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Agenda of Islam - A War Between Civilizations
tzemach ^
| Professor Moshe Sharon
Posted on 06/14/2004 4:16:29 AM PDT by dennisw
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posted on
06/14/2004 4:16:30 AM PDT
To: SJackson
posted on
06/14/2004 4:17:01 AM PDT
("Allah FUBAR!")
To: dennisw
To: dennisw; All
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posted on
06/14/2004 4:51:11 AM PDT
To: dennisw
This needs to be sent to the White House.
posted on
06/14/2004 4:57:41 AM PDT
To: MSSC6644
The WH has known this for many years. They simply spin and put another face on it, so as not to piss-off 1.3b 'untermentsch' around the world.
posted on
06/14/2004 5:22:19 AM PDT
7.62 x 51mm
(• © • ™ • ® •)
To: dennisw; Cachelot; Yehuda; Nix 2; veronica; Catspaw; knighthawk; Alouette; Optimist; weikel; ...
If you'd like to be on or off this middle east/political ping list, please FR mail me.
posted on
06/14/2004 5:30:33 AM PDT
(America...thru dissent and protest lost the ability to mobilize a will to win, Col Bui Tin, PAVN)
To: dennisw
There is no moderate Islam. There are some moderate people who profess to be Muslims, but they mostly ignore their murderous vile ideology.
posted on
06/14/2004 5:31:09 AM PDT
(nihilism: absolute destructiveness toward the world at large and oneself)
To: 7.62 x 51mm
The clearest recitation of reality I've seen.
To: dennisw
This needs to be in NY Times front page....fat chance of that though.
posted on
06/14/2004 5:40:06 AM PDT
(World War III started on Bill Clinton's watch. He just wasn't sure which side he was on.)
To: 7.62 x 51mm
They simply spin and put another face on it, so as not to piss-off 1.3b 'untermentsch' around the world.
I'm assuming you think this is a bad thing?
posted on
06/14/2004 6:15:35 AM PDT
(Hatred is the coward's revenge)
To: SJackson; dennisw; Cachelot; Yehuda; Nix 2; veronica; Catspaw; knighthawk; Alouette; Optimist; ...
There is no moderate Islam.
IMHO, the reasons for the West's, The US in particular, studious ignorance of these aspects of Islam, are twofold:
The feared and very likely, popular reaction to the Muslim invasion of Western Europe by immigration is going to be extremely severe and chaotic. It will probably begin in Italy or the South of France. If you were to walk the streets of Toulon or Marseilles today, you would find them little different from those of Marrakech. I cannot imagine the feisty Provençaux putting up with that level of filth for much longer. However, on the official level, the euroweenies will send out engraved invitations to their daughters' circumcision party before they would risk an accusation of being politically incorrect.
Here in the US, the authorities fear a helter-skelter type armed reaction to the next al-qaida outrage. This could be exactly what al-qaida is trying to provoke. Muslims have to know that this is, after all, still an armed populace, so they must know that this is a possibility. They could well be planning for just that. I think this explains Bush's bland and fatuous statements on the "highjacked ROP."
The irony of all this is that in the WOT, we are, in numerical terms, facing far more Muslims than all of the enemy forces in WWII, Korea, and Vietnam combined. Even if you buy the absurd "Islam is a ROP that has been high-jacked" crap, we have to make people, especially potential Kerry voters, understand that this is a real war, just as real as the Revolution and apt to last 5 times as long. The stakes are a lot higher, too.
GWB and the Republicans have in no way made that clear.
posted on
06/14/2004 6:34:27 AM PDT
Kenny Bunk
(The Middle East: a splendid colonial opportunity.)
To: Kenny Bunk
>>GWB and the Republicans have in no way made that clear.
Very true. Unfortunately, it is probably also true that, on this issue, for the vast majority of those in our country, the words of Colonel Nathan Jessep ring true: "You can't handle the truth!"
I'm fresh out of good ideas on how to change this. I think it will take a 10X 9/11 event, and I'm really not sure that would do it. I fear I will get to see, in my lifetime.
posted on
06/14/2004 6:50:08 AM PDT
(hoplophobia is a mental aberration rather than a mere attitude)
To: dennisw
We need a reaganesque leader who will boldly, eloquently, articulately and passionately explain Islam's goals/methods to Americans and forge a consensus who are resolved to defeating Islam. Unlike Bush who respects and promotes Islam we need a leader (actually many of them) who understands that to defeat terrorism we have to defeat its roots in a malignant religion/political system.
I am impatient for the time when Islam will be outlawed as seditious and emigrant Muslims will be deported.
posted on
06/14/2004 7:12:53 AM PDT
(fatidic : of or relating to prophecy)
To: 7.62 x 51mm
I am disgusted with GOP leaders, esp. Bush, for betraying America by lying to us about the Islamic threat. As a Christian I am also dismayed at the naivete of too many Christians who are lulled into accepting Bush or others who wear their religion on their sleeves and attribute to them some divine attributes of wisdom and godly intent to do His will. We've got to look beneath the surface to see what's really there and not be so easily manipulated.
The dems went over to the dark side long ago and I hold out no hope of reforming them, but there is still a small chance that the GOP can be reformed from the inside and I'd like to see FR do its part in this with Jim Robinson' blessing, instead of shortsightedly aiming to reelect George Bush.
posted on
06/14/2004 7:25:23 AM PDT
(fatidic : of or relating to prophecy)
To: MSSC6644; Roamin53
Agreed! But look, this excellent article isn't even in the Breaking News or Front Page sidebar of FR as it should be until every freeper has an opportunity to read it.
So, why don't we copy this article and send it to everyone on our email list, every talk show host we can think of and bombard the news media and news media personalities and members of congress and state legislatures with a copy of this article? Then sooner, rather than later, the facts will get out and the public will give damn. Let's also give the leaders of our churches and synagogues a copy of this article. I'd like to see it reprinted in newspapers across America. I hope it is given out on college campuses in every state.
posted on
06/14/2004 7:51:37 AM PDT
(fatidic : of or relating to prophecy)
To: dennisw
There is no god named Allah and Mohammed was a false prophet1 Allahu Fubar!
To: dennisw
Gutsy post for the truth.
posted on
06/14/2004 12:46:21 PM PDT
(The 1st victim of islam is the person who practices it.)
To: Mudboy Slim; Happy2BMe; sultan88; Landru
Excellant read, snippet:
>"A few weeks after the Oslo agreement was signed, Arafat went to Johannesburg, and in a mosque there he made a speech in which he apologized, saying, "Do you think I signed something with the Jews which is contrary to the rules of Islam?" (I have obtained a copy of Arafat's recorded speech so I heard it from his own mouth.) Arafat continued, "That's not so. I'm doing exactly what the prophet Mohammed did."
Whatever the prophet is supposed have done becomes a precedent. What Arafat was saying was, "Remember the story of Hudaybiya." The prophet had made an agreement there with the tribe of Kuraish for 10 years. But then he trained 10,000 soldiers and within two years marched on their city of Mecca. He, of course, found some kind of pretext.
Thus, in Islamic jurisdiction, it became a legal precedent which states that you are only allowed to make peace for a maximum of 10 years. Secondly, at the first instance that you are able, you must renew the jihad [thus breaking the "peace" agreement]...."
posted on
06/14/2004 3:14:07 PM PDT
(...Please press 2 for English...for Espanol, please stay on the line...)
To: joanie-f; MeekOneGOP
You may want to bookmark this one, Joanie!
Excellant read.
posted on
06/14/2004 3:30:15 PM PDT
(...Please press 2 for English...for Espanol, please stay on the line...)
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