1 posted on
05/02/2004 12:33:51 PM PDT by
To: yonif
This is all a little "inside baseball" for me. But I think what Isreal should do is just fortify whatever borders it thinks it should have. Expell whom it pleases. And hunker down in Buchannanite isolationism.
Scr*w the palis, that story about the murdered mom and 4 daughters has done it for me. If I ran israel I would stop, RIGHT NOW, trying to make peace with these so-called people. I would shut them out and shut them down. And then go on from there.
And, if I ran the US, I would back Israel up on this.
But then again, I don't run anything. As my mother once told me: that's why you're not the Cardinal (of NY).
2 posted on
05/02/2004 12:44:56 PM PDT by
(The dems don't get it, the American people do.)
To: yonif
Commentator Chanan Crystal said that Sharon may take out his anger on Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, who did not actively support the plan. Now why would Sharon do a thing like that? (/sarcasm)
Seriously though I think we may soon see Netanyahu as new leader for Likud. (Good!)
3 posted on
05/02/2004 1:01:18 PM PDT by
(Part of the Right Wing Research & Attack Machine)
To: yonif
The 'victory' referred to in the headline is to the results of a poll, not the actual voting results?
To: yonif
The forces in favor of a hard-line campaign against terror have been strengthened inside the Likud. Its too early to say if Israel has turned a corner in leaving the Oslo debacle behind it but time will tell.
9 posted on
05/02/2004 6:29:04 PM PDT by
(In Memory Of A Dearly Beloved Friend Who Lives On In My Heart Forever)
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