Posted on 08/06/2004 6:01:24 AM PDT by Tolik
Ping for later read
[please freepmail me if you want or don't want to be pinged to Victor Davis Hanson articles]
If you want to bookmark his articles discussed at FR:
His NRO archive:
His blog: BIO:
Yes, he is listened by the Bush Administration; they like him maybe as much as we do:
As has been suggested here many times, keep the adults in charge. Re-Elect President Bush.
Excellent read. Pass it on.
I agree the POWER aspect is telling. Sort of like it always works to follow the money. But there is something else going on, though it still reflects the inability of children to make hard choices. War is a known, visible evil. People we hear about died or lost limbs fighting this Iraq War. We chose war when we could have done something different. It was feasible through denial to turn a blind eye to the evils of Saddam Hussein.
bump for later. Thx
Victor Davis Hanson: the Woodrow Wilson of the cocktail set.
With the exception of my husband who has said many of the same things; I have never anyone that has hit the nail on the head as to what the situation is. Thank you Victor Hanson. You are wonderful.
Thank God for those California men in Central California, my husband being one of them(born and raised in Fresno).
"They - journos, the intelligentsia, academics - are children, whining little children, and it is all about POWER to them, consequences to the nation be damned!"
You said it very well. These self-absorbed, anti-American pompous asses will, if allowed, sell our freedom to the intolerant religion of Islam. It's time that good people stop caving in to these morons and start taking back their country and the decent values on which it was formed.
Rand not only predicted this some 60 years ago, she outlined exactly how it happens. She saw it first hand in Russia. Her writings read like a revelation and a warning. Is it any wonder why they have been all but officially banished from the American education system.
That's over my head. Care to explain?
Sadly, I sense the possiblity of that happening is increasing. Trying to keep the faith that Bush will be re-elected gets harder with every media driven poll or anti-Bush story.
What I am afraid is happening is too many people are going to decide just what VDH says: to make all the bad news go away in a instant, elect Kerry. Then we won't have to listen to it because the MSM will just stop talking about the problems and we can focus on the important things in life, like watching Simple Life 3: Whores at Sea.
In my view, such a universalistic doctrine is dangerous. It speads us thin, detracts from our national defense, and opens the door to more conflicts. It was wrong in 1919 and it is wrong now. This type of universalism on a consistent scale is also impossible and I think even Hanson knows this (though he doesn't acknowledge it). I would have more respect for Hanson if he applied his universalistic doctrine across-the-board and supported sending troops to such hell holes as Zimbabwee, the Congo, and the Sudan....but he doesn't. For this reason, his universalism is mere rhetoric.
Most freepers used to share my skepticism of this kind of universalistic doctrine back when they sensibly opposed Clinton's Kosovo war which was based on the *same* universalistic princples Hanson advocates in his articles..
The heart of the Rat "antiwar" movement is F-E-A-R, and caving-in to fear.
There's nothing moral or noble or courageous about it.
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