Posted on 07/04/2004 1:35:52 PM PDT by Mark
I call it a "flash-back". Like Kerry's LONG Vietnam expierience and Mary Jo's demise for Teddy.
I actually really like what this editorial had to say and I think the headline on the post is misleading. Basically it says that we can agree to disagree, but when it comes to loonatics who really are unpatriotic like Michael Moore, its time to put on the clamps and say, "Mike, that is not what America is about."
Happy 4th of July!
Good statement about the 'loony left'.
George Bush is the ONLY thing standing between them and an outraged fearful citizenry.
the following quote is something EVERYONE should remember, irrespective of their political beliefs:
"When your only criterion for "brotherhood" is a shared hatred, you will embrace slime."
Too late. Kerry is stuck with Dean and Moore residue.
Well, could that 'dirt-bag' have been Bill Clinton?
Very good article. Kerry has already been tarred by the same brush. Of course he is a sneakier traitor than Moore is...
Bottom line. President Bush should run against Dean and Moore, and forget about that other guy --- Kerry, I think, is his name.
I just saw a TV ad for Moore's flick...they are presenting it as a patriotic flick! Seriously - they actually had a "man on the street" interview in the ad with a guy saying "makes you proud to be an American"...obviously, they've sucked the well of anti-Americans dry for this flick and now they're trying to sucker patriots into seeing the hopes of (a) making money for Moore and (b) convincing people to hate President Bush.
Certainly, there are those who take a more liberal view than I on various issues and they also love this country, but the ultra-left wingers, the standard leftie media, for example, wants to destroy our system and replace it with something they think will be better for us.
If you notice, the trailer barely shows any footage from the movie...probably Moore's way of tip-toeing around the FEC...very different than the initial golf swing trailer they were showing before
I didn't see that ad, but I wonder, could they have edited out the rest of his statement in which he says something about how un-American the film is and how proud he is not to be a part of that mindset?
I would have chosen some other example, if I were him. He clearly does not know what those claims are and what evidence can back them up. Moore makes unsupportable claims, and distorts the truth. There is no need to do anything of the sort regarding the death of Vince Foster. The important thing, is to stick to the facts, and the facts place massive doubt on the conclusion that Vince Foster committed suicide in Ft. Marcy Park unassisted.
Probably in response to the growing general knowledge of how anti-American the movie, in order to try and grasp a few more ticket sales, they are deliberately lying about the nature of the movie...hasn't worked; Box Office Mojo has it being shown in twice as many theaters as last week while its gross is barely cracking 50% of what it did back then...
Now I understand the real reason why it was intially released into so few create a "packed house" impression...make it seem like the movie was more popular than it was.
I would think more that the guy was being know, after watching how horrible America is, he comes out and says "makes you 'proud' to be an American".
"I just saw a TV ad for Moore's flick...they are presenting it as a patriotic flick!"
Well, the 'looney left' does consider itself to be patriots of the highest degree. But, you see, they owe their allegience to a different America than do you and I. They have a vision that is completely incompatible to the one we share. In their vision, America would be a socialistic nation. They are 'patiotic' in their service to that vision, a vision not of what America was founded to be or is, but of what they wish America is to become.
Their vision goes beyond this to a world where the US is subserviant to the United Nations, a world of one-man, one vote, of universal egaliatarianism, a world where all the people share equally in all of the worlds resources. They see America as it presently is, the greatest obstacle to the fulfillment of this vision and that is why they hate America as it is, a bastion of individualism and freedom.
Good point. I remember some of the human shields who returned from Iraq and realized that the populace actually wanted us to enter their country.
Joan Baez condemned the Cambodian massacres. I don't remember her ever saying anything about the "re-education camps" in Hanoi-captured South VietNam that lead to millions of boat people desperately fleeing their homeland that they had stayed in even during 30yrs of war...
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