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Arnold: "I coulda been a reformer!" ^ | 8/12/04 | Jeff Kearns

Posted on 08/13/2004 3:44:40 PM PDT by NormsRevenge

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Arnold was elected with a historic mandate for reform, but so far, he’s abandoned one political reform effort, opposed another and taken more special-interest money than Gray Davis

When word got out that corporate interests had been given access to the governor’s California Performance Review team, critics charged that surplus state property wasn’t the only thing for sale.

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger often compares himself to Hiram Johnson, an actual governator who really did take on special interests, by enacting reforms to curb the influence of the railroad barons.

1 posted on 08/13/2004 3:44:40 PM PDT by NormsRevenge
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To: NormsRevenge
It would come as no surprise to me if the Autrian pretender turned out to be the most corrupt politician in the history of our state.

He has all makings. A P.T. Barnum with little actual knowledge of the process beyond it's promotion, a boyish sense of enthusiasm with little regard for the details and a growing comfort with the good life and power that comes with the office.

Anyone for cigars under the tent gentlemen?

2 posted on 08/13/2004 4:07:47 PM PDT by Amerigomag
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To: Amerigomag

That's what happens when a RINO is elected.

They are big special interest whores. They depend on it to keep their own fence riding butts in power.

3 posted on 08/13/2004 4:18:47 PM PDT by ArmyBratproud
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To: NormsRevenge
And I will be here in Sacramento--it doesn’t matter how long it will take--because I’m here to protect the people of California.”
-GovRino, July2004

"We want to make sure they have after school programs. We want to make sure that the mothers have affordable day care. We want to make sure that the older folks have their care that they need. Everything has to be provided for the people. "
-Candidate Schwarzenegger, August.6, 2003

Right. According to GovRino, government should provide everything for the people. That's called socialism.

4 posted on 08/13/2004 4:19:39 PM PDT by Reagan Man (.....................................................The Choice is Clear....... Re-elect BUSH-CHENEY)
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To: NormsRevenge
Nice bogus hit-piece... If I were a business-owner I would certainly be donating to Schwarzenegger's efforts to clean up the onerous regulations and heavily anti-business environment in the state. How terribly suspicious.

He ran on an anti-tax platform and yet the author insinuates that his rolling back the car tax (as he originally promised) was somehow a payback for contributions from carmakers.

It can all be summed up in just one line hidden carefully in the middle of all the innuendo... "So far, Schwarzenegger hasn’t been faced with the same kind of pay-for-play allegations that Davis faced."

5 posted on 08/13/2004 4:55:33 PM PDT by Tamzee (Tell me honestly, Honey... do these classified documents make me look fat?)
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To: Tamsey

Thanks for showing up.


Prove it.

6 posted on 08/13/2004 5:00:03 PM PDT by NormsRevenge (Semper Fi .. Proud member of the FR Special Ops manuremovers crew .. moving manure&opinion since '96)
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To: NormsRevenge
It doesn't look like he'll need to spend much if any funds to defeat the Indian gaming initiatives.

excerpted from the Merc News

Tribal casino initiatives unpopular, poll finds

Julie Patel Mercury News

Measures on the ballot in November aimed at forcing California Indian tribes to pay some of their casino revenue to the state don't have much support among voters, according to a new Field Poll.

That's good news for Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger. He opposes the initiatives because agreements he has negotiated with five tribes could be challenged in court if either of the initiatives passes.

Proposition 68 is backed by card clubs and racetracks and would allow them to operate slot machines and give about a third of their revenue to local government if any tribe refused to give 25 percent of its net revenues to the state. Proposition 70, backed by the Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians, would give tribes unlimited gambling rights and would require them to pay the equivalent of a corporate income tax, or about 9 percent.

Voters opposed the first initiative, 48 to 30 percent, and opposed the second, 40 to 33 percent, according to the poll.

``Usually when propositions start out with low approval, it's very rare that voters change their minds,'' said Mark DiCamillo, director of the Field Poll.

7 posted on 08/13/2004 5:04:51 PM PDT by NormsRevenge (Semper Fi .. Proud member of the FR Special Ops manuremovers crew .. moving manure&opinion since '96)
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To: NormsRevenge

Shhhh.... don't tell anybody, especially the media!
Gotta keep the charade going so those poll numbers look good.

Arnold is doin' a FANTASTIC job! He's moved mountains!
He is reforming state government.
Anything bad isn't his fault... it's those awful dems in the legislature that really have the power.
Arnold is a conservative! He will help Bush win in November!
/lying cult rant

8 posted on 08/13/2004 6:25:33 PM PDT by calcowgirl
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To: NormsRevenge

Schwarzenegger and Doc Holliday have something in common "It appears my hypocrisy knows no bounds."

9 posted on 08/14/2004 7:24:52 AM PDT by kellynla (U.S.M.C. 1/5 1st Mar Div. Nam 69&70 Semper Fi
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To: farmfriend; SierraWasp; Carry_Okie


10 posted on 08/14/2004 10:10:08 AM PDT by NormsRevenge (Semper Fi .. Proud member of the FR Special Ops manuremovers crew .. moving manure&opinion since '96)
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To: NormsRevenge; farmfriend; Carry_Okie; dalereed; ElkGroveDan; Ernest_at_the_Beach; DoughtyOne; ...
Well, of course we've gone with blinding speed from "power to the people" to "True Lies!" I'm sure the "Governator" will go down in history!!!

The only trouble with "irrational exuberance" based on nothing but celebrity and resonant rhetoric, is that "after the Party is over," all we're left with is promises made from ropes of sand!

Pragmatism, without principle, has once again dashed the hopes of the reasonable, swept away by victory at any price, by any old prince with a big smile and pleasing visage!!!

It's usually referred to as "Bait & Switch!"

11 posted on 08/14/2004 10:40:12 AM PDT by SierraWasp (You better believe it! America IS exceptional!! I will always believe in American exceptionalism!!!)
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To: NormsRevenge
You expected rejoinder from the Arndroids?

Pre-emptive postfare hath silenced the lambs.

12 posted on 08/14/2004 10:45:10 AM PDT by Carry_Okie (There are people in power who are truly evil.)
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To: Carry_Okie; forester; FairOpinion; Southack

Oh! You reminded me of some I forgot to ping! Clumsey me!!!

13 posted on 08/14/2004 10:50:57 AM PDT by SierraWasp (You better believe it! America IS exceptional!! I will always believe in American exceptionalism!!!)
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To: NormsRevenge

Arnold hasn't even been there a year. He never claimed to have a magic wand. He was NOT elected King or Dictator. He has to deal with the Dem Legislature.

Everything considered, he has already accomplished a lot, and he is just getting started.

14 posted on 08/14/2004 11:23:10 AM PDT by FairOpinion (FIGHT TERRORISM! VOTE BUSH/CHENEY 2004.)
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To: calcowgirl

I've probably been as big an advocate of Schwarzenegger as there has been on this forum, so I'll respond to your comments.

Shhhh.... don't tell anybody, especially the media!  Gotta keep the charade going so those poll numbers look good. 

Since Schwarzenegger announced his intention to run for office, I have advocated only one thing.  "Please address reality, and don't let your own personal bias cloud the issues."  Today I'm still here suggesting that's the proper course of action.

If Schwarzenegger takes action we don't like, we should say so.  When he takes action we do like, we should say so.  It's okay to be leary of him taking action down the road, and work to make sure he doesn't, but trashing him for something that he hasn't done isn't productive.  Explain the facts and elicit support for what you precieve is the proper course of action.  Then work together with folks to influence his and other people's decisions.  That is productive.  Endless threads and comments displaying contempt for Schwarzenegger aren't.  Endless threads and comments displaying contempt for folks who won't trash Schwarzenegger with you isn't either.  Keep it on policy and they will more than likely agree with you.

Arnold is doin' a FANTASTIC job! He's moved mountains! 

I have only seen a couple of comments that could be construed like this, and I didn't consider the people who made them to be very deep on the issues.  Most of the comments in support of Schwarzenegger have been luke warm.  For instance, I like what he did here, but I am still leary of...  I've been perfectly willing to criticize him on land issues, his meager cuts in the budget to this point and a few other items.  I have said that I do not want him to approve of driver's licenses for illegals, and would consider that and other actions by him to be dead wrong.  That would make me angry.

Basicly, this one line by you isn't very accurate.  It's thrown out there, but in truth it doesn't describe any regular supporters of Schwarzenegger I've seen.

From the beginning I've said that Schwarzenegger would do some things I liked and many things I would detest.  That's basic Reality 101, IMO.  It doesn't cause me to hate him.

He is reforming state government. 

This is not a very reasoned comment.  First of all, it appears he is going to reform state government.  That being said, there are good, bad and neutral reforms.  It's my concern that his reforms are going to come in more neutral to bad than I want.  If you wish to address that, then be my guest.  This comment of yours was meaningless.

Anything bad isn't his fault... it's those awful dems in the legislature that really have the power. 

The reality is, that Scharzenegger cannot pass law on his own.  He can submit a budget that the legislature will reject, spend months fighting them over it, watch schools, hospitals and other public concerns go down in flames, or he can do the best he can and try to chip away at issues in between the budget process.  His commission ready to make suggestions, I think he's going to address issues during the upcoming months.  Some of them I'll be happy about, and probably more than not, I'll be unhappy about them.

I haven't seen anyone say that nothing is his fault.  On the other end of the spectrum, it's simply unrealistic to say that everything is.  The political power realities in California are what they are.  We can acknowledge them, or go for Schwarzenegger's jugular ever ten minutes, insulting everyone out there that won't attack Schwarzenegger personally.

There is nothing you and I can do to change the fact that Schwarzenegger is our Governor.  I do not understand what value you see in expressing hatred for the man constantly.  And please, do us both a favor and don't deny it.  Schwarzenegger has been generous to McClintock, helping him raise money.  He doesn't hold grudges and I've seldom seen him offer up personal attacks.  Frankly I can't remember seeing him do it once.  In that regard, you could learn a lot of Schwarzenegger.

Arnold is a conservative! He will help Bush win in November! 

Who has been saying that Schwarzenegger is a conservative?  Oh my, you've really veared from reality here.  I have never considered him to be a conservative.  I don't know anyone who does.  Although I've said that he is closer to a fiscal conservative than any other type of conservative, even on that it's a relative statement.  Schwarzenegger is by no means a conservative in the true meaning of the term.  Who doesn't know that?  You are upset and trying to make some comments that others will pat you on the back for.  You know what, some people will.  I would rather say that you and I would probably agree on most issues as they relate to conservatism, but by your actions, you alienate me from discussing those issues in a productive manner.  Instead I spend my time asking you and others to please stick to reality.

/lying cult rant

I now that you think your comments address reality.  I can tell you that from my perspective they don't.  I know what is in my heart.  I know how I stand on the issues.  I know that your comments are wildly inaccurate, the way they depict the views you are attributing to me and others.

When it came to Bill Clinton, there was the intimation of criminality, deaths, organized crime, corruption, obstruction, perjury, witness tampering, clandestine operations against member of the public, treason, and on and on it goes.  Dispising a worthless human being of that magnitude was nothing more than righteous indignation.  It was justified.  The lengths you folks go do in your public comments about Schwarzenegger is entirely different.

There are going to be times when I am going to be furious about his policiy decisions.  That does not merit him the same treatment as Clinton.  He is a political novice, perhaps even an airhead with tendencies toward the liberal side of the isle.  That makes him ignorant, ill-advised and wrong.  It does not make him a criminal.

I wish you would grow up.  It would be more productive to talk about issues with you than defend a man against juvenile behavior.

8 posted on 08/13/2004 6:25:33 PM PDT by calcowgirl

15 posted on 08/14/2004 11:37:53 AM PDT by DoughtyOne (liberalism destroys brain cells, what little there were of them)
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To: DoughtyOne

You have freepmail. :-)

16 posted on 08/14/2004 1:24:08 PM PDT by calcowgirl
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To: FairOpinion

So address the article and don't just drop a platitude for Arnie.

We all want him to succeed, he just neeeds constant supervision or his pockets seem to overflow with donations. ;-)

17 posted on 08/14/2004 1:50:19 PM PDT by NormsRevenge (Semper Fi .. Proud member of the FR Special Ops manuremovers crew .. moving manure&opinion since '96)
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To: calcowgirl

That was a very nice e-mail. I just wanted to acknowledge it on the forum and say how much I appreciated it. Thank you for your candor and grace.


18 posted on 08/14/2004 2:03:06 PM PDT by DoughtyOne (liberalism destroys brain cells, what little there were of them)
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To: NormsRevenge

The article is nothing but a rant against Arnold.

19 posted on 08/14/2004 2:04:59 PM PDT by FairOpinion (FIGHT TERRORISM! VOTE BUSH/CHENEY 2004.)
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To: FairOpinion

Well, that's specific, Thanks.

20 posted on 08/14/2004 2:05:31 PM PDT by NormsRevenge (Semper Fi .. Proud member of the FR Special Ops manuremovers crew .. moving manure&opinion since '96)
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