To: Unam Sanctam
...It was not the use of violence that frightens them, but the talk of democracy... Bingo.
2 posted on
03/18/2004 10:52:39 AM PST by
(The democRATS are near the tipping point.)
To: Unam Sanctam
The conceit of this man makes me want to puke. In 3-4 years time Spain is down the tubes economically and he'll be in line begging for handouts since he's going to nationalize all of Spain's social services with huge tax increases extracted from the people. Wouldn't surprise me if the people revolt and send his a** packing. I'm going to remember this post.
3 posted on
03/18/2004 10:59:07 AM PST by
(Veni, Vidi, Vici)
To: Unam Sanctam
Mr. Zapatero, you won. Time to stop campaigning and beging governing.
Uh oh time.
4 posted on
03/18/2004 10:59:31 AM PST by
(Always understand, even if you remain among the few)
To: Unam Sanctam
Kerry is a loose cannon, who gives aid and comfort to the enemy. This nation will never be the same if, God forbid, he wins the election.
Kerry reminds me of those prissy European lords of the 1700's.
5 posted on
03/18/2004 11:04:18 AM PST by
To: Unam Sanctam
Europeans who are brave only against their friends That implies they consider America their friend. Those days are past. Because America is basically a tolerant and relatively passive superpower, we stand mute while Euroweenie "leaders" like Zapazero bluster and strut in front of their adoring leftist publics about how they are standing up to America.
Don't confuse this international issue as one purely of power struggles or the legitimacy of the UN. It is an ideological struggle between the right (conservative America) and the left (most of the rest of the world) with regard to politics, and freedom vs. totalitarianism (the West vs. Islamofascism and statist powers) with regard to open warfare. The conflict between America and Europe is a smoldering version of the same conflict between America and the Islamofascists because the European soul is straddling both sides of the fence between freedom and statism. Am I the only one who sees it this way?
6 posted on
03/18/2004 11:12:08 AM PST by
To: Unam Sanctam
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