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Swift Boat" flyer pictures from Republican Headquarters in FL (Been given to the Gainsville Sun)
| 8/21/04
Posted on 08/21/2004 8:57:12 AM PDT by areafiftyone
Just found out from lurking that the DUers have been going to the Florida Republican Headquarters and taking pictures and sending them to the Gainesville Sun and other papers. These people are disgustingly ruthless and are planning on going to other Republican Headquarters around. Here are the pictures they took:
TOPICS: Politics/Elections; US: Florida; Your Opinion/Questions
KEYWORDS: asthedncturns; gainesville; leaflets; swiftboatveterans; webofconnections
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To: schaketo
posted on
08/21/2004 9:42:50 AM PDT
("When you don't think too good, don't think too much" Ted Williams)
To: Libertina
It's gotta be the picnic baskets. They just hate picnics! ;-)
posted on
08/21/2004 9:43:17 AM PDT
(Democrats = the hamster is dead but the wheel is still spinning)
To: areafiftyone; All
Gainesville is a hotbed of liberalism. It wouldn't surprise me to find out that only a few show up at the rally. The Sun is so far to the left that it makes it difficult for my mom to stomach reading the local rag.
posted on
08/21/2004 9:43:59 AM PDT
Ohioan from Florida
(The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.- Edmund Burke)
To: areafiftyone
LOL Yes, that *must* be it ;)
posted on
08/21/2004 9:47:09 AM PDT
(The Democrat Party: Ah the freedom to lie, fund 527s, and ban books with media approval.)
To: Porterville
posted on
08/21/2004 9:48:12 AM PDT
To: areafiftyone
Actually, this is a REALLY stupid tactic by the left wing nuts. It will only give the Swift Boat Vets MORE publicity. And that is a GOOD thing.
The tactics of the left gets more desperate every day, doesn't it?? hehehe
I love it.
posted on
08/21/2004 9:48:44 AM PDT
(Liberals really aren*t bad people. It*s just that they know so much that simply ISN*T true!!)
To: areafiftyone
Seems like all the claims and accusations are being made by poeple who have no idea what this idiotic law says. I don't know myself.
posted on
08/21/2004 9:50:42 AM PDT
(The timing of this tagline is suspicious.)
To: hobson
Thank you very much, now I see.
posted on
08/21/2004 9:52:50 AM PDT
To: areafiftyone
Is it me, or does that flyer look like it's on the outside of the glass?
posted on
08/21/2004 9:54:03 AM PDT
(John Kerry Says he Would Conduct a More Thoughtful and Sensitive War on Terror)
To: areafiftyone
If there is to be a rally with a conservative theme, it would be stupid for the local campaign staff NOT to take notice. The same would apply to the Kerry campaign and liberal events. However, if local staff is coordinating the event, then that borders on a technical violation of some complex rules and needs to be reined in pronto.
Campaign Finance Reform is a joke and the worst is yet to come with the kick-in of the 60 day period. Here is the NonValueAdded campaign finance reform proposal:
- 1) immediate fictitious name registration (held in an internet-accessible database) for all political advertisements; ditto for PACs, 527s, etc.; no registration required when done under your own name;
- 2) immediate database recording of all contributions in excess of a cumulative $250 limit (no endless series of $249 contributions), with data accessible via the Internet;
- 3) slander and libel laws enforceable;
- 4) Severe penalties for misuse of donation and registration information (enemies list, IRS audits, etc.)
Rationale: free speech is free (unfettered) speech but there is no right to anonymity or protection from slander / libel consequences (except from harassment - see #4 - which has a prior restraint effect).
When I see crap on TV like the media fund ads, I'll leave it up to the Bush campaign to refute the content but I want to know who is placing the ads so I can make up my own mind as to their validity, accuracy, and agenda. Knowing who makes up the media fund and who is providing the major funding is the important part.
PS ... did anybody note that one of the provisions put forth for the Ag Bill was to forbid Internet publication of who got the subsidies (protecting the likes of Sam Donaldson and Scotty Pipen)? That is clear evidence that sunshine is the best cleanser for the political process. I hope that the provision did not become law.
posted on
08/21/2004 9:54:35 AM PDT
(When it came to Intelligence, Kerry was absent)
To: wolicy_ponk
looks like the big sign is on the inside of a window, and the rally one (c'mon, does the world really think Repub. spell political with a "k"??) looks like it was taped on the outside.Notice the upturned corner.
posted on
08/21/2004 9:55:34 AM PDT
(Homeschooling..Changing America's teenager at a time.)
To: areafiftyone; Grampa Dave
Look at the close up of the flyer and notice the reflection of the American flag on the right, the reflection stops at the edge of the flyer. That tells me that the flyer is on the outside of the glass
posted on
08/21/2004 9:56:53 AM PDT
(John Kerry Says he Would Conduct a More Thoughtful and Sensitive War on Terror)
To: areafiftyone
What they're doing is fine. DU Creeps or not, there is nothing sleazy about taking photos in public places. The funny thing is that these flyers don't show any illegal collusion between the Bush campaign and the Swifties.
This tactic shows that the left has no good play available to them. After they spent $67 million in 527 ads bashing Bush, they are being destroyed by a little half-million campaign. If I were them, I'd be pissed too! :-)
posted on
08/21/2004 9:57:02 AM PDT
To: blu
my bad....adjust glasses, the k becomes the "c".
posted on
08/21/2004 9:58:15 AM PDT
(Homeschooling..Changing America's teenager at a time.)
To: areafiftyone; Mia T
Check out
this search for the word MoveOn at the DNC homepage.
One of the things that struck me was a quote from this article:
"The Democratic Party is partnering with, People for the American Way, Campaign for America's Future, and dozens of other groups representing millions of Americans to organize a massive public mobilization."
The Democrats are partnering with these organizations? Sounds like collusion to me!
To: areafiftyone
The Fl Dems would be better off spending their time teaching their party members how to vote so they don't embarass us again.
posted on
08/21/2004 9:59:57 AM PDT
( <{{--->< Judge Greer allows violations of Florida Statutes)
To: DallasMike
Yep - if that's not "co-ordination" prohibited by CFR, I don't know what would be. Of course the law is meant only to gag up Republicans.
posted on
08/21/2004 10:00:39 AM PDT
(In Memory Of A Dearly Beloved Friend Who Lives On In My Heart Forever)
To: Libertina
So let me get this straight; Republicans CANNOT congregate with other similarly-minded Republicans in public places? Right. Didn't you get the memo? Republicans don't have the right of free speech nor do they have the right to peacefully assemble.
Sheesh, where have you been?
posted on
08/21/2004 10:03:56 AM PDT
(If Kerry can't deal with the "Republican Attack Machine" how is he going to deal with Al Qaeda)
To: lowbridge
---Anything to change the subject.
Exactly. Go on the offensive. Make the truth tellers seem like the guilty ones even though they're not guilty of anything. Deflect peoples attention away from the real issue. Change the subject.---
The only problem, of course, is the way in which they've done it, stepping on the First Amendment. Do they really want the subject changed to their attempted infringement of the Bill of Rights?
posted on
08/21/2004 10:05:36 AM PDT
(Go Sharon! Go Bush!)
To: areafiftyone
Can't the Dems afford a decent camera? With all the Soros money floating around, you'd think they could buy good equipment.
And the sign itself
couldn't the Dems find a quality printer. I thought they were the 'artsy' party.
posted on
08/21/2004 10:10:19 AM PDT
(MSM's creed: see no truth, hear no truth, speak no truth.)
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