We can produce every base ingredient for plastics from garbage as well as oil. The Garbage can be yard waste. Oil is rapidly loosing significance chemically, and if the necessary effort was put in to bio gasification we could be completely energy independent. As Gas rises in price, bio gasification even becomes economically logical.
Islam knows this, their only chance for world conquest is now, for in 20 years oil will no longer be valuable.
Oil is easy to convert, however it also is just carbon based garbage. The Bio-gasification process is different, but works at the rate of 80% fuel grade methanol by WEIGHT!
Islam is a problem for one reason, some very powerful people and nations are MAKING them dangerous. Face it, they are rabble who are backed by non industrial nations. War is industrial in the end, They cannot win this war, they cannot even be all that dangerous unless they are assisted by industrial enemies.
Without Russia's training and arming them, they would still be in the desert hating us from afar. It is guerilla warfare they are trained in, and it is also all they can achieve. Seriously, if we wanted to defeat Saudi Arabia and the Middle East in a full scale war, we could do it from America, in 15 minutes. We just do not want to slaughter that many people, unlike them.
There are some very powerful socialist's that have bought into the world can only sustain so many slaves ideology that are behind the Islamic Horde, they are the real danger. Islam of itself can be wiped out easily. Imagine Normandy vs Islam.