1 posted on
03/10/2004 1:08:13 PM PST by
To: SJackson; Yehuda; Nachum; Paved Paradise; Thinkin' Gal; Bobby777; adam_az; Alouette; IFly4Him; ...
2 posted on
03/10/2004 1:08:29 PM PST by
("If I Forget Thee, O Jerusalem, Let My Right Hand Wither" - Psalms 137:5)
To: yonif
Looks like Senator Rockefeller has joined those who see Israel as the root of all evil.
Today he suggested that our Iraqi intelligence came from a called 'rump' group of Israelis.
3 posted on
03/10/2004 1:18:14 PM PST by
(Always understand, even if you remain among the few)
To: yonif
Dear Mr Yonif,
I humbly submit the following...
NPR is a front for the dregs of the socialist left, NPR is pseudo neo-communist propaganda host network with the most radical liberal dialectics. Any attempt to promote your truthful agenda here on FREEP is good. However ... Any attempt to correct the ignorant insanity of the left by "LISTENING" to NPR will cause permanent Brain Damage. I warn you to stop for your own good! Exposure to NPR's left wing propaganda will only result in decay of your brain housing group! You will do much more for the world , and yourself if you never listen to that NPR garbage again! Life is much to short! Remember the story of the guy who continually slammed his head against the brick wall, when someone asked him why? He replied ... It feels so good when I stop, Please Yonif...STOP! sincerely , Jack Armstrong
4 posted on
03/10/2004 5:04:12 PM PST by
Jack Armstrong
(a Post Modern America adrift in the Dark)
To: yonif
Baghdad Bob and John Freaking Kerry for Pres. Yeahhh, That's the ticket.
5 posted on
03/10/2004 7:31:49 PM PST by
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