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Wow - Chelsea Clinton
The New York Post ^
| June 21, 2004
Posted on 06/21/2004 10:55:14 AM PDT by FeliciaCat
Edited on 06/21/2004 10:59:03 AM PDT by Admin Moderator.
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To: HostileTerritory
Probably a lot of the people you refer to may work for PS's or are like me junkies for all the plastic surgery operations on the discovery/learning channel. I love watching that stuff,and listen to all the positives and negatives,and say "the hell with that Agghhhh". I have two possible procedures that I am considering to correct scars from two incidents from childhood. Years ago unless you were grotesque they left scars alone.
posted on
06/21/2004 1:15:38 PM PDT
(Don't panic, the adults are in charge)
To: my_pointy_head_is_sharp
..Is it possible she had a lip reduction? Can they even do that? The lower lip looks substantially smaller. Liposuction on the lips?
..someone taught her how to catch a frizbee without using her lower jaw
posted on
06/21/2004 1:15:55 PM PDT
(...Who cares if a 500lb laser guided bomb is accurate within 9 feet?)
Comment #203 Removed by Moderator
To: samantha
Thanks for the reply. Myself, I can not STAND that stuff on television--I don't know when it became acceptable to show real surgery on tv! It's not an ethical issue for me, it just makes me sick and I have a lot of respect for people like you who can watch it.
Comment #205 Removed by Moderator
To: ValerieUSA
If the criminal media did a real story on this they would have to find out the truth,and naturally would be all gah gah about how wonderful this was. Then we would throw it back in their faces about how mean they were to Linda Tripp after her good job plastic surgery.
posted on
06/21/2004 1:24:36 PM PDT
(Don't panic, the adults are in charge)
To: My Favorite Headache
posted on
06/21/2004 1:25:53 PM PDT
(Now, who's this Joe Mayo everyone's talking about?)
To: arichtaxpayer
Uh, perhaps it's just me, but my first impression is that her new look makes her look a bit like Monica Lewinski. *shudder*
To: trillium
She has said HORRIBLE things about President Bush Like what? If you give me a good answer I'll join you in trashing her.
To: petercooper
I'll see your Webb, and raise you a Ron...
posted on
06/21/2004 1:28:15 PM PDT
null and void
( Clinton: the first psychobabble presidency.)
To: petercooper
DGIH, that's a morph that's just unbelievable!! See it and weep, bill.
Chelsea is a dead ringer for her mother....slightly better looking, but a stamp of the old lady.
posted on
06/21/2004 1:30:35 PM PDT
(Gore, he's a real nowhere man, sitting in his nowhere land, making all his nowhere plans for nobody)
To: petercooper
Fabulous morph! Never seen that before!
To: trillium
I remember Carol Burnette had a chin implant years ago. She had the same receding chin as Chelsea. Carol was thrilled with the result and never hid the fact she had surgery.
posted on
06/21/2004 1:32:30 PM PDT
To: steplock
Hey look here, there's no need to be mean to the kid just because her Dad is scum.
posted on
06/21/2004 1:33:59 PM PDT
To: KellyAdmirer
Not be be unkind but if you put ears on the top of her head, I think she looks like Miss Piggy.
posted on
06/21/2004 1:34:35 PM PDT
To: HostileTerritory
They always tell you what is coming on next so you have the option of turning it off or channel surfing. I have always liked medicine things,and I was a really good 911 telecommunicator for many years. I love the animal planet,but could puke up my guts when the wild animals attack. I cannot stand blood and guts movies,and my husband love that crap and yet he cannot stand to see a baby being born. These shows are very instructive,and very entertaining.
posted on
06/21/2004 1:35:43 PM PDT
(Don't panic, the adults are in charge)
Comment #218 Removed by Moderator
To: Lurking in Kansas
Darn, you stole my line! I was going to say she still looks like her father. Janet Reno?
posted on
06/21/2004 1:38:22 PM PDT
("I don't care to belong to a club that accepts people like me as members" -Groucho Marx)
To: null and void
posted on
06/21/2004 1:39:47 PM PDT
(Don't panic, the adults are in charge)
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