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Where Are God's Warriors and Wild Men?
TownHall ^
| Apr. 17, 2004
| Doug Giles
Posted on 04/17/2004 1:06:57 PM PDT by DemWatch
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posted on
04/17/2004 1:06:58 PM PDT
To: DemWatch
I think that's one reason why the old protestant churches are dying & the evangelical churches are booming.
posted on
04/17/2004 1:09:00 PM PDT
(Vote Toomey -- appeasement doesn't work)
To: DemWatch
My church is about 50/50, YMMV
posted on
04/17/2004 1:09:21 PM PDT
To: delapaz
I should mention that I go to a Conservative dare I say fundamentalist church in a prosperous community, we average about 1500 Sunday morning attendance. I don't see any lack of men attending.
posted on
04/17/2004 1:10:40 PM PDT
To: Tribune7
When my daughter & I went to a bone fide Latin Mass in NYC the one thing we both noticed was that there were A LOT of men in attendance.
I certainly expected to see a lot of little old ladies, but that wasn't the way it was at all.
It's ok, I think the Islamofacists will actually help us. I do, in the long run our faith in God, and our faith in MEN will be renewed.
posted on
04/17/2004 1:15:13 PM PDT
(The dems don't get it, the American people do.)
To: DemWatch
Interesting. Worth noting,however: in many cultures, women are the "Keepers of the Faith".
posted on
04/17/2004 1:15:58 PM PDT
(So little time - so many FLAMES to light !!)
To: DemWatch
One last word for the young Christian man: Do you want to grow up quickly?
Then leave mommys familiar, safe haven and venture out into the danger zone.
I think John Piper's book "Don't Waste Your Life" might make good reading for this target
(even if it's not "gender-specific")
posted on
04/17/2004 1:21:36 PM PDT
To: DemWatch; farmfriend; hellinahandcart
"Ditto regarding the worship/music leader. And make sure your new testosterone laden songmeister is outfitted with weighty worship music instead of the saccharine-laced slush we have had to sing ad nauseam et infinitum for the last, oh, 100 years. Thats a pretty simple can-do
dont you think?" I second that emotion. 'Pod is definitely not a fan of what passes for contemporary hymns in church these days.
posted on
04/17/2004 1:22:38 PM PDT
("How do you know he's a King?" "Because he doesn't have sh!t all over him.")
To: delapaz
YMMV? What does that mean?
posted on
04/17/2004 1:23:54 PM PDT
("How do you know he's a King?" "Because he doesn't have sh!t all over him.")
To: DemWatch
posted on
04/17/2004 1:26:46 PM PDT
To: DemWatch
Mr. Giles has absolutely hit the nail on the head. The problem is slowly choking the life out of the Christian church.
I highly recommend the book Wild at Heart by John Eldredge. He speaks to this issue at length. It has had a profound impact on my life.
I particularly like this passage from "Pilgrim's Progress" by John Bunyan:
Then the Interpreter took Christian and led him up toward the door of the palace; and behold, at the door stood a great company of men, as desirous to go in, but dared not. There also sat a man at a little distance from the door, at a tableside, with a book and his inkhorn before him, to take the names of them that should enter therein; he saw also that in the doorway stood many men in armor to keep it, being resolved to do the men that would enter what hurt and mischief they could. Now was Christian somewhat in amaze. At last, when every man fell back for fear of the armed men, Christian saw a man of a very stout countenance come up to the man that sat there to write, saying, "Set down my name, sir," the which when he had done, he saw the man draw his sword, and put a helmet upon his head, and rush toward the door upon the armed men, who laid upon him with deadly force; but the man, not at all discouraged, fell to cutting and hacking most fiercely. So after he had received and given many wounds to those that attempted to keep him out, he cut his way through them all, and pressed forward into the palace.
posted on
04/17/2004 1:29:55 PM PDT
Prince Caspian
(Don't ask if it's risky... Ask if the reward is worth the risk)
To: DemWatch
My first impression upon meeting an effeminate guy is that he is either gay or the pillar of his local church. (or both)
IMHO, Jesus was a tough-as-nails, macho kind of guy.
MY God is no pansy!
To: DemWatch
One major purpose of weekly church ritual is to remind us that we were human, and prone to make mistakes. These mistakes we commonly make are pitfalls that appear to a single-person in the context of a single-person's lifespan as a "good" choice, but later turn out to be a "bad" choice. Only the thousands of years that span a church's experience can show that historically these habits turn out to have more repercussions than advantages. We go to church to remind us of these pitfalls, and to learn from traditional conservative stories about how to be better people. We go to church to help us bring our daily subconscious auto-pilot habits up to the conscious where we can analyze them and make adjustments.
I suspect to answer your question of why men are not going to church is that church does not seem to be meeting this conservative purpose as effectively as it once did. For example, Vatican II and the rise in scandals. I personally have seen an increase in politics of the church, such as those concerning Iraq. This is not why I go to church. As for me, a hard-core mathematician and software architect, religion has but one single purpose: It's all about being a good person. If I feel that the church is not making me become a better person, but rather wasting my time and money, I will stop going, as I have recently.
posted on
04/17/2004 1:31:07 PM PDT
To: DemWatch
Then leave mommys familiar, safe haven and venture out into the danger zone. As Leon Podles said, Go find your Holy Grail; go meet the strange, meet the unfamiliar. Protect people; lead people; rescue people. Fight inequities and absurdities. Beware, young man, of parents and pastors who want to mother you. Avoid the secure; Fear over-protection; and happily accept the masculine task of the patriarch, the prophet, the warrior and wild man."
This is probably the stupidest preaching I've ever heard. What next?
"Tune in, kids, turn on, drop out. Mom and dad are pigs. Come live in the park . . ."
To: DemWatch
This is it in a nutshell:
cheer on Pastor Wayne to serve up the solid meat of the scripture.
When God is preached, then God will draw men to Himself. Any other philosophy which is contradictory to God's Word is NOT God's philosophy.
The writer didn't say this exactly, but get women out of places of preaching. It is contrary to Scripture and therefore, shouldn't happen.
posted on
04/17/2004 1:40:17 PM PDT
To: DemWatch
Maybe if denominations stopped ordaining "Nancy Boys" and churches stopped hiring them as music ministers, there'd be less in the churches.
posted on
04/17/2004 1:41:29 PM PDT
(Fallujah delenda est.)
To: delapaz
My church is about 50/50, YMMV Ditto for my Anglican church. Skewed a bit by the number of widows, but that's balanced by the RC wives who usually are elsewhere.
And we have two excellent, strong voices out in front in the hymns (1940 hymnal, with plenty that's not saccharin) -- both male.
posted on
04/17/2004 1:42:31 PM PDT
(Sacrificing tagline fame for... TRAD ANGLICAN RESOURCE PAGE:
To: Eala
(And definitely not gay...)
posted on
04/17/2004 1:44:29 PM PDT
(Sacrificing tagline fame for... TRAD ANGLICAN RESOURCE PAGE:
To: DemWatch
My pastor makes no bones about the leadership role of men in the church and in the family. He teaches the Bible and all its implications without shame. I think there are far too many churches with the "touchy-feely" attitudes that are becoming apostate, and that is part of the problem. Of course, if more men would attend, there might be more pressure to stay true. It may be another "chicken-egg" question...
posted on
04/17/2004 1:48:40 PM PDT
(Ain't God good . . .)
To: DemWatch
Have you ever asked yourself, Self
why do churches today look more like the lingerie department at Wal-Mart, than a battalion of men poised to plunder the powers of darkness? Nope, never.
First lesson in writing, pal - don't lose your audience in the first line!
posted on
04/17/2004 1:52:03 PM PDT
(I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered. My life is my own.)
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