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Gay Couples Apply For Marriage Licenses In Grand Rapids ^

Posted on 02/21/2004 9:47:54 PM PST by chance33_98

Gay Couples Apply For Marriage Licenses In Grand Rapids

February 20, 2004

GRAND RAPIDS -- The issue of gay marriage is a hot topic nationwide and now, it's heating up here in Grand Rapids.

On Friday, a little over a dozen gay and lesbian couples went to the Kent County Clerk to apply for a marriage license. The clerk provided them with paperwork to apply for a license, but explained they wouldn't be able to process it because gay marriage is illegal in Michigan. The county clerk said the group's efforts should be directed at Lansing.

The couples who turned out expected that outcome but wanted to draw attention to the issue.

A Kent County Commissioner is working on a resolution condemning gay marriage. It's already against state law but the legislature is working on a constitutional amendment that would permanently ban it.

TOPICS: News/Current Events; US: Michigan
KEYWORDS: civilunion; grandrapids; marriage; samesexmarriage; stunt

1 posted on 02/21/2004 9:47:55 PM PST by chance33_98
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To: chance33_98
expect this to happen EVERYWHERE. I am sure all the homosexual websites and email lists have been telling them to do it.

Remember, they want to get it to the point where it won't shock anyone anymore.

2 posted on 02/21/2004 9:54:20 PM PST by GeronL ( a Freeper to Congress!)
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To: GeronL
Yep, that's the plan. Just like they have even gotten to this point.
3 posted on 02/21/2004 9:55:41 PM PST by Rightone
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To: Rightone
In the next few days dozens of cities across the country will have similar reports.
4 posted on 02/21/2004 9:58:33 PM PST by GeronL ( a Freeper to Congress!)
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To: GeronL
This is part of the HRC program to have as many people as possible get rejected for marriage licenses. It is a civil protest plan of the homosexuals. It is intented to dovetail with Mass's homosexual marriage and FFC claims to follow.
5 posted on 02/21/2004 10:10:06 PM PST by longtermmemmory (Vote!)
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To: GeronL
They were doing it last week but everone ignored it. Now the homosexual reporters are telling the HRC to do it again and they will report it.

It is no different than CBS giving kerry a do over for a bad take.
6 posted on 02/21/2004 10:11:17 PM PST by longtermmemmory (Vote!)
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To: longtermmemmory
This is part of the HRC program

Hillary Rodham Clinton?

7 posted on 02/21/2004 10:17:43 PM PST by Paleo Conservative (Do not remove this tag under penalty of law.)
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To: Paleo Conservative
Human Rights Coalition. The misnamed group dedicated for the recognition of homosexual sex as a right under the law. Human Rights Coalition set up a week in Febuary as Marrige Rights Week where homosexuals were to go ask for marriage licenses regardless of if they were to be refused. They really "get off" on the public seeing their sexual behavior.
8 posted on 02/21/2004 10:29:40 PM PST by longtermmemmory (Vote!)
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To: GeronL; chance33_98; Rightone; yonif; VaBthang4; Destro; longtermmemmory; Paleo Conservative; ...
expect this to happen EVERYWHERE. I am sure all the homosexual websites and email lists have been telling them to do it. Remember, they want to get it to the point where it won't shock anyone anymore

Yep, this will start popping up all over the nation, and in virtually all cases it will be rejected. Once that happens the pro-gay marriage activists will tie the rejections with civil rights allusions, and claim that it is the same as the anti-black establishments of the civil rights movements. They will then raise a huge hue and cry all over the nation and the world, claiming that the US actively discriminates and what-not.

Now, once that happens one of two things will occur. The first is that the government will actively fight it, with the support of most of the populace, and win against the pro-gay dudes.

The second is that the government will actively fight against it, with the support of most of the populace, and lose against the pro-gay dudes. The logic behind the pro-gay folk is that they will try to ape the whole civil rights movement. They expect huge resistance from the government and the people, but they are betting that just like the CRmvt that after some time (say a decade) that they will have worn down the system enough to enable changes.

That is their intention. And to be honest with you it is quite brilliant! All they have to do is play a waiting game. And whoever has the most patience will win. It may take a Democrat administration (or congress .....and although i do not see that easily happening time has a way of playing with probabilities). They will also pressure other governments to raise the issue, especially the euro-weenies.

And they will provoke conservative legislatures and judiciaries to take strong measures against them. Why? They know that the moment they appear to be the 'victim of discriminatory oppression' that they will have won a major battle. Case in point: Think about what happened when the media broadcast blacks being hosed down with high-pressure jets and dogs being released on them? Many who were nonchalant about the whole civil rights movmt were galvanized into action, and the Fed govt even started making some noise.

Honestly, this is a huge war between cultures. Conservative values within the US are going to be attacked in a way unseen before, a manner that swathes itself in the garb of the 'innocent and victimized.' Right now the ball is easily in our court ...easily ....however what will happen a decade from now is up in the air. It is not the major issue of this election (the economy is numero uno, with security being a relatively distant second), and it may not even be that major in the mid-term elections a couple of years from now. However look for it to be a big-boy in the 2008 elections.

We have to be prudent, and we have to be strong. The pro-gay movement is not as stupid as it seems, and it plans on using its weakness as a strength. The best analogy here is tha 'tar-baby' symbology ....the one from Brer Rabbit, and the only time (if i recall correctly) where Brer Rabbit is caught (he gets stuck on the tar whenever he hit the tar-baby). We cannot let it just stand there, however we have to be very careful how we handle this situation because it is not as clear-cut as it seems. The pro-gay guys are not just coming out like this because they feel like getting what amounts to be legally worthless marriage certificates! And no, it is not a conspiracy where the 'head-gay' guys are passing notes to tell their fellows to go marry. No, it is not. What it is is a subtle slow-starting movement that will slowly pick up momentum, and unless prudence is applied will be almost unstoppable in the future.

Mark my words on this one. People and the media are just looking at the 'what' and the 'where' (i.e what are these guys trying to do and where are they going to try to get married next). I personally think a good question that is being left out is the 'why!' Why are gay groups suddenly forcing the marriage issue, and even essentially breaking the law to do so? Why?

9 posted on 02/22/2004 2:02:08 AM PST by spetznaz (Nuclear missiles: The ultimate Phallic symbol.)
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To: spetznaz
Why? Homosexuals are useful idiots for the left. The know this and they are using the discomfort of the Democrat party as an opportunity for attention. Its an election year.

They also have the problem of the Democrats falling from power. If not now then when. There is no chance for the homosexuals to succeed if more conservative judges get on the bench. The lawrence decision probably has convinced them that Occonor will side with them giving them a 5-4 in the USSC.

Time for the FMA. Take this issue away from judges.
10 posted on 02/22/2004 2:29:48 AM PST by longtermmemmory (Vote!)
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To: spetznaz
Sen. Clinton makes quick stop in Key West


11 posted on 02/22/2004 3:05:16 AM PST by Elle Bee
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