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To: Unam Sanctam
Europeans who are brave only against their friends

That implies they consider America their friend. Those days are past. Because America is basically a tolerant and relatively passive superpower, we stand mute while Euroweenie "leaders" like Zapazero bluster and strut in front of their adoring leftist publics about how they are standing up to America.

Don't confuse this international issue as one purely of power struggles or the legitimacy of the UN. It is an ideological struggle between the right (conservative America) and the left (most of the rest of the world) with regard to politics, and freedom vs. totalitarianism (the West vs. Islamofascism and statist powers) with regard to open warfare. The conflict between America and Europe is a smoldering version of the same conflict between America and the Islamofascists because the European soul is straddling both sides of the fence between freedom and statism. Am I the only one who sees it this way?

6 posted on 03/18/2004 11:12:08 AM PST by kezekiel
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To: kezekiel
I think you are correct and would offer that shades of WWII loom over this WOT. Old Europe is deluding itself once again and through negotiations with its enemies will fall under the rule of any 'ism' Nazism through Islamofacism.

WTC, USS Cole and all of the other Acts of War ignored by previous Admin were treated as bank robberies. 9/11 was the latest Act of War. The difference this time is that this CIC, President Bush, is willing to confront terrorism, Islamfacism and lead. Those who do not wish to follow deserve what happens to them.
7 posted on 03/18/2004 11:23:37 AM PST by BlessedByLiberty (Respectfully submitted,)
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To: kezekiel
I agree with you, the battle is joined and we have better
understand who is on the right side and who is not.
I think we have a lot of ways of countering the Left and one of them is absolute repudiation of the EU and the UN!
No more cheap drugs, no more free defenses, prosecute Kofi & Co. on Iraq Food-4-Oil scam, collect the debts due us from WWII, Cold War, etc., pull out of Kosovo, Haiti & other UN BS missions. Make them stand up and pay their way, no free lunches on the back of American Taxpayers for anyone and especially not these people.
8 posted on 03/18/2004 11:34:49 AM PST by iopscusa (El Vaquero)
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To: kezekiel
I was going to post this article. Glad to see it is all ready posted. As much as I respect David Frum, it is CAPITALISM, not Democracy that the Kerry wing of the International Hysteric Left hates.

To the European Left Capitalism is the enemy. Why do you think they are the chief supporters of Kyoto Treaty? Because Kyoto is the best weapon they have for fundamentally restructuring the World's Economy away from Capitalism. The International Left know it can only achieve it's extremist goals by panicking the people into trading their freedoms for some illusion of security. This borders on being a religion for the Kerry Left. Bush is smarter then that. He sees Socialism for what it really is. A new form of serfdom where the people are enslaved to a new aristocracy of Bureaucrats and Social Engineers. So Bush is the enemy. To the International Kerry Left, anyone who OPPOSES Bush (i.e. evil Capitalist tool) must be right.

Therefore, in the International Kerry Left's world view, as wrong as it is, the Terrorist are fighting the evil multinational business oppressor. The Liberation of Iraq is an evil attempt to impose the dread capitalism on the Iraq people and steal their natural resources. To the Kerry wing of International Socialism, who ever fights the West is automatically an ally or, at the very least, a sympathetic victim. So when you hear Kerry talk about "Internationalizing" the effort, what Kerry is REALLY advocating is surrending our foreign policy to those who hate our basic way of life and wish to change it.
9 posted on 03/18/2004 11:39:30 AM PST by MNJohnnie (If you have to pretend to be something you are not, you have all ready lost the debate)
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