The daughter of a friend of ours went to Wellesley College. Since they lived a long distance away, we ended up acting as surrogate parents while she was there. We attended a number of orientation and parent-student events. We found Wellesley to be a hotbed of lesbianism and radical dimwits. We managed to last through graduation. I wouldn't send my kids anywhere NEAR a place like Wellesley, Smith or Swarthmore or any 'women's' college.
Which is a reason the info-babe on fox in the mornings bothers me. She went to welsley. Lori Duhe I believe.
[ We found Wellesley to be a hotbed of lesbianism and radical dimwits.]
That?s all of academia for you. Even the technical schools are filled with radicals, especially lesbians.
The main activist element among the left seems to be gays and lesbians. Just watch for the rainbow insignia . They come in many forms, yet signify the same meaning. I made the mistake of asking a woman what her bumper sticker meant, she stated ?we are everywhere? alludes to gays and lesbians, and transgender peoples.
I went to one (Bryn Mawr). Yep, lesbianism and radical dimwits just about sums it up.