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1 posted on 08/20/2004 8:16:29 AM PDT by 1 spark
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To: 1 spark

You can say that I just want to remain "asleep" all you want, but half of this stuff seems way to conspiratorial, and the other half just seems like the kind of ethnic/religious strategy that any minority group would be tempted to promote....not necessarily to "take over", but simply the hopes and fears associated with being a minority group and not necessarily on equal footing in a society.
I subscribe that while most muslims are susceptable to some fears, insecurities, and even some hate, they are not at all the same as the radicals who use and promote terrorism.

2 posted on 08/20/2004 8:26:10 AM PDT by z3n
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To: 1 spark

2008 and Beyond

by Yashiko Sagamori

Some people are so damn lucky. Take Hillary Clinton, for example. First, she managed to marry a guy who just happened to be excellent presidential material; then
she innocently invested $1,000 in cattle futures and, by sheer luck, became $99,000 richer by the end of the week. And now, when her presidential campaign is at
stake, Vietnam veterans suddenly and with impeccable timing, come out by the dozens exposing John Kerry's lies about his adventures in South East Asia.
Consider that Hillary can run in 2008 only if Kerry looses in 2004. Don't forget that Kerry's credentials in this presidential race, whether genuine or embellished, are
strictly limited to the Vietnam War, since as a politician he has never supported a position on any issue whatsoever, including the Vietnam War, that he hasn't
flipped-flopped on at least once. Once again, pure coincidence, random chance, and blind luck present Hillary with a timely disclosure. Is she lucky or is she lucky?

But the skeptic inside me keeps whispering that luck comes to those who help themselves. People do not call Hillary “the smartest woman of our time” for nothing.
The skeptic inside me tells me that Bill was the lucky one rather than Hillary in that troubled marriage, because the lady would've made herself the First Lady, no matter who she had married, within
reasonable limits, of course. You don't think she might've married Joe Lieberman, do you? The skeptic inside me says that the cattle futures investment might not have been an incident of reckless
gambling on her part; and the precise timing of the Swift boat veterans' book publication must have been a piece of cake, especially after the test run with the recent publication of Bill's memoirs.

What's going to happen if she is lucky again in 2008? Chances are she will propose at least one law that I will wholeheartedly and enthusiastically support: the repeal of the presidential term limitations. If
the law passes, we may be in relatively good shape, because even Hillary, to remain president, needs a country to run. If she fails, she will have to do something to stay in the White House as long as
possible under the current law. In order to achieve that, she will at long last, divorce a now useless Bill (who will receive the White House china and silverware under the divorce settlement) and marry
someone who she can make into the 45th President of the United States. It will have to be a person with respectable experience as a public servant, who has never been fellated by an intern. Following
the same logic that elevated Janet Reno to the position of Attorney General during the first Clinton presidency, Hillary will marry Sen. Carol Mosley Braun, who will thus become the first Second Lady in
American history.

To achieve that, our 44th president will have to legalize same sex marriages. By the time it will become necessary, the public sentiment against such unions will be softened by boredom and more
pressing concerns, like the incessant Islamization of the United States. The legislation will pass both houses easily and will be hailed as one of the most monumental historic documents since the
Declaration of Independence. Then, courageously acting against the time-honored Democratic tradition to raise taxes whenever there is a slightest excuse to do so, Hillary will repeal the “marriage
penalty”. To ease the burden on the treasury, the repeal will only affect same-sex couples, which will be perfectly logical: why should the legalization of gay and lesbian marriages cost gays and
lesbians their hard-earned money or benefit mixed-sex families?

When Carol Mosley Braun is elected president, Hillary Rodham Clinton Mosley Braun will become the first First Lady since Eleanor Roosevelt to have spent more than 16 years in the White House,
although not consecutively.

Under the innovative stewardship of President Mosley Braun, the country will undergo a revolutionary transformation. She will finally do away with economic inequality by taxing the rich and subsidizing
the poor, so that everyone's after-tax earnings will be equal to the average per capita income in the country. Everything potentially offensive to any culture on earth will be denounced and removed from
public display. In reverence to the growing Muslim population, the White House will be painted bright green and renamed accordingly. A few die-hard conservatives will squeal in protest against what
they will call the “Green House effect”, but no one will pay any attention to them.

Since Islam disapproves of personal imagery, the Lincoln and Jefferson Memorials will be remodeled and rededicated to new American heroes, the former Iranian ruler Ayatollah Khomeini and the
current Emir of Iraq Moqtada al-Sadr, respectively. The Washington Memorial will serve as a minaret for the biggest mosque in the Western hemisphere that will be built at its foot. These developments
will effectively turn Washington, DC, into the fourth major holy place of Islam, after Mecca, Medina, and Jerusalem. To avoid offending the religious sensitivities of the faithful, access of infidels to the city
will be limited to members of the three branches of the Government. This exemption will become unnecessary after the adoption of a new law that will make it illegal for an infidel to run for public office
or work for the government.

This important reform will be encouraged by President Mosley Braun's bold initiative when she nominates an ayatollah to the Supreme Court and an imam as her Attorney General. Neither of the two will
have any legal experience in the United States but both will be internationally recognized experts on Shariah. Soon afterwards, the Supreme Court will issue a fatwa that will explain that the Islamization
of the government does not violate the constitutional separation of church from state simply because the mosque is not a church or, perish the thought, a synagogue, and the Constitution says nothing
about mosques. The day when President Mosley Braun herself converts to Islam will be observed as an American national holiday for as long, as the United States exists, which won't be very long.

Unlike the Soviet Union that fell apart, the United States will be, in its entirety, absorbed into the European Caliphate. Following the example of Mikhail Gorbachev, who moved to the United States after the
Soviet Union collapsed under his leadership, Hillary Clinton will spend the rest of her life in Paris, within easy reach from her old, intimate friend, the widow Arafat. Her international popularity will never
fade. People all over the globe will be watching Al Jazeera ads promoting Islamic justice in the world, featuring Hanum Hillary, as she will become affectionately known everywhere. The opening
sequence of each ad will show a close-up of Hillary's hands, disfigured by liver spots and arthritis, slightly trembling under the ruthlessly honest lights of the studio. In accordance with the latest Paris
fashion, a thick black veil will cover her face, so we will never know how time has affected it. But, her shrill voice will not fade till the very end of her time on earth.

Meanwhile, the war on terror will intensify. Joined in their passionate opposition to Israel's continued illegal occupation of some areas of Tel Aviv and the disproportionate Jewish influence on all areas
of human endeavor, mankind, joyously united under the green banner of Islam, will forever liberate itself from the horrors of Zionism. The final solution will be swift and just.

And then, all hell will break loose.

3 posted on 08/20/2004 9:35:02 AM PDT by joesnuffy (Moderate Islam Is For Dilettantes)
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To: 1 spark; All

Prophet of Doom - Islam’s Terrorist Dogma, In Muhammad’s Own Words

Islam is a caustic blend of regurgitated paganism and twisted Bible stories.
Muhammad, its lone prophet, conceived his religion solely to satiate his lust for power, sex, and money.
He was a terrorist.

And if you think these conclusions are shocking, wait until you see the evidence.

4 posted on 08/20/2004 9:58:06 AM PDT by EdReform (Support Free Republic - All donations are greatly appreciated. Thank you for your support!)
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To: 1 spark

re: # 6. Oil is too precious to burn. We need it for plastics, drugs, etc.

10 posted on 08/21/2004 9:48:33 PM PDT by I_dmc
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