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US to help Palestinans take control of Gaza
Jerusalem Post ^ | Apr. 27, 2004 | JANINE ZACHARIA

Posted on 04/26/2004 10:26:25 PM PDT by yonif

The State Department said on Monday that the United States would assist the Palestinians as they assume control of the Gaza Strip after an Israeli withdrawal, but rejected a claim from a former senior US envoy that responsibility for what happens in Gaza will fall to Washington.

On Sunday, former US ambassador to Israel Martin Indyk wrote in the Washington Post that neither the collapsed PA nor Egypt would be equipped to take charge of Palestinian affairs in Gaza once Israel pulls out. "Instead, de facto responsibility for what happens in Gaza once Israel withdraws will fall to the United States," he wrote.

"One wonders whether (President) Bush really appreciates what he is getting himself and the United States into. Having trumpeted his support for an independent Palestinian state, he is now taking on responsibility for ensuring that the Gaza mini-state created by Israel's withdrawal does not turn into a failed terrorist state," Indyk wrote.

"Like it or not, Bush's endorsement of the Sharon plan means that the United States will end up inhering the problems of Gaza," he added.

State Department spokesman Richard Boucher acknowledged it was unclear how the Gaza withdrawal would unfold but said, "certainly the idea that the United States is taking over Gaza is pretty far-fetched."

"The Israelis pull out, the Palestinians have to take authority in Gaza, have to take responsibility in Gaza," Boucher added. We'll support them as will others."

Speaking at the Brookings Institution on Monday, Senator Joseph Lieberman (D-Connecticut), a former presidential candidate who is now campaigning with Democratic candidate John Kerry, said the Palestinians should decide how Gaza is ruled.

"The question of who ultimately governs Gaza after Israel withdraws is ultimately up to the Palestinians," Lieberman said.

Israel is hoping a third party will step in to take temporary control of real estate evacuated by Israel so that the property does not fall into the hands of Hamas. The future of the Gaza Strip will undoubtedly be discussed at a meeting on Friday in London of envoys representing the Quartet – the US, UN, EU and Russia. Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs William Burns will represent the US, Boucher said. The talks are preparatory for a meeting of the Quartet ministers scheduled to take place in New York on May 4.

TOPICS: Extended News; Foreign Affairs; Israel; News/Current Events; War on Terror
KEYWORDS: gaza; gazaplan; israel; waronterrorism
98% of Gaza right now is under the Palestinian Authority terrorist regime. Terrorism is sponsored by that regime and the groups under it. Removing all Jewish presence in Gaza will futher increase the terrorism. Entrust a terrorist regime to go after terrorists? Nope. Oslo already proved it.

This article provides more evidence of the dangers the Gaza Plan (which also includes leaving northern Judea and Samaria) brings for Israel. More terror, more body bags and the strengthening of the terrorist regime known as the Palestinian Authority.

the Palestinians have to take authority in Gaza, have to take responsibility in Gaza,

They ALREADY are in authority in most of Gaza. And what has that led to? Murder of Jews. Maybe if we give them the addition 2% it will stop.../sarcasm.

Sharon's Gaza Plan is a disaster.

1 posted on 04/26/2004 10:26:26 PM PDT by yonif
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To: SJackson; Yehuda; Nachum; Paved Paradise; Thinkin' Gal; Bobby777; adam_az; Alouette; IFly4Him; ...
2 posted on 04/26/2004 10:26:47 PM PDT by yonif ("So perish all Thine enemies, O the Lord" - Judges 5:31)
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To: yonif
Yonif, you are correct. This Gaza plan is ill-conceived, no matter how many in Israel government get pressured or hookwinked into supporting it. Benny Begin came out of retirement today to say the same thing, and his assessments have been right every time, including what disasters what come to Israel from trusting the promises of Arafat and his cronies for peace under the Oslo Accords. Israel abandoned most of the Arab West Bank to the PA and is now less secure than before. All that resulted was a weakening of Israel's position and ever bolder mass killings to try to wipe out Israel.
3 posted on 04/26/2004 10:51:59 PM PDT by Seeing More Clearly Now
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To: Seeing More Clearly Now
Thank you for seeing clearly :)

Let us hope the Likud vote on May 2nd goes against Sharon's plan. It is neck and neck right now from reports I have read in the Israeli press.

However, Sharon has hinted that it may not matter, and either way he will go on with it.

Another thing which the media in Israel has failed to do is show what Bush said in his speech. The fact of the matter is that what was said was either US policy already, or was vauge. Statements coming from the US days after the meeting have shown that this Gaza explusion plan of Jews is nothing but another step in the roadmap, and the "peace process" is to continue and nothing has been decided yet on any issue.

One of the main reasons this plan is dangerous is the fact those Qassam missiles and other rockets will have increase range to strike at Israel, especially Ashkelon an Israeli city less than 10km away.

Also another misnomer is that Israel is leaving Gaza. The fact is Israel will continue to provide electricity, etc. allow workers in (you probably saw that in Begin's editorial). In fact Israel is pretty much out of Gaza as it is with Israeli presence only on .02% of Gaza's population.

This plan just removes the 7000 Jews from Gaza and makes Gaza Jew-free.

The PLO terrorists have also already said they welcome this move as a victory for their "resistance" and they will continue until Israel is destroyed.

4 posted on 04/26/2004 10:59:35 PM PDT by yonif ("So perish all Thine enemies, O the Lord" - Judges 5:31)
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To: yonif
Sharon's Gaza plan is a disaster

Let's put responsibility where it belongs..
It's the Oslo plan that is a disaster..
It's "Land for Peace" that is a disaster..

Arafat was once exiled to Tunisia.
Israel let him return, and with Arafat came the PLO, Hamas, Intifada, Death, Murder, Ruination.....

Once Israel is completely out of the disputed lands, then Arafat and his goons cannot blame "Israeli occupation" for their woes..
If a Palestinian state is ever formed, attacks can be considered an "act of war" and REAL retaliation can take place..

5 posted on 04/26/2004 11:09:03 PM PDT by Drammach (The Wolves are at the Door... Hey, Kids! Your lunch is here!)
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To: Drammach
If a Palestinian state is ever formed, attacks can be considered an "act of war" and REAL retaliation can take place..

Then why doesn't the world, including the US, view Hizbullah actions under the cover of Lebanon as an act of war? Israel left southern Lebanon and now Hizbullah is a state factor and it still attacks Israel even though the occupation has ended.

Give me one good reason leaving Gaza and northern Judea and Samaria, as this plan entails, is good for Israel?

What good is the creation of a PLO state? An Israeli invasion will not happen as the new state will sign defense pacts with Arab countries and have international forces on the border preventing Israeli action like in Lebanon currently.

Leaving Gaza and northern Judea and Samaria is another step in giving more land to terrorists and proof terror pay in the end.

The PA is in control of Gaza nowadays with 98% of the whole land and it is still not viewed by the US or the world as a terrorist entity.

The world and the US continue to send it money.

Also, the disputed lands include ALL OF ISRAEL, so it doesn't matter if it leaves Gaza or the "West Bank" the Arabs will still view it as "occupation."

Israel can't afford to give up any more land to terrorists. Oslo proved, as you state correctly, what such a thing does.

6 posted on 04/26/2004 11:15:31 PM PDT by yonif ("So perish all Thine enemies, O the Lord" - Judges 5:31)
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To: yonif
98% of Gaza right now is under the Palestinian Authority terrorist regime. Terrorism is sponsored by that regime and the groups under it. Removing all Jewish presence in Gaza will futher increase the terrorism. Entrust a terrorist regime to go after terrorists? Nope. Oslo already proved it. This article provides more evidence of the dangers the Gaza Plan (which also includes leaving northern Judea and Samaria) brings for Israel. More terror, more body bags and the strengthening of the terrorist regime known as the Palestinian Authority.

Frankly, the only solution I see to the Palestinian problem is to withdraw all Israeli settlements from Palestinian areas, build the Wall, keep every last Palestinian on the non-Israeli side of the Wall and let them do as they please.

If the Palestinians descend into total anarchy, that is not Israel's or America's problem.

If the Palestenian economy crashes and burns, let Egypt worry about that.

If Israel needs workers to do the jobs that Israelis won't do, give worker's visas to Mexicans and have El-Al flying back and forth between Tel-Aviv and Mexico City.

If the independent Palestinian State allows rocket attacks over The Wall (an act of war), strike back with airstrikes against Gaza's infrastructure (an act of war).

As long as Israel has a border that Palestinians can cross, the terror will continue.

7 posted on 04/26/2004 11:34:02 PM PDT by Polybius
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To: yonif
I personally believe in Transfer.. Immeadiate and Irrevocable..
So, I really have no complaint with anything you are saying..

I am just pointing out that from the '67 war until Oslo, Israel was at least heading in the right direction.
They had gotten rid of Arafat and his goons, and might have eventually outlasted all the left-wing media recriminations. (well, the latter, that will probably never end.)

With Oslo, and land for peace, a deal with the devil was made, one that Israel can never win.
The only true solution is to declare Oslo invalid, and throw "those arabs who call themselves palestinians" out.
Completely out, out of Israel, out of Gaza, out of the West Bank..

But, as long as Israel, and for now, Sharon, want to continue to "play the game", then one takes what one can get and hopes for the best..
Possibly, (a very remote possibly) there is some "plan" in mind, to acheive peace, or show the arabs in their true light to the world, I don't know.. I'm just speculating..

As long as arabs remain anywhere in Israel there can be no peace, no security..
I think both of us agree on that..
I'm just trying to stay somewhat positive, and hopeful, that Sharon and the rest know what they're doing.. Regardless of my constant doubts...

8 posted on 04/26/2004 11:37:44 PM PDT by Drammach (The Wolves are at the Door... Hey, Kids! Your lunch is here!)
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To: Polybius
Frankly, the only solution I see to the Palestinian problem is to withdraw all Israeli settlements from Palestinian areas, build the Wall, keep every last Palestinian on the non-Israeli side of the Wall and let them do as they please.

So terrorism has succeeded. They get more land. There is the expulsion of hundreds of thousands of Jews. Why not do it the other way around? What is the use going back to 1967 border?

How will the wall protect against Qassam rockets and mortars being fired at Israeli cities?

Doing this will allow them a free reign to committ terror. They will continue to dig tunnels, sneak in through Egypt, etc.

There is no point here. What Israel needs to do is declare soverignty all over Gaza and the "West Bank."

And what about the 1.5Million Arabs who are Israeli citizens right now and live in Israel?

If the independent Palestinian State allows rocket attacks over The Wall (an act of war), strike back with airstrikes against Gaza's infrastructure (an act of war).

And what happens if this state has defense pacts with Arab states? And international forces on its border? Israel will not be able to act. Look at Lebanon. Lebanon attacks Israel daily with its Hizbullah terror group. This is not seen as an act of war. And Israel can't act due to UN forces providing cover for this terror.

9 posted on 04/26/2004 11:46:03 PM PDT by yonif ("So perish all Thine enemies, O the Lord" - Judges 5:31)
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To: Drammach
I agree. Oslo set a precedent. And Israel continues down its path with tactiful US policy which calls for a "peace process" and a roadmap to "peace."
10 posted on 04/26/2004 11:47:15 PM PDT by yonif ("So perish all Thine enemies, O the Lord" - Judges 5:31)
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To: yonif
So terrorism has succeeded. They get more land. There is the expulsion of hundreds of thousands of Jews. Why not do it the other way around? What is the use going back to 1967 border?

They get more land than what? Than they had in 1967? Israel can decide where it needs The Wall to go and annex the necessary territory.

In military terms, a vulnerable position extending into enemy territory is called a "salient". Salients are not good.

As far as the Israelis on the wrong side of the fence, they need to get back aboard the Good Ship Israel.

Pictured above is the the Good Ship Israel. Does it make any sense at all for a certain percentage of the crew to decide that they are going to live in the shark infested waters instead of inside the ship? When ordered back aboard, should they complain about being expelled from the ocean?

How will the wall protect against Qassam rockets and mortars being fired at Israeli cities?

It won't. Massive retaliation by the Israeli Air Force is what would stop such attacks. A rocket lands in Israel and a Palestinian radio station is obliterated. Another rocket lands in Israel and a Palestrinian Government building is obliterated. Another rocket lands in Israel and a Palestrinian electric power plant is obliterated.

What the Wall does prevent is Palestinians coming across the border with explosives and blowing up yet another bus full of Israelis.

Doing this will allow them a free reign to committ terror. They will continue to dig tunnels, sneak in through Egypt, etc.

If Israel needs lessons on how to protect a Fenceline, they can visit U.S. Naval Base, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba where I was stationed for a year. The "Fenceline" was merely a flimsy chain-link fence that came up to my waist. Beyond our side of the Fenceline was a one mile-wide mine field no-man's land that a deer could not cross without getting blown to bits. Beyond that, were the Marines. If the Palestinians can dig a mile long tunnel without being detected, the Cuban Army would like to hire them.

There is no point here. What Israel needs to do is declare soverignty all over Gaza and the "West Bank."

Why not just buy every Israeli 20 King Cobras to let loose inside their bedrooms?

What will be done with the 1,132,000 Palestinians living in the Gaza Strip?

Live with them as fellow Israeli citizens?

Kill them all?

Kick them out of the Gaza Strip into Egypt so that they can erect the City of New Gaza just beyond the new Israeli border?

Israel cannot live in peace with those fanatics inside of Israel. The only options are either complete segregation of the Palestinians from Israel or complete annihilation of the Palestinians.

And what about the 1.5Million Arabs who are Israeli citizens right now and live in Israel?

Are they Israelis or not? Are they loyal or not? If the answer is "yes" to both questions, they stay in Israel. If the answer is "no", then they are traitors, you strip them of their Israeli citizenship and you deport them.

And what happens if this state has defense pacts with Arab states? And international forces on its border? Israel will not be able to act. Look at Lebanon. Lebanon attacks Israel daily with its Hizbullah terror group. This is not seen as an act of war. And Israel can't act due to UN forces providing cover for this terror.

If the year is 1941 and Japan has a defense pact with Nazi Germany and Japan attacks the U.S. then the U.S. wages war upon both Japan and Germany.

Since when has Israel been afraid to make war upon Egypt, Syria and Jordan, all in the same war?

As far as the U.N., they will turn tail as soon as a shooting war starts, Case in point: Iraq.

Israel can't continue to live with the non-Israeli Palestinian cancer inside Israeli society. Israel needs to live completely separately from those fanatics and vigorously answer every attack from beyond it's border with a greater counter-attack with it's air-power.

11 posted on 04/27/2004 1:11:32 AM PDT by Polybius
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To: yonif
The U.S. Third World Department of State takes the lead again! The terrorist handholders and promoters under the guise of diplomacy!
12 posted on 04/27/2004 4:32:56 AM PDT by TrueBeliever9 (aut viam inveniam aut faciam (where there is a will - there is a way)
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To: dennisw; Cachelot; Yehuda; Nix 2; veronica; Catspaw; knighthawk; Alouette; Optimist; weikel; ...
If you'd like to be on or off this middle east/political ping list, please FR mail me.
13 posted on 04/27/2004 5:41:42 AM PDT by SJackson (If she'd lived, Kopechne would be 62..Ted Kennedy would have brought comfort to her in her old age)
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To: Seeing More Clearly Now
Give Gaza back to Egypt. Then consolidate the West bank and send all the Palis there to Egypt.

14 posted on 04/27/2004 6:56:16 AM PDT by EQAndyBuzz (60 Senate seats changes America.)
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To: yonif
If Gaza is to be Jew-free, then Israel should be Moslem free. I simply don't understand,,,

But who can know the ways of the LORD?

I have guessed here though:

Isaiah Chapter 10

[1] Woe to those who decree iniquitous decrees, and the writers who keep writing oppression,
[2] to turn aside the needy from justice and to rob the poor of my people of their right, that widows may be their spoil, and that they may make the fatherless their prey!
*-----> Sounds like the U.N. to me!

[12] When the Lord has finished all his work on Mount Zion and on Jerusalem he will punish the arrogant boasting of the king of Assyria and his haughty pride.
*-----> Above is obvious to Jews and Christians.

[16] Therefore the Lord, the LORD of hosts, will send wasting sickness among his stout warriors, and under his glory a burning will be kindled, like the burning of fire.
*-----> "wasting sickness", radiation sickness?
*-----> "a burning will be kindled, like the burning of fire" Atomic blast?

[17] The light of Israel will become a fire, and his Holy One a flame; and it will burn and devour his thorns and briers in one day.
*-----> In one day, a big BOOM! Hard to imagine otherwise.

[22] For though your people Israel be as the sand of the sea, only a remnant of them will return. Destruction is decreed, overflowing with righteousness.
*-----> The Holocaust, only a remnant returns to Israel.

[33] Behold, the Lord, the LORD of hosts will lop the boughs with terrifying power; the great in height will be hewn down, and the lofty will be brought low.
[34] He will cut down the thickets of the forest with an axe, and Lebanon with its majestic trees will fall.

*-----> NOT a good day to be a follower of the moon god allah!
15 posted on 04/27/2004 7:17:30 AM PDT by RonHolzwarth
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