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Censorship in arts 'healthy,' Pat Boone says
washington times ^
| 4 23 04
| Steve Miller
Posted on 04/23/2004 4:32:12 PM PDT by freepatriot32
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"I don't think censorship is a bad word, but it has become a bad word because everybody associates it with some kind of restriction on liberty,"
Has pat boone completely lost his freaking mind?
Comment #2 Removed by Moderator
To: *ACLU_List; *NOTEWORTHY; *Philosophy Time; *libertarians; *gov_watch; *Constitution List; ...
posted on
04/23/2004 4:37:50 PM PDT
(today it was the victory act tomorrow its victory coffee, victory cigarettes...)
To: freepatriot32
Let's start with his songs.
To: freepatriot32
I'm all up for censorship, and first on the choping block is Pat's absurd "heavy metal" album from a few years back.
posted on
04/23/2004 4:43:20 PM PDT
To: freepatriot32
O-o0-0o-o-O. Stirring up a hornet's nest!!!
But, just for argument's sake, name one culture that produced great art that did not also practice some form of censorship. Go ahead, I'm waiting.
posted on
04/23/2004 4:45:54 PM PDT
(LBJ sent him. Nixon expressed him home. And Kerry's too dumb to tell them apart!)
To: johnfrink
Censor this:
To: Bluntpoint
AHHHHHH i changed my mind i love censorship now lets start by outlawing that picture and putting everyone that posted it on theweb in federal prison :-D
posted on
04/23/2004 5:00:53 PM PDT
(today it was the victory act tomorrow its victory coffee, victory cigarettes...)
To: freepatriot32
What an anti-American tool this guy is.............................
posted on
04/23/2004 5:04:12 PM PDT
(Congress shall make no law... abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press...)
To: freepatriot32
The libs have equated censorship with not spending public money on offensive garbage. I say let the free market pay for this stuff and most of it would probably disappear.
posted on
04/23/2004 5:12:01 PM PDT
To: freepatriot32
Censorship in arts 'healthy,' Pat Boone saysYou copy/pasted the article title wrong.
The quotes should instead have been around the word 'arts'.
To: lizma
posted on
04/23/2004 5:15:02 PM PDT
(mis spellers of the world: untie!)
To: freepatriot32
posted on
04/23/2004 5:17:34 PM PDT
Dan from Michigan
("12 hours outta Mackinaw City, stopped at the bar to have a brew.....")
To: freepatriot32
Has pat boone completely lost his freaking mind?Nope. It's our pathetic excuse for American "culture" that has completely lost its freaking mind.
Right on, Pat!
To: freepatriot32
I like Pat Boone.
He makes Jimmy Dean look smart.
posted on
04/23/2004 5:30:55 PM PDT
(freepo ergo sum)
To: freepatriot32
Yeah, it's such a shame that freedom of speech is so violently oppressed in this country by the jackbooted thugs who censor the freedom of expression of the child pornographers. (Hey! Child pornographers are people too!!)
But I think our culture is moving in the right direction, don't you? We just got our first bared breast in the middle of family hour on national TV. So things are moving in the right direction, yes?
Every time I go into local grocery stores, I optimistically scan the magazines on the checkout shelves, hoping that at long last that glorious day has arrived when we can gaze longingly at photos of naked models getting it off with farm animals while waiting for our groceries to be scanned. But alas, that day has not yet arrived. Sigh!
Every time I visit the WalMart, I hopefully glance up to see if they are now allowing photos of child-adult sex on the magazine covers. But again, my hopes are always dashed! (And people claim we have a free country? HA!!)
Oh, what a wonderful day that will be when we finally have evolved so far upwards as a culture that we can see all these things and more right in front of our eyes, whichever direction we happen to turn our gaze in, 24 by 7!
Yes!! Let freedom ring! Only when kiddie porn and necrophilic porn and animal sex photos in full glossy poster size are surrounding us all day long, will we finally be able to say that for the very first time in American history the First Amendment's guarantee of Freedom Of Speech has come true!!!
To: CardCarryingMember.VastRightWC
thats all well and good but if the goverment censors tv to the extent pat wants it to the only station we will have is pbs! have you ever watched pbs? its more boring then c span on a sunday afternoon
posted on
04/23/2004 5:49:50 PM PDT
(today it was the victory act tomorrow its victory coffee, victory cigarettes...)
To: CardCarryingMember.VastRightWC
Here's the problem:
The culture itself used to censor it, with shaming and expressions of revulsion.
Once the government has to do it, something has been lost.
I advocate the return of shame in the culture (i.e. young people realize that such animalistic displays hurt them, hurt thier marriages, hurt thier futures and thier health and their future happiness) but I ain't holding my breath.
posted on
04/23/2004 5:50:02 PM PDT
(I suppose JFnKerry might have fought well; he just doesn't have the convictions of his courage.)
To: freepatriot32
Who cares what Pat Boone has to say about anything besides, maybe, love letters in the sand? This has to be a joke.
To: Dan from Michigan
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