Posted on 07/10/2004 9:22:06 AM PDT by dvan
Here's how to reach Slime-first:
LOL nice.
Slimfast is unhealthy and counterproductive. If you want a healthy MRP (Meal Replacement Powder) that can be used for either weight loss or muscle gain (depends on your overall eating plan) try Lean Mass Matrix from Prolab. Just mix with water and you're set.
The commercials never made sense to me. They show a woman in such baggy clothes who would care how much she weighed?
Fading liberal stars will always have a job as long as Hollywood Squares is still on the air.
Slimfast is unhealthy and counterproductive. If you want a healthy MRP (Meal Replacement Powder) that can be used for either weight loss or muscle gain (depends on your overall eating plan) try Lean Mass Matrix from Prolab. Just mix with water and you're set.
I said something about the "Hatefest", Whoopie's mouth, and them not wanting my business.
I further stated I was going to purchase Wal-Mart Equate instead.
I hope we make their (SlimFast) Monday bright!
This is great! Just keep doing it.
I remember when Infone was using Carville. I sent them an email which must have burnt their fingers.
I must not have been the only one .. because he suddenly disappeared as their spokesperson.
Keep the pressure on!! And .. remind them that her show was cancelled because she kept on bashing Bush.
"They really do have bad judgement, I could have told them what she was going to do, didn't they see it coming? Or the other possibility is that they really thought it was funny..
I just pray that the Undecided voters were watching.."
The fact that the Rats have not yet denounced Michael Moore for his outright fabrications leaves me no hope they would denounce Whoopig for her comments.
I sent this email to each and every one of these people that you listed. Thanks
I am writing to you because I am not so sure that the comments that I wrote on the Slimfast website will be read by any person. I know of at least 20 others that have written comments on that site's comment box. I suggest that you have someone look into the comments. I am sure there are many more complaints
My problem with Slimfast, a product that I have used and recommended for a decade is that it uses the anti American, vulgar, Whoopie Goldberg as it's spokesperson. Goldberg's drunken tirade comparing & using play on words of President Bush to female genetilia is incomprehensable and unnacceptable. This coming from me a registered Democrat since 1978. I was shocked that John Kerry and John Edwards who were in attendance allowed this to go on. Shame on them as well.
As of today, I will boycott and stop recommending Slimfast. I will return to your products only and when This vulgar anti-American Whoopie Goldberg is dropped as your spokesman.
Brenda (Wife of SilverNblackcuban)
Way back when I had a cousin who was sick most of one summer and built a table-top scale model of the Eiffel Tower out of toothpicks.
Here is SlimFast's Ad Agency:
You can send email to their President/CEO Steve Blamer at this link:
From the first time I ever SAW that woman (and the jury is still out on THAT one) I never liked her...She's a comedic (another jury wasting our time) loose cannon, but when she gave a PUBLIC, hateful, vulgarity laced speech against President REAGAN twenty years ago at the Washington Mall, she was put at #1 on MY public enemy list; one that has grown so much more in the past 12 years.
Though People like Alec Baldwin & Michael Moore have occupied that spot (from almost from minute to minute), you could ALWAYS count on "Poopie Goldbrick" reclaiming her throne when the media gave her the chance!
Never have I watched an episode of Star Trek, Hollyweird Squares, or any other TV/Motion Picture presentation that the dread locked skank has been a part of.
If you think my money has been spent on ANYTHING that her name has been linked with at anytime, THINK AGAIN! That's why I can't understand why so many are only getting on board with snuffing this skank out NOW?
sorry, couldn't resist.
When they offer you a "Mr. Wendy" cease and desist notice, tell them you'll stop when THEY stop!
email sent.
What is Whoopi's slogan for SlimFast this year?
Whoopi, you never spoke truer words!
That is my hope, too. Even if they don't miss my business, I feel better if I no longer subsidize their behavior. But if enough of us do this, I think we can make a difference.
I just sent my comments to the company and promised to convince 10 others to not use their swill of a product. SF
You are correct, sir! This was a review of the ad when it came out:
Don't let 'em fool ya, these ads suck
Originally published February 12, 2004
by Jim Snell
Every year billions of dollars are spent on advertising for one purpose: to influence you. Ads Nauseam grades the result.
In a new campaign, Whoopi Goldberg proclaims herself to be a big loser.
No big shock, since she hasn't really been funny since leaving Broadway about 87 years ago.
Not that kind of loser, though. Whoopi implies she's lost weight with Slim Fast.
But you'll notice she never says how much she allegedly lost either pounds or inches or dress sizes or however it's measured.
And conveniently there's no before-and-after picture. All she does is grab the top of her jeans and yank 'em out a half-inch or so, which anyone can do anytime, no matter how big they are.
Plus, she's dressed like a fat person: You know, a big untucked shirt hanging way down past the waist. If she did lose a pound or two or gained some it's impossible to tell.
It looks as if she signed a contract with a deadline to shoot the commercial regardless of weight loss. And, worse, it looks like the company figured they could just fake it.
Of course, it's possible Slim Fast's lawyers simply forgot to insert a clause into Whoopi's contract saying she actually had to lose weight before going on TV to pimp the product.
At least when Weight Watchers signs up celebrity losers, they use photos to show they've genuinely lost some weight on their program. Whoopi makes it look like you have to gag down some crappy drink, and still won't have anything to show for it.
Grade: D
I wrote to them last night. She is the utmost disgusting creature this side of the borders!!!!!!!
Email sent!
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