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GORELICK GATE: Gorelick Memo Exposes 'Feckless' Clinton Policy
Insight On The News ^
| April 13, 2004
| By Kenneth R. Timmerman
Posted on 04/14/2004 7:20:03 AM PDT by joinedafterattack
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What else can Gorelick testify about.
To: joinedafterattack
"You think you are gonna ask me why I dared refuse repeat DOJ requests for investigations of dangerous illegal aliens.
You think you are gonna ask me why I arranged to stovepipe intelligence to make intraagency effective communication useless.
You think you are gonna ask me why I illegal aliens who were felons became voters for our Democratic party.
You think you are gonna ask me why I OK'd the use of stolen FBI files onDNC computers.
Following LBJ, your gonads are in my fist. Now go away. "
posted on
04/14/2004 7:28:53 AM PDT
(If you mess with one of us, you mess with all of us)
Comment #3 Removed by Moderator
To: joinedafterattack
Remove Jamie Gorelick
If the 9-11 commission is wanting to investigate and reveal the reasons 9-11 occured it needs to look no further than one of it's own members of the panel: Jamie Gorelick (Deputy Attorney General 1994-1997 under former President Clinton)
To: Diogenesis
She looks like a real gore-lick.
To: Baynative
Or, letting the crime suspect be a part of the jury. Outrageous.
posted on
04/14/2004 7:43:48 AM PDT
(First, the journalists, THEN the lawyers.)
To: joinedafterattack
This commission is joke, and dangerous for our security and the safety of our troops. What is the matter with these people, and why doesn't someone shut this down?
posted on
04/14/2004 7:47:57 AM PDT
(Kerry has more flip flops than Waikiki Beach)
To: joinedafterattack
Do you know how hard it is to keep reminding myself that her name has 3 syllables?
posted on
04/14/2004 7:49:44 AM PDT
To: Blue Highway
WTF? She was transforming herself into a Young Reno? Behold the power of Janet Reno.
Ia!Ia! Reno F'thagn
To: joinedafterattack
GORELICK: The new mouth of the Potomac.
posted on
04/14/2004 7:09:13 PM PDT
(Who would OBL vote for?)
To: Diogenesis
Not only should this "babe" be off the 9/11 Commission,
She belongs in JAIL !
Dick Morris just said (on Hannity and Colmes) she is the individual most directly responsible for 9/11. I agree!
posted on
04/14/2004 7:17:11 PM PDT
To: joinedafterattack
Hey, let Gorelick stay on the commission. When it issues its bipartisan report and if it attacks GW in any way, her finger in the pie will completely discount it.
If the commissioners cannot agree on a bipartisan report and chooses to issue majority and minority reports, any report she has her oar in will also be discounted.
She's in a no-win position and is dragging Kerrey, Bin Venasty and the others right down with her. I love it!
posted on
04/14/2004 7:24:57 PM PDT
(Paradise is not lost! You'll find it May 22 aboard "FReeps Ahoy 3". Register now for the cruise!)
To: joinedafterattack; Liz; Howlin
posted on
04/14/2004 7:35:04 PM PDT
(Hillary, I want my FBI file back...)
To: Libloather
On H&C tonight, Dick Morris said that Jamie Gorelick was t blame for 9-11.
posted on
04/14/2004 7:39:37 PM PDT
To: joinedafterattack
When questioned after today's hearing about Gorelick's removal, Chairman Kean had the unmitigated gall to said that she was one of the best commission members. He also said (paraphrasing) that folks should stay out of the commission's business.
I screamed at him that it was our business. Kean's arrogance overwhelmed me. The Dems got the gold and we got the shaft.
posted on
04/14/2004 7:53:57 PM PDT
(The 9-11 Commission ain't worth a bucket of warm spit. Make that half a bucket.)
To: auboy
Chairman Kean had the unmitigated gall to said that she was one of the best commission members. He also said (paraphrasing) that folks should stay out of the commission's business.He's right; it's none of our business. The commission has been established by Congress and it can run as constituted and nobody will force it to change. OTOH talk radio will simply refer to it not as the "Kean" Commission but the "Gorelick Commission." Not as the "September 11" Commission but the "Cover-up Commission." Its recommendations will be DOA.
To: Howlin
On LKL tonight Ben Veniste said that the Commission Chairman, Keane, had ASKED the commission members to go on TV shows. He also said that he had only gone on 10% of those that invited him.
FN said last night that the commissioners had AVERAGED 6 TV appearances each. The only exception to all this was Fielding.
To: conservatism_IS_compassion
He's right; it's none of our business.Kean may be correct, technically speaking, but he's not right.
posted on
04/14/2004 8:26:36 PM PDT
(The 9-11 Commission ain't worth a bucket of warm spit. Make that half a bucket.)
To: Howlin; PhilDragoo; risk
Posted earlier today on =
Nothing happened in the CLINTON White House without HILLARY knowing about it.
"Whenever BILL CLINTON was away, or out of town, HILLARY sat in the Oval Office" =
...stated Author Chris Andersen in his bestselling book titled:
..'BILL & HILLARY: The Marriage'
Now we know why..?
And now HILLARY coughs up GORELICK =
'MORRIS: GORELICK U.S. Official Most Responsible for 9/11' .
posted on
04/14/2004 8:40:43 PM PDT
(Vet-Battle of IA DRANG-1965
To: auboy
If Kean's arrogance overwhelmed you then you have a lot to learn about the Bluebloods who feel they, not you, know what's best for you. This is not just a Democratic disease. The country club Republican crowd, whether they be Jersey types like Kean,or the Long Island Gold Coast types of the past always knew best. You still see this with the likes of David Rockefeller. Though I do say, having met his brother Nelson, that Nelson was a blueblood with a connection to the people. The rest??? They're no better than the nanny state Dems.
posted on
04/14/2004 8:52:06 PM PDT
(" You have never tasted freedom my friend, else you would know, it is purchased not with gold, but w)
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