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Interracially Married Couples Insulted By Comparison of Their Relationships to Gay Marriage
February 20, 2004
| ComtedeMaistre
Posted on 02/20/2004 2:32:42 PM PST by ComtedeMaistre
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I have talked to several Democrats from union households as well, and their party's refusal to oppose gay marriage disgusts them even more than it disgusts me.
To: ComtedeMaistre
someone on another post said he was in interracial marriage and I replied that this must really insult him and that I was sorry that he had to endure this sorry comparison
posted on
02/20/2004 2:35:15 PM PST
To: ComtedeMaistre
I've always thought it to be offensive the way the left lumps gays and minorities together.
posted on
02/20/2004 2:37:27 PM PST
To: ComtedeMaistre
Interracial marriage bans are motivated by racial purity. Their supporters did not want mixed children to dilute the race. Marriage remains an institution to produce and rase children. Skin pigment does not change that fact.
There is no evidence that homosexuals of differnet races were prevented from having orgasms with each other.
An orgasm is not the equivalent of raising a child.
To: mhking
posted on
02/20/2004 2:38:55 PM PST
(Who do you want to pick the next SCOTUS Justices, GWB or Ketchup Boy?)
To: ComtedeMaistre
Yes, it's insulting and I'm looking forward to volunteering for the Bush/Cheney New Mexico campaign. I'm the pale half of a white male/black female marriage, and my wife and I are both quite tired of the comparison.
posted on
02/20/2004 2:42:37 PM PST
To: ComtedeMaistre
Being against people getting married who are different skin pigmentation is totally bizarre and has no source in the Bible.
To: ComtedeMaistre
Gay marriage versus interracial marriage has only one thing in common ..both were not approved of by the majority of the public.
I'd be livid if I were an interracial couple to be used as an example.I am appalled by the gay use of interracial marriage in this manner.
Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman.
posted on
02/20/2004 2:45:20 PM PST
(John Kerry's been AWOL for two decades on issues of National Security!)
To: ComtedeMaistre
A bit off the subject,but not all interracial marriages suffer the same discrimination as others.Sad but true.
One of my children is in an interracial marriage and they have never had any problems,yet I know that this could be a problem in some cases.
Not all races,or minorities,are treated in the same way.
posted on
02/20/2004 2:46:30 PM PST
To: ComtedeMaistre
I was waiting for this to come around. I'm not surprised that interracially married people are tired of being compared to degenerate same-sex couples. This is yet another story you won't see on the alphabet networks (including Fox, which is becoming more liberal by the day).
posted on
02/20/2004 2:47:18 PM PST
(If I had all the money that I had ever spent on beer, I'd go out and get some beer.)
To: Wordsmith wife and I are both quite tired of the comparison. I can't imagine why that would be. /sarcasm
posted on
02/20/2004 2:48:30 PM PST
(If I had all the money that I had ever spent on beer, I'd go out and get some beer.)
To: ComtedeMaistre; All
I am a white male married to a black female. I am very conservative, while my wife considers herself to be in the middle. Neither of us appreciates the comparisons between homosexual marriages and interracial marriages.
I suspect that this issue will end up hurting the Democrats in a way that they'd never consider. Many of their normal everyday supporters (not the lunatics running the Democrat party) are vehemently opposed to the concept of gay marriages. Since most of the black people I know are strongly opposed to gay marriages, I think this issue will harm Democrats with one of their core constituencies - black voters. Blacks do not like being portrayed as something un-natural, nor do they like their strong Christan values to be questioned. If enough black people are made aware of the far Left's stance, the gay marriage issue could seriously harm Democrats. I can't say that such a thing would bother me in the least.
To: ComtedeMaistre
If you believe that homosexuals are hardwired from birth to be gay - then the comparison is more than valid - it is spot on. If you do not believe the 'gay from birth' camp then the comparison is with out merit.
To: ComtedeMaistre
This reminds me of the gays in the military issue when clintoon was running in 92. They compared gays in the military to how blacks used to be discriminated against. I was in the army at the time and was in korea I was on a bus at camp casey and I heard a group of black soldiers complaining about how offended they were of the comparsion between them and gays.
To: ComtedeMaistre
"Interracially Married Couples Insulted By Comparison of Their Relationships to Gay Marriage" Then the progeny of the former slaves should be really pi$$ed off when they learn that homos are being accorded a higher status than blacks because Congress or the court didn't re-define the word, 'Citizen' as defined in the Constitution to include them the way homos are being included in the re-definition of the word, 'Marriage.'
Why didn't the government re-define the word, 'Citizen' to include blacks? Because the word was already defined and they had to invent a new word for 'Citizen' which had essentially the same meaning. This they did with the 14th Amendment.
What has changed since the Civil War that would influence the government to by-pass the amendment procedure? It's because the homos in government know damn well that an amendment to equate marriage with same-sex unions with a new word would fail.
So the court hijacked the word, "Marriage" and circumvented the amendment process completely.
To: DSHambone
Marriage is between a man and a woman.It has nothing to do with whether one believes in hardwired from birth homosexuality or chosen homosexuality .
posted on
02/20/2004 3:00:23 PM PST
(John Kerry's been AWOL for two decades on issues of National Security!)
To: longtermmemmory
Don't need to get married to have an orgasm........
posted on
02/20/2004 3:01:50 PM PST
(Solution for Terrorism: Nuke 'em 'till they glow, then shoot 'em in the dark!)
To: Excuse_My_Bellicosity
What an absolute insult to an interracial couple.
To: MEG33
Gay people have the same rights to marry or not to marry that I have.........I, as a male, can marry a female.......just as any gay man can marry a female. And, just as I cannot marry another man, neither can a gay man. What the homos are proposing are new, special "rights" exclusively for themselves!!!!! So, in other words, in order for them to feel "normal", I have to be discriminated against!!!!!!!!!!!!
posted on
02/20/2004 3:08:39 PM PST
(Solution for Terrorism: Nuke 'em 'till they glow, then shoot 'em in the dark!)
To: ComtedeMaistre
This whole discussion doesn't make sense. Faggots, by definition, can't mary. They can call what they want, but it is marriage.
Marriage is an ancient formalization of the relationship between a male and a female (in some cultures, more than one female) with two basic gender related issues in mind. First, it gives the males exclusive access to the reproductive capapbility of the female; no constant fights or ceremony to woe her. Second, it helps assure that her children are actually his and, therefore, encourages the investment of his time and resources in protecting and raising them.
This is a no-brainer! You don't simply start calling a bunch of pigeaons ducks just because these pigeons think that ducks get a better deal in life. Allowing fairies to force normal people to redefine an old word just to fit the fairies preferences doen't make sense.
posted on
02/20/2004 3:09:17 PM PST
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