, but the media along with them.
posted on
08/22/2004 2:45:39 PM PDT
(First, the journalists, THEN the lawyers.)
To: MizSterious
The public hates the media already....:-)
posted on
08/22/2004 2:46:21 PM PDT
(If he had shown up for Intelligence Committee hearings he would notice he wasn't vice chairman.")
To: alydar
"Anybody know what Swift Boat Tom Oliphant rode on????"That was no boat. That was a hairy-backed bathhouse "partner."
To: Young Werther
When Kerry was dispatched to go to An Thoi with Lieutenant Tedd Peck(now Captain, USNR), Peck told him, "Kerry, follow me no closer than a thousand yards.If you get any closer,I'll teach you what a real Purple Heart is."
Page 41, UNFIT for COMMAND
posted on
08/22/2004 2:47:59 PM PDT
(GEORGE WASHINGTON is nothing like a communist tyrant as stated by Kerry.)
To: Dog
I wish that were true. Too many people accept every word put out by rags like this and "network news" hacks as gospel truth. But with pap like this, I hope they begin to see what these teasonous cretins are up to.
posted on
08/22/2004 2:48:57 PM PDT
(First, the journalists, THEN the lawyers.)
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