1 posted on
06/02/2004 11:06:55 AM PDT by
To: miltonim
"Print friendly version" is your friend, FRiend. ;O)
2 posted on
06/02/2004 11:17:24 AM PDT by
(...until the voters discover they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury.)
To: miltonim
informative and scary-thanks
3 posted on
06/02/2004 11:27:50 AM PDT by
(ESSE QUAM VIDERA-to be rather than to seem)
To: miltonim
Outstanding article. The first I've seen with a clear logical path to ending the influence of radica Islamists. Let's hope that some brave soles in leadership positions within the Muslim community do exactly what's stated here. Once they are "outside" both Islam and the rest of the world they will be easy to destroy.
To: miltonim
5 posted on
06/02/2004 2:24:46 PM PDT by
(The democrats are trying to pave a road to the white house with the bodies of dead American soldiers)
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